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Thread: Illegals Continue To Stream In Across The Border And The Debate Goes On...

  1. #1
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Illegals Continue To Stream In Across The Border And The Debate Goes On...

    Watching TV tonight and they were showing the thousands of Illegal children streaming across the borders. Coming from As far away as Central And South America. They are streaming across all the southern borders.....except for one state which has no one coming across their border. that state is Arizona. But protesters on both sides of the issue are out in California telling their sides of the story. But if these illegals truly think it's legal and right for them to just walk across our borders and be a part of America then why do they all wait till dark and why do they smuggle across the borders instead of just proudly walking across in daylight. Because they know it's wrong and against our law! I have no issue with anyone signing up for immigration into our nation through the proper channels, but why should we let the illegals in who are paying someone else south of the border thousands of dollars to smuggle them to America? No one here gets in on any of the money and those who were interviewed tonight said they paid around 9 grand to get here. It's all wrong imo. Makes one wonder how many terrorists are coming across that same unsafe border and why our border patrol isn't doing a much better job of finding and returning these illegals. But one more slap on the American faces is the fact that none of these illegals once they arrive and smuggle in, none even want to learn the english language spoken here. They also keep to their own customs wanting nothing to do with our ways here. And most are sending most of their illegal earnings from here back to mexico and elsewhere. So what do we as a nation gain by looking the other way as they continue to use up our resources such as medicare social security and many other programs which were set up to help the American poor already here. Not to mention the horrid burden on our schools as well. These illegals should be treated with respect and dignity but also should be returned until they can legally enter full time to stay if that is their wish. We all have come from somewhere else like Ireland, England, France, Germany, and elsewhere around the world. But the big difference is that we came here through the legal channels and were not smuggled over the border at 2 in the morning. They all know what they are doing is wrong and against the law but they still do it and refuse to stop. Why do they think that they can ignore the law and do what they want? And now we have legal Americans who also think it's ok to ignore the immigration laws and let them all in. So at that rate what's the point of even making laws if no one will follow them. And why should some be above our laws? they all should be allowed to be given the chance to sign up for immigration legally but until then they must go back home. IMO Boy what a way to start out in a foreign country by illegally breaking into that country, use their school system for free, use their health care and monetary aid systems, never paying a penny for any of it. Hell no wonder everyone wants to come to America, free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. Hell I don't blame the illegals one bit. If I were illegal I would sneak in here to! Come to America everything is free........

  2. #2
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Ummmm how's it feel gettin that off your chest lol :-p

    I agree..... My grandparents came from Belgium. They did it properly..... My grandmother earned her citizenship..... She actually WANTED it.

    The illegals that ere here are some hard working people. I've worked with them..... They're good people. I'd say they work harder than most people here..... Low wages and hard labor. Most in America rather a desk job. With that said..... Getting paid, not being taxed, and sending it to another country is just wrong. If you want to be here..... Contribute like the rest of us. Ill be the first to welcome you......
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    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    The government should just allow illegals to sue their employers for the difference between what they're actually paid and what the state and federal minimum wages are. If you remove the incentive for employers to hire illegal immigrants (cheap labour), what employer will still choose to risk getting caught hiring them?

    And before somebody says that the illegals do the jobs nobody else wants. That's bullshit! The truth is no US citizen is going to do those jobs for the low wages the illegals are getting when they can get paid more doing something else. Money is the real motivator here.

    As far as the argument that they're hard workers looking for their piece of the pie goes. We've already got hard workers here in America. Importing more labour increases the labour supply and from a worker's perspective that cannot be good. If they want to be hard workers, good. They can go be hard workers where they came from.

    What America SHOULD do is exactly what Mexico does with their illegals. Send them north.

  4. #4
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    Let them come, I need some stone walls built and landscaping done for cheap at my house.
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  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    Let them come, I need some stone walls built and landscaping done for cheap at my house.
    There aren't any kids in the neighbourhood?

