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Thread: The best SHITTY movies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    The best SHITTY movies

    I absolutely LOVE watching realy realy CRAPPY horror movies that tries to be good but has absolutely horrible acting and story.

    So you know any real "good" bad movies(especialy horror but real crappy action movies is good to) out there that is so fucking awfully bad that you cant stopp laughin when watching it??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    "Dead Dudes in the House"....absolute BEST crappy horror movie EVER. I don't even know if it's possible to find, but it does exist ( I was afraid of senior citizens for like three weeks after seeing this at age 12 or so.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Ohhh darn, so many! Soo cheezy!

    - Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (bad Bad BAD!!!!)
    - Hercules in New York (hey it's Arnie but man oh man is it a bad movie!)
    - Car 54, Where Are You? (Oh my god! This is so bad you have to watchit!)
    - Cobra (what the heck was Stallone thinking? This is so bad you just are glued to the TV)
    - Abraxas: Guardian of the Universe (Jesse Ventura... need I say more?)
    - Toxic Avenger (A classic!)
    - Gamera vs. Mothra (I LOVE those crappy japanese sci-fi's!)
    - Orgazmo (sooo bad, soooo hilarious!)
    - Repo Man (ugh!)
    - Zardoz (connery in his younger days)

    There we go! Now flush that toilet!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    ALL the old japanse Godzilla movies are so bad lol, damn I love them

    I aggre toxic avenger is a winner lol, I love the scene where he stuffs the black dude into the pizza owen and laughs .
    When he beats upp the cross dresser is damn funny to.

    Have to get my hand on some of the movies you listed especialy the one with ventura

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    RAD .... i swear to chrsit the best/worst movie EVER no doubts in my mind. go get it immediately. so so so so worth whatever you have to pay for it. it is the most horrible movie ever made. its a BMX biking movie... our theory is that the director was getting older and on his way out, and decided to make his one last movie so horrible that it was hilarious.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ottawa, canadian monkey
    the worst ever movie/ but funny you realy need to be blasted to watch it is "Buckeroo Bonzaille" Trust me on this one, you wont regret it. Its a cross on adventure/rock star/hero/ sci fie(sp)/action/ car race/freak of a movie, its a must!!
    First time I watched it, I was on mescaline and I did not understand one thing bout it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Fort Worth
    Pink Flamingos -- a John Waters film made in 1970 on 16 mm. Low budget. About a 300 lb transvestite (Miss Divine) and her family's quest to win the title "The World's Nastiest Woman" given by some tabloid. Truly vulgar, and on a scale of 1 to 10, this is a definite zero. Highly recommended, but only if you can endure some pretty gross stuff.
    . Most of the early John Waters films are similarly awful, and lots of fun to watch. Didn't much care for "Female Trouble," though, as it was a bit violent for me . . . Waters tried to make a film that would make violence look attractive, but I don't think he succeeded.
    . Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is awful but funny.
    . In the Marx Brother's films, the rich matron was played by Margaret Dumont, a nice lady, but she was an awful actress . . . but she was so awful that she was perfect for the roles she played.
    . Eating Raoul was a pretty good flick, was a comedy about cannibalism. Sorta weird, but very funny.
    . Edward G. Robinson was a great awful actor . . . often played stereotypical gansters, has been rich material for comedians over the years. "You gave it to my brother, and my brother gave it to my sister, and my sister gave it to my mother, and my mother gave it to my father, and my father gave it to me . . . and you know what it was? It was a Rat, see! A dirty Rat! Now I'm gonna give it to you!"
    . Plan 9 From Outer Space was a good awful flick. Had some big swedish TV wrassler (Tor Johnson) in it and Bela Lugosi, with "Vampira," who I think used to host a weekend night TV show that showed horror flicks, like "Elvira." From my video cover: "Universally hailed as the worst movie ever made, this 1959 colossal bomb is also one of the funniest. Directed by the infamous B-movie director, Ed Wood, Plan 9 concerns aliens from outer space who are robbing graves in the San Fernando Valley and turning these corpses into murdering zombies. Actor Bela Lugosi died after two days of filming and was replaced by a taller, younger actor wearing a cape in front of his face. HEAR the horrifically bad dialogue! STUDY Vampira's one facial expression for yourself! SEE hubcaps and burning paper plates used as spacecrafts! HOWL with uncontrollable laughter! And remember, it's all based on "sworn testimony!" Oh yah, this is a must-see.
    . Steve Reeves was in one of Ed Wood's films, "Jail Bait." Had the same cast from Plan 9. "Inspired by the popular TV show Dragnet, this Ed Wood film tells the story of a rich but troubled young man who kills a cop and has plastic surgery to hide his identity." Acting was on a par with Plan 9 . . .
    . "Bride of the Monster" was another Ed Wood flick: "Bela Lugosi stars as Dr. Eric Varnoff, a mad scientist bent on perfecting an atomic ray capable of turning average citizens into superhumans. Protected by Lobo (Tor Johnson), a giant man-servant, Varnoff freely experiments on the unfortunate souls who accidentally wander onto his estate, ususally killing them in the process. But, when the doc attempts to turn Janet Lawton (Loretta King) into an indestructible nymph, cupid shoots Lobo through his gargantuan heart and everything goes haywire. This is Ed Wood at his best--giant rubber octopus, lots of mismatched stock footage, weird dialogue, and always something unexpected."
    . But the one that caps it for me is Ed Wood's "Glen or Glenda?" "When Ed Wood was called upon to make a movie taking advantage of press surrounding transsexual phenomenon Christine Jorgensen, he agreed, took the money, then made an autobiographical B flick starring himself as Glen, an transvestitie tortured by his secret life. Wood's wildly inept use of stock footage, inane script writing, and Bela Lugosi's rambling sequenses are so bad they're good. Re-released as 'I Led Two Lives,' "I Changed My Sex,' 'He or She,' and 'The Transvestite,' it seemed thw world would never be ready for Ed Wood and his secret obsession . . . until now!"
    . Oh yah, great films, all of 'em . . .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    god damn those movies realy sounds terrible....i got to watch them

