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Thread: Hey Vets, this thread is for you

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hey Vets, this thread is for you

    I am 27 and pretty new to AAS (done 2 cycles so far). Been training for 6.5 years.

    I have a question I would like to ask and that is: Do you wish you had never used AAS? Wish you would have done so less often? Used less compounds/levels? I would like to hear from you so that I may learn from your experiences.

    Thanks all,


  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wish I educated myself further to prevent permanent damage. Otherwise, I'm A-OK.
    almostgone and MuscleInk like this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Wish I had started later in life than earlier with more knowledge. The crap I did in my early 20s was just stupid.

  4. #4
    trikydik's Avatar
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    Wish I started in my 30's when my test levels dropped but no one would treat you for that! Too many years feeling like shat!

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wish I didn't cycle to often with little time off,
    I wish I didn't use extremely high dosages of AAS,
    I wish what I learnt in my later years I implemented in my younger days because I would be a lot bigger,
    BG, MuscleInk and almostgone like this.

  6. #6
    jesse4466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I wish I didn't cycle to often with little time off, I wish I didn't use extremely high dosages of AAS, I wish what I learnt in my later years I implemented in my younger days because I would be a lot bigger,
    Can you elaborate? explain why it was more harmful, if possible. That is very helpful. Thank you.

  7. #7
    paulzane's Avatar
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    I didn't start until I was 35 so no problems with that. I have only done a few short courses since so I have been quite sensible luckily!!
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  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Started too young but at least doses were low. There was no knowledge available other than bro-science back then. No internet, etc. The only savior was when Dan Duchaine started his Underground Steroid Handbook. That helped a lot.
    almostgone likes this.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    Wish I was 20 yrs younger, so I could start
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  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    What Marcus said 100%.....

    I waited until 30 so that wasnt an issue.
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I wish I didn't cycle to often with little time off,
    I wish I didn't use extremely high dosages of AAS,
    I wish what I learnt in my later years I implemented in my younger days because I would be a lot bigger,
    Point one and two above from Marcus.

    I've been guilty of running long cycles, less time off, and stacking more compounds than necessary - and lately, I've paid a small price for it.

    I waited until I was almost 39 before touching anabolics and was better informed about neuroendocrinology and testosterone than most. I had less knowledge about some of the more "aggressive" compounds such as tren , but didn't use tren until my fourth cycle, almost two years after I began the anabolic journey.

    What worries me about new guys is that they become enamored with the results, they think more is better, and become so obsessed with getting bigger, better, stronger, or fearful of losing gains, is that they sacrifice their health by running longer cycles with less time off. Many, if not most of us are (or will be at some time I believe) guilty of this mistake. Many here know I am a licensed MD, I don't hide it, but even with my years of training in medicine and general health, I became a culprit of abusing (yes, that is exactly what it is) steroids . In my arrogance I figured I would be somewhat immune to the mistakes others have made because of my education, but you quickly learn that you aren't any different than many of us who fall in love with the appeal of steroids and neglect our health. It's far too easy to assume that because you don't feel any problems, there aren't any problems. That is a very naive and potentially costly attitude.

    In this industry, unless you truly are competing for a title and willing to risk your health, most people, in my opinion, don't need to run long, multi-compound cycles.

    I'd sooner look and feel good than be bed ridden or have to take several years away from the gym and my goals because I was reckless and arrogant about the safety of steroids and how they will or will not affect me differently from anyone else.

    For many of us, proper nutrition, training, combined with one or two safely run cycles with one or two compounds PER YEAR should easily suffice to achieve the goals we seek.

    The mistake is that we think we need it all, NOW, but with that attitude, comes a potentially hefty price.
    sixfootseven, paulzane and BG like this.

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jesse4466 View Post
    Can you elaborate? explain why it was more harmful, if possible. That is very helpful. Thank you.
    Longer cycles put a greater strain on your body, your immune system, your blood chemistry, and more. Less time off doesn't allow your body enough time to recover. If your body was designed to maintain a testosterone level above 2000 (which is probably the low end for many on cycles), you would already be producing testosterone at that level or beyond.