  6. #6
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    Yeah there are.
    I am talk shtt but they can do better work than I would ever be able to.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Build a bigger fence.....
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  8. #8
    Daniel h is offline New Member
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    I agree bigger fence. We can't afford to take care of what people we have. It will be our tax money taking care of them. Send them back immediately. It's bullshit that our government thinks it's okay.

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    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel h View Post
    I agree bigger fence. We can't afford to take care of what people we have. It will be our tax money taking care of them. Send them back immediately. It's bullshit that our government thinks it's okay.
    lmao. Who do you think will be building the fence?
    Daniel h likes this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    the cost of that fence, along with monitoring and patrolling, would be staggering...
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  11. #11
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    ^^What's so ironic is that we've yet to honestly enforce the current immigration laws we have now. How can we have "comprehensive immigration reform" when we don't use the current laws? How do we know what needs to be reformed when we've not applied current statutes to the problem at hand to see where, if any, problems exist?
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  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    we are hypocritical. on the one hand, we get real tough on illegal immigrants, showing how "no nonsense" we are. And then every ten years, we have this huge amnesty program making citizens of these "illegals"...'s like a rollercoaster ride. One minute we're up, next we're down.

    I would prefer something more moderate and consistent, but that's just not the way politics are performed here.

  13. #13
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    The government should just allow illegals to sue their employers for the difference between what they're actually paid and what the state and federal minimum wages are. If you remove the incentive for employers to hire illegal immigrants (cheap labour), what employer will still choose to risk getting caught hiring them?

    And before somebody says that the illegals do the jobs nobody else wants. That's bullshit! The truth is no US citizen is going to do those jobs for the low wages the illegals are getting when they can get paid more doing something else. Money is the real motivator here.

    As far as the argument that they're hard workers looking for their piece of the pie goes. We've already got hard workers here in America. Importing more labour increases the labour supply and from a worker's perspective that cannot be good. If they want to be hard workers, good. They can go be hard workers where they came from.

    What America SHOULD do is exactly what Mexico does with their illegals. Send them north.

    They area already making their way into Canada under the business-friendly government sponsored Temporary Foreign Worker program. It has put over 600k Canadians out of work. We are stuck with a George Bush style government with record deficits, expenditures, and size of government.

  14. #14
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    At this point, I'm for anything that will bring on more chaos. Don't hold your breath waiting for this government to do the right thing.

    One step closer to my dream of living in Barter Town and having a Thunderdome.
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  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I should sue the state for what it cost me to bring my wife and daughter here legally recently.
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  16. #16
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    How can I get a mail order bride?

    Asian of coarse

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    How can I get a mail order bride?

    Asian of coarse
    Lots are online looking but 1/2 or more are fake. I suggest go visit for vacation and see what happens.

    The best ones are the ones who are not looking. IMO
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-05-2014 at 09:00 PM.

  18. #18
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I should sue the state for what it cost me to bring my wife and daughter here legally recently.
    Tell me about it. We spent a fortune and my wife isn't a citizen yet. Just greencard
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    holy hell, gixx!!! how's that neck of yours?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    holy hell, gixx!!! how's that neck of yours?
    it's good. It took a long time after surgery to be 100% but all is good now. Thanks
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    it's good. It took a long time after surgery to be 100% but all is good now. Thanks
    Glad you're back Gixx.
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    it's good. It took a long time after surgery to be 100% but all is good now. Thanks
    welcome back gixx....
    ....was thinking about you the other day

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    lmao. Who do you think will be building the fence?
    illegals of course! much cheaper hehe...

    Seriously though, do you blame them? after all Obama told them to come here in the first place, basically created the problem and now he's fixing it! what a baboon we have for president!