    just remembered another bad movie that is good

    Deathrace 2000(I think that is the name for it, sylvester stallone is in it lol). Its about a car race where the drivers get points for running over people lol. I LOVE a scene where the people that work on a hospital or whatever wheels out all the old folkes in whele chairs on the road so they can get run over
    lol its just filled with stupid scenes that are so bad

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Death Raced 2000 is amazing! I love that movie! It's so cheezy it smells, yet it kicks ass


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If you want one of the killer Tomatoes movies, you have to get "Killer Tomatoes Strike Back". Holy cow is it bad! And believe it or not, so stupid it's actually funny.

    I mean come on... imagine a cop wearing a suit jacket and MC Hammer pants... does it get worse than that?


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Originally posted by Red Ketchup
    If you want one of the killer Tomatoes movies, you have to get "Killer Tomatoes Strike Back". Holy cow is it bad! And believe it or not, so stupid it's actually funny.

    I mean come on... imagine a cop wearing a suit jacket and MC Hammer pants... does it get worse than that?


    damn anyone know where I can get ahold of these movies online??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    I don't know how I neglected to mention these two earlier, but:

    "Breakin' 2: the Electric Bugaloo": Classic stuff. A stereotypical white capitalist pig wants to tear down a youth center to build some bastion of greed and the kids stop the demolition by inspiring the money-driven adults with the beauty of breakdancing.

    "The Tick" (or maybe it's just "Ticks"'ll recognize it because it stars 'carlton' from the fresh prince of bel air and that lovable Seth Green) the premise is (and i'm not making this up) that marijuana harvesters deep in the woods have synthesized steroids to work for plants as well, and they use it to grow bigger and better weed. Unbeknownst to them, however, it is also juicing up the ticks in the woods...and giving them roid rage...all of which spells predictable disaster for the rag-tag band of troubled youth out in the woods to learn how to not be so rag-tag and troubled. Man I want to watch that again now.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    A few more for the shitlist!

    - Amazon Women on the Moon (holy christ is that movie funny! not at all what I expected!)

    - Joes Appartment (singing roaches!? geezus H!)

    - Dusk 'Till Dawn (cheezier than camembert, but waaaay cool flick!)

    - Army of Darkness / Evil dead 2 (hell yeah!)

    - Flesh Gordon (not not a porno, but lots of nudity... movie is HILARIOUS)

    - Children of the Corn (why not!)

    - Microwave Massacre (holy fuck, TOO funny!)

    - Sargent Kabukiman N.Y.P.D (if you can find this, get it! it's horrible!)

    - Starcrash (One word... David Hasselhoff !)


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by monstercojones
    RAD .... i swear to chrsit the best/worst movie EVER no doubts in my mind.

    I blame my disfunctional childhood on repeatedly being exposed to movies like Rad, Goonies, Explorers, Masters of the Universe, The Never Ending Story, The Princess Bride, Legend, Space Camp, Innerspace, Short Circuit, Flight of the Navigator, The Last Starfighter, The Manhattan Project, Enemy Mine, Little Monsters, Breakfast Club, The Boy Who Could Fly, Critters, Weird Science, Howard the Duck, Harry and the Hendersons, The Monster Squad, Evil Dead, Gate, Poltergeist...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Damn have been trying to find those movies on every hub on dc i can get into, but no luck so far have to find some old crappy video store and search through it

    What is the story in Rad?? never heard of it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    BTW has anyone seen Silent night deadly night 2, Troll or Food of the gods and in that case are they crappy enough to be worth buying???

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Bros! You have been mis informed! The absolute WORST Horror/Scary movie is (drummroll here) "I spit on your GRave" Oh man! It was soooo bad! B or "Low Budget" would be a complement to this piece of film! Watch it and may only be able to get it on Beta though...unreal!


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