The only things it actually got right were the flood, vessel, and covering Noah's drunken naked body, everything else was gravely in error. For example:
- The 3-armed, cripple, 30 ft tall rock monster encrusted fallen angels called the Watchers, who fought to protect the ark...come on
- God never giving Noah instruction, only dreams which he largely misinterpreted as God starting over with a human-less world, leading Noah to think that he had to kill his family
- Noah's unmarried sons. Noah, his wife, 3 sons, and each of their wives (8) were on board...only one son even had girlfriend and she miraculously delivered full term illegitimate twin daughters onboard the ark the within 40 days of rain, plus the time it took the water to recede...utter garbage
- Cain's descendent, a pseudo-king, chopped his way into the ark with an axe, became a stowaway, stared eating the animals, planned a mutiny, and tried to kill Noah...WOW
- And much, much more
As Barkley would say, "That was terrrrrible."