  24. #24
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Watching TV tonight and they were showing the thousands of Illegal children streaming across the borders. Coming from As far away as Central And South America. They are streaming across all the southern borders.....except for one state which has no one coming across their border. that state is Arizona. But protesters on both sides of the issue are out in California telling their sides of the story. But if these illegals truly think it's legal and right for them to just walk across our borders and be a part of America then why do they all wait till dark and why do they smuggle across the borders instead of just proudly walking across in daylight. Because they know it's wrong and against our law! I have no issue with anyone signing up for immigration into our nation through the proper channels, but why should we let the illegals in who are paying someone else south of the border thousands of dollars to smuggle them to America? No one here gets in on any of the money and those who were interviewed tonight said they paid around 9 grand to get here. It's all wrong imo. Makes one wonder how many terrorists are coming across that same unsafe border and why our border patrol isn't doing a much better job of finding and returning these illegals. But one more slap on the American faces is the fact that none of these illegals once they arrive and smuggle in, none even want to learn the english language spoken here. They also keep to their own customs wanting nothing to do with our ways here. And most are sending most of their illegal earnings from here back to mexico and elsewhere. So what do we as a nation gain by looking the other way as they continue to use up our resources such as medicare social security and many other programs which were set up to help the American poor already here. Not to mention the horrid burden on our schools as well. These illegals should be treated with respect and dignity but also should be returned until they can legally enter full time to stay if that is their wish. We all have come from somewhere else like Ireland, England, France, Germany, and elsewhere around the world. But the big difference is that we came here through the legal channels and were not smuggled over the border at 2 in the morning. They all know what they are doing is wrong and against the law but they still do it and refuse to stop. Why do they think that they can ignore the law and do what they want? And now we have legal Americans who also think it's ok to ignore the immigration laws and let them all in. So at that rate what's the point of even making laws if no one will follow them. And why should some be above our laws? they all should be allowed to be given the chance to sign up for immigration legally but until then they must go back home. IMO Boy what a way to start out in a foreign country by illegally breaking into that country, use their school system for free, use their health care and monetary aid systems, never paying a penny for any of it. Hell no wonder everyone wants to come to America, free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. Hell I don't blame the illegals one bit. If I were illegal I would sneak in here to! Come to America everything is free........
    This is such a complex issue. If we have immigration laws, then they need to be enforced. Otherwise let's either abolish or modify the existing laws.

    Here's the part that bugs me.

    Many of these people are desperate, looking for a way out of their bleak existence. So they do what they do, cross the border at night covertly.

    If the tables were turned, would I be so noble and say "I will not sneak across the border in search of a better life and try and help my family?"

    I honestly don't know the answer to that..........

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    This is such a complex issue. If we have immigration laws, then they need to be enforced. Otherwise let's either abolish or modify the existing laws.

    Here's the part that bugs me.

    Many of these people are desperate, looking for a way out of their bleak existence. So they do what they do, cross the border at night covertly.

    If the tables were turned, would I be so noble and say "I will not sneak across the border in search of a better life and try and help my family?"

    I honestly don't know the answer to that..........

    Then the question arises, What should the man here do who is losing his job to said illegals do to provide a better life or any kind of life for his family?
    You are right, it is a complex issue and I dont pretend to know the answer. I do have a sneaky suspicion that had we spent a good portion of the money we have spent in the middle east only to have military we trained and supplied with weapons and supplies turning and running away leaving said weapons and supplies for some flavor of the week militant group that is taking over the country on securing our own borders and preventing illegal immigration, our economy would be better off than it currently is. Just saying.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Then the question arises, What should the man here do who is losing his job to said illegals do to provide a better life or any kind of life for his family?
    You are right, it is a complex issue and I dont pretend to know the answer. I do have a sneaky suspicion that had we spent a good portion of the money we have spent in the middle east only to have military we trained and supplied with weapons and supplies turning and running away leaving said weapons and supplies for some flavor of the week militant group that is taking over the country on securing our own borders and preventing illegal immigration, our economy would be better off than it currently is. Just saying.
    Mr Jimmy
    I agree. I can't pretend to know the answer. When we mix two cultures the way we are doing, one being a below poverty, subsistence existence, and the other a middle class existence, it dilutes both, bringing up those at the below poverty level, and brings down those competing for the same jobs in the middle class. I can't blame the illegal for trying to survive, and I can't blame the citizen for being angry for losing ground on quality of life issues.

