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Thread: People getting better with age.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest

    People getting better with age.

    Just got back from vacation in Jamaica and I had a real eye opener while I was there.
    I couldn't believe how overweight and out of shape most of the younger crowd was compared to the 40-50 year old crowd. I will admit that when I was in my 20's and early 30's I was no better but it is just kind is amazing how so many of us wait until we are middle aged before we start to get in shape.

    One good thing is that it makes a person feel pretty good about themselves when you are 20 years older than the guy next to you and your twice as big and in better shape than them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Well I was in pretty good shape in my 20-30s but due to back issues and getting lazy was pretty out of shape in my 40s. Ive been slacking lately in the gym due to working 12hr shift then working on the house the last 6 months but I'm still in better shape than the average Joe.

    Yeah it's nice when you arent afraid to take your shirt off at the beach for sure. It's nice having some of the younger girls eying you also. Good ego boost.

    How did you like Jamaica? I have only spent one day there and it was OK. I have talked to others who didnt like it due to all the tourist street sales being aggressive. I didnt really experience any of that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    upper midwest
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Well I was in pretty good shape in my 20-30s but due to back issues and getting lazy was pretty out of shape in my 40s. Ive been slacking lately in the gym due to working 12hr shift then working on the house the last 6 months but I'm still in better shape than the average Joe.

    Yeah it's nice when you arent afraid to take your shirt off at the beach for sure. It's nice having some of the younger girls eying you also. Good ego boost.

    How did you like Jamaica? I have only spent one day there and it was OK. I have talked to others who didnt like it due to all the tourist street sales being aggressive. I didnt really experience any of that.
    We really like Jamaica I think this was our 9th trip to the island.We normally go with a small group of friends and relatives and stay at Sandals resorts.We have been to mexico,st lucia and the Bahamas and I have to say Jamaica is our favorite.When we go off of the resort we have never really had any problems with the locals they are a little aggressive but no worse than any other country that we have been too. It is funny how the bigger you are they tend to listen the first time when you say no or maybe its because I look like an a$$hole
    Last edited by diesel101; 03-04-2014 at 08:14 AM.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2003
    Kid's and their computers/iPods/social media and kid is the same. Our generation (those who are 40-50 now)wasn't brought up on that nonsense. I was brought up on surfing, skating, "Pumping Iron" (movie)and at the beginning of the fitness craze...Plus our generation was one of the first to be brought up without the spectre of World War, Nuclear War, financial meltdowns...we are living longer, and all that stress isn't taking it's toll on us, as a generational group. Look at pics of folks our age from back in the 20's, 30's, 40's, even 50's: at 40, they look 60!! I guess it's true, something I heard somewhere...50 *is* the new 40? Some shit like that....good for us!!

  5. #5
    I really don't know how common it is for older people to decide to change their lifestyle. I have some friends that are a lot older who picked it up later. But personally I spent my whole life dedicated to my body, from intense training as a youth through all the different stages of my training and different focuses, I think I had about two years during my twenties I didn't train and I got really small and would have appeared fit compared to most of the general populations standards. Other times people might have thought I didn't care or lift because I may have appeared fat to them, but that was my choice and just wanted to be strong. I think we just society might be changing a little bit, still though I see a lot of people being all zealous about their work outs but they are newcomers to everything, and of course it usually doesn't last. But they really annoy me. Usually the people laughing at all the stuff on the gym meme pages on facebook and making fun of people, who also think too highly of themselves.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2009
    I was always in shape until I started to drive a truck.But I know wat you mean.Too many people play video games and not getting exercise.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I think most of us grew up being in shape and participating in a sport of some kind. Somewhere around our mid 20's we start concentrating on other things - education, career, family, etc. At first, we can rely on our previous fitness level and the fact that we sometimes have an active weekend here or there. In our mid 30's or a little later, it hits us - "what happened? - I've gotten fat and out of shape and can't do the things I used to". Out of determination, fear or a combination, we fight back into shape and remain determined to stay there. We revel in the fact that we look and feel better than those 20-somethings that are letting themselves go.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DontTaseMeBro View Post
    I think most of us grew up being in shape and participating in a sport of some kind. Somewhere around our mid 20's we start concentrating on other things - education, career, family, etc. At first, we can rely on our previous fitness level and the fact that we sometimes have an active weekend here or there. In our mid 30's or a little later, it hits us - "what happened? - I've gotten fat and out of shape and can't do the things I used to". Out of determination, fear or a combination, we fight back into shape and remain determined to stay there. We revel in the fact that we look and feel better than those 20-somethings that are letting themselves go.
    Very true!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I look better at 35 then I did in my 20's. Being able to work from home awards me the luxury of working out 90 minutes a day while still doing many other things I enjoy.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I look better at 35 then I did in my 20's. Being able to work from home awards me the luxury of working out 90 minutes a day while still doing many other things I enjoy.
    I agree at 43 I'm in the best shape of my life.I just got tired of looking like a fat slob is the reason I changed

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    A world without islam!!!!
    I think its because when your younger your always working and when you get older you have more money and time

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Did you wonder next door ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Did you wonder next door ?
    LOL no we didn't had family with us and I thought it might be a little awkward>

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    LOL no we didn't had family with us and I thought it might be a little awkward>
    Did you fish? I tried to get ahold of my guy down there but he never responded. He is on Jamaica time so it might be a month or 2 yet lol.

  15. #15
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    No we never did I talked to one of the fishing guides and he told me the fishing had been slow,5 trips with no fish so we decided to sit and drink instead that day.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I remember the days whenI could actually runa mile. Them days are gone.

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