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  • 1 Post By brazuka

Thread: My experience with "blends" and painful prop

  1. #1
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    My experience with "blends" and painful prop

    Stay away from blends!! Avoid them at all costs would be my suggestion to anyone. The blend I was using had 150mg Npp/150mg Phenyl Prop/50mg Prop per ml. Drawing out 1ml and even cutting it with sterile oil I would have major massive crippling pip for 4-7 days after injection. It got to the point where the pain was so bad I couldn't put on my socks, shoes, driving my car or sitting down to eat was very uncomfortable and painful. I would go to work and take 2 ibuprofens to help relief the pain a bit, come back from work and go straight to bed because the pip was so awful. I just wanted to rest up so the pain would go away. This went on for 2 weeks.

    For those 2 weeks I was out of the gym, eating twice maybe three times only the entire day, frustrated like a mad man and basically spent the whole time in bed dreading the pip. I am down 6lbs, and look flat and small as heck compared to before I started this blend.

    So what happened next? I threw away every damn vial of that blend I had in the garbage and I am so excited to be able to workout again, but more importantly have the focus to prepare all my meals and have them throughout the day rather then just laying in bed waiting for the pip to go away. Stay away from blends as much as possible and prop should not cripple you, there is tons of prop that is smooth as heck and won't keep you out of the gym and get in the way of your workouts and general focus in life.

    The end. -B
    Last edited by brazuka; 03-12-2014 at 04:10 PM.

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    I've never had this issue other than with t450 and 500, and cutting them with sterile oil or in once case EQ fixed the issue. You may just have dirty gear. If its UGL it might have to much alcohol.

    Either way I would have to disagree and i think this thread should be moved to the AAS forum

  3. #3
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to post this in the steroid question and answer section my apologies if it's in the wrong place. Thanks for sharing it was a pretty bad first impression of blends for me, enough to keep me from ever trying another blend again. I'll be keeping it simple and basic, different vials but one compound per vial.

  4. #4
    noon's Avatar
    noon is offline Senior Member
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    I disagree with brazooka and believe that Scotty is correct I like blends.

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Its all preference. But i still think u got your hands on the product of poor lab work

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I would get a lawyer and sue your source

  7. #7
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your gear hadn't crashed had it?

  8. #8
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    No source checks
    I don't use blends. I like to run my test at a certain level and say the other compounds on their own levels. Hard to do with a blend. Nothing wrong with them. Useful if u don't like pinning a lot or drawing out of several vials. Just not my thing but like I said I won't knock them. Delts look crazy btw.

  9. #9
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    I don't use blends. I like to run my test at a certain level and say the other compounds on their own levels. Hard to do with a blend. Nothing wrong with them. Useful if u don't like pinning a lot or drawing out of several vials. Just not my thing but like I said I won't knock them. Delts look crazy btw.
    might be due to the inflammation from the pip

  10. #10
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Safe to say I will never be using that source again for anything. Should have stuck to my original source.

    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    might be due to the inflammation from the pip
    This made me chuckle a bit as I had mixed emotions about it not going to lie , but no the picture is actually 8 weeks old test + eq (one of my favorite compounds). I've been out for 2 weeks now just focusing in my diet until Monday rolls around and I can start my routine back up.
    AD likes this.

  11. #11
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazuka View Post
    Safe to say I will never be using that source again for anything. Should have stuck to my original source.

    This made me chuckle a bit as I had mixed emotions about it not going to lie , but no the picture is actually 8 weeks old test + eq (one of my favorite compounds). I've been out for 2 weeks now just focusing in my diet until Monday rolls around and I can start my routine back up.
    Don't let marcus see that, he'll tell you the best use for EQ is oiling squeeky door hinges

  12. #12
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    I used a t500 once that hurt so bad, I thought I was going to have to amputate.

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