    If our politicians would be willing to make some difficult decisions that could possibly impact their careers negatively, (this list of issues is staggering), then maybe we could get something done. But politicians serve their own self interests first, and 99% (just a number I pulled out my hat) would never do such a thing. So we continue to watch this country slide into irrelevance, like watching a slow motion train wreck.

    My point, is that if we are to have immigration laws, then we need to enforce them. But I think they should also be realistic. If the legislature creates laws no one is willing to enforce, or there are insufficient resources to enforce, then we need to relook at either the law or the resources.
    jimmyinkedup and zaggahamma like this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    The government should just allow illegals to sue their employers for the difference between what they're actually paid and what the state and federal minimum wages are. If you remove the incentive for employers to hire illegal immigrants (cheap labour), what employer will still choose to risk getting caught hiring them?

    And before somebody says that the illegals do the jobs nobody else wants. That's bullshit! The truth is no US citizen is going to do those jobs for the low wages the illegals are getting when they can get paid more doing something else. Money is the real motivator here.

    As far as the argument that they're hard workers looking for their piece of the pie goes. We've already got hard workers here in America. Importing more labour increases the labour supply and from a worker's perspective that cannot be good. If they want to be hard workers, good. They can go be hard workers where they came from.

    What America SHOULD do is exactly what Mexico does with their illegals. Send them north.
    What do you think illegals accept for wages?

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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Build a bigger fence.....
    make it an electric fence and it doesnt matter how tall it is

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    make it an electric fence and it doesnt matter how tall it is
    what about all the underground tunnels?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    what about all the underground tunnels?
    Something else to keep in mind but dont most hop a fence?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Something else to keep in mind but dont most hop a fence?
    hop a fence
    swim a river
    crawl underground

    what about the Cubans that are willing to risk life to go 90 miles in an innertube? no all survive either...

  32. #32
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    I would like to know how all the illegals get legit social security numbers? Then claim married with 10 and dont get audited.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2iron View Post
    I would like to know how all the illegals get legit social security numbers? Then claim married with 10 and dont get audited.
    easy, we advertise it, because we have the system in place!

  34. #34
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    They probably all have obamacare accounts meanwhile I don't qualify for any subsidy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    They probably all have obamacare accounts meanwhile I don't qualify for any subsidy
    it never ends. you think this is bad, wait until you retire, or get sick in your 60s-70s. they'll put you on a death list like they did to our veterans.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    What do you think illegals accept for wages?
    Less than what they could get away with paying an American to do that work. Let's face it, they don't have too many employment opportunities in the states. So they can't afford to be picky with the wages.

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    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Back when American's had civic pride I gave a shat. Now it is all about handouts for votes.

    But reality is this....if you are dependant upon manual labor for a job in the USA you are doing it wrong. WIth all the opportunities afforded to you and flying under the radar if you keep your mouth is hard to need free money.

    While I was in Iraq fighting a war the whole damn country became super stupid. I get home and people are rioting over reduction in food stamps and not Obamacare...the BS list goes on and on. Just becoming a Euro-trash country like the rest of the Western World.
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    What this country needs is a wholesale cleaning and term limits for ALL politicians in D.C. Everyone in Government should have the same benefits as the private sector. No more special health care and benefits for politicians. It'll take a while but I believe the country will wake up at some point.

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    Reality check...quality of life will never get better.
    Human greed and need for domination will continue to bring about the eventual and unavoidable destruction of our country and ultimately the world.
    Get yourself right with God and spend all the time you can with your family and loved ones cuz its gonna be a bumpy ride!!!

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