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Had this incident happened say today,and if there was no written policy on using company computers on employee time, then you would have a case IMO. Not only that but you could also have sent the reasoning you were on this site in a few different directions. Say for example you could have said hey I accidently hit the space bar on your company computer and this site popped up to display this page where a gay dude was posting bodybuilding pictures that were explicit in nature and seemed to be related to body building and since this is a gym that I work for here, I was curious about what the articles had to say. But before I realized it had to do with steroids, you came in and assumed I was researching steroids which I was not. So if you are firing me over that I'll see you in court. There are many laywers who would love to take on grey area cases like this where they make lots of money off of. So if you want to end up giving me half if not more of your gym then by all means fire me. And by throwing in the gay innuendo you could also go the sexual discrimination way as well making your boss at the time think that you might be gay and make it look like he is using the firing of you as an excuse to get rid of you because he thinks you are gay. Good ambulance chaser lawyers know all the ways to go after bosses like this if indeed he is a bad boss and not within his rights as an employer looking after the survival and expansion and greater good of the company. Just my ten cents in all of this. Years ago this was one of several reasons as to why unions were being formed all over the country. Because before unions you had no way of defending your side as they had complete control over any and every aspect of your job and if they didn't like you for any reason then out you went without having an recourse in any of it. So along came unions to save the day. But then somewhere down the road they went too far to the left and well unions are disappearing off the radar. especially the last 10 or so years as most of our really good and really good paying jobs were sent to China. This was a well coordinated scheme of many American businesses to break the backs and do a final blow to the once almighty American Unions. And they have all but succeeded. Now those same jobs that left the country for cheaper labor are returning to American shores complete with much lower paying wages than they left with. And no longer will you be getting those nice retirement packages after working your butts off for 30 to 35 years of quality dedicated service, nor will you have company health benefits. Although to be fair Obama really screwed that one up IMO with ObamaCare free health care for all...yeah right. Also youd better not be turning down any overtime offers in the new work place or do anything that might tick off your boss as they now have all the power to let you go whenever they feel. Just like in the old days. You can be set up at work and there are all kinds of dirty play books they used to use which would work just as well in todays work place. Anyways if it was a discussion you want op well I hope this adds to it..lol