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Thread: AAS, Medical issues and talking with your Dr

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    AAS, Medical issues and talking with your Dr

    If you're using unprescribed AAS and you have an internal medical issue while on cycle how do you discuss the issues with your Dr?

    I had a kidney stone mid test e, tren e, T3 cycle. During the exam they detected elevated blood pressure. I'm thinking it's the AAS and that gets me worried that they are going to find out causing even more elevated blood pressure. So how do you or how have you talked with you GP about a medical issue and skirted discussing AAS?

    There is NO WAY I'm going to admit using an ilegal substance to a medical provider that will enter that on my medical record. No idea how far that can affect you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    I have a thyroid issue and I plan my cycles around my scheduled blood work.I would never tell the doctor about being on gear. Last summer I had my gall bladder removed mid cycle and nothing was ever found on the blood work they ran.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Im on trt and I dont tell me primary care physician. If I test high for blood pressure I just say test again next time. Ive been up to long, white coat syndrome or xyz.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by evander87
    If you're using unprescribed AAS and you have an internal medical issue while on cycle how do you discuss the issues with your Dr? I had a kidney stone mid test e, tren e, T3 cycle. During the exam they detected elevated blood pressure. I'm thinking it's the AAS and that gets me worried that they are going to find out causing even more elevated blood pressure. So how do you or how have you talked with you GP about a medical issue and skirted discussing AAS? There is NO WAY I'm going to admit using an ilegal substance to a medical provider that will enter that on my medical record. No idea how far that can affect you.
    Pretty much any anabolic substance is going to affect BP, lipid metabolism, as well as Hg, RBC, LFTs, and kidney function depending on the cycle and amount of substances used. Monitoring and treating your BP BEFORE it becomes an issue given the immediate and long term risks associated with hypertension is essential (HTN is linked to untreatable neurological diseases later in life so you should monitor and manage your BP).

    This issue of communicating anabolic use to your HCP has been discussed many times here. There is no easy answer. In general, you are correct, admitting use of illegal drugs can affect future health care if it's documented and an insurance underwriter discovers your history. Depending on your own unique relationship with your MD, he or she may chose not to document your use and treat symptoms as clinically indicated (and after brow beating you for using steroids, lol).

    As an aside, any time your urine is yellow or darker, it is indicative that you are NOT consuming enough water. Some people will suggest 1-2 gallons daily, but a simple benchmark is color, odor, and clarity. If your urine is clear or nearly colorless and clear, that is generally a good sign of proper hydration. Odor is affected by diet and is not always the best hallmark for proper hydration and kidney function. Hematuria (blood in your urine) is never a good sign but is not limited to a single etiology.

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