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Warrior was my childhood hero. When I got older, I discovered his online presence (his website) and his brand of no-bullshit, grab the bulls by the horn conservatism really became an inspiration for me as an adult.
Despite all the lies people said about him in that libelous video "Self Destruction of The Ultimate Warrior," he persevered.
When he was at the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, he didn't look too well and gave a really cryptic speech. I think he said everything you would say on your death bed. And then on the Monday night, he showed up on TV and did a promo dressed in an expensive suit, his face went bright red as he shook the rope. His face was kind of sunken in. He didn't look good. His promo that he cut hinted a little on death, but it's Warrior, that's the sort of stuff he says (albeit this time way too coherent).
I think he might've been dying and knew he was going to.
For his daughters, I'm glad they got to hear him at his Hall of Fame induction say that the most important thing he ever did was be their father.