    As I mentioned in my other reply, too many guys assume that if there are no visual indicators of poor health, your health must be fine. Go ask a patient who has stroked out how good they thought their health was before the ischemic event. Just about every patient I have ever triaged in the ER or treated in clinic that was hospitalized for a TIA has said, "but I felt perfectly fine". That's my point. Just because you don't see a problem developing, doesn't mean there isn't one. So many young guys worry about gyno. They don't want man boobs - it's a vanity concern. There are many more problems that can occur - polycythemia for example (go ask Marcus how much fun that was) that should be of far greater concern than a pair of tits.

    I'm sure many of the vets get frustrated trying to talk new guys off the ledge from using aggressive cycles, staying on too long, or not taking adequate breaks between cycles. What these new members fail to consider is that very likely they are advising you because THEY made the same mistakes you are about to make and are genuinely trying to help you avoid making them.
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  13. #13
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    Thank you MusckeInk for that! Very much helpful.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Started too young but at least doses were low. There was no knowledge available other than bro-science back then. No internet, etc. The only savior was when Dan Duchaine started his Underground Steroid Handbook. That helped a lot.
    Wow, can't imagine how it was without Internet. Good point.

  15. #15
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jesse4466 View Post
    Wow, can't imagine how it was without Internet. Good point.
    We spent more times outdoors, no time in front of a computer (home computers were not available), and when you needed info, we had to go to a place called a library. lol.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Point one and two above from Marcus.

    I've been guilty of running long cycles, less time off, and stacking more compounds than necessary - and lately, I've paid a small price for it.

    For many of us, proper nutrition, training, combined with one or two safely run cycles with one or two compounds PER YEAR should easily suffice to achieve the goals we seek.

    The mistake is that we think we need it all, NOW, but with that attitude, comes a potentially hefty price.
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    As I mentioned in my other reply, too many guys assume that if there are no visual indicators of poor health, your health must be fine. Go ask a patient who has stroked out how good they thought their health was before the ischemic event. Just about every patient I have ever triaged in the ER or treated in clinic that was hospitalized for a TIA has said, "but I felt perfectly fine". That's my point. Just because you don't see a problem developing, doesn't mean there isn't one. So many young guys worry about gyno. They don't want man boobs - it's a vanity concern. There are many more problems that can occur - polycythemia for example (go ask Marcus how much fun that was) that should be of far greater concern than a pair of tits.

    I'm sure many of the vets get frustrated trying to talk new guys off the ledge from using aggressive cycles, staying on too long, or not taking adequate breaks between cycles. What these new members fail to consider is that very likely they are advising you because THEY made the same mistakes you are about to make and are genuinely trying to help you avoid making them.
    Very good information from the vets here, but these posts highlight some things I've been thinking a lot about.

    As a collegiate track and field thrower, I have teammates who stay on all season long; running compound after compound to try and get as powerful as possible. They are extremely powerful, but they are destroying their bodies. These guys are only 21-24 years old as well. They don't run HCG either. I have tried to educate them, but bc they are bigger and more powerful than me they think they know more about AAS than I do.

    I just tried to caution one of them today, he has been on since probably last fall. right now he is running orals only w no hcg and Idk about an AI. Anyway, all I am saying is that I realize the attractiveness of steroids and the desire to constantly be on like MI talked about.

    Really all I want to do is run one cycle a year-maybe 2 if i can get enough time in between but If i run a 12 week cycle then its gonna be a 6 month chunk of time including time on and off. 3 or even 2 compounds is enough when you have a clear goal like I do. Also, i know that you cannot rush these things and I am willing to dedicate years to building a great physique in as safe a way as possible.

    appreciate all the information in this thread and others from you veterans
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixfootseven View Post
    Very good information from the vets here, but these posts highlight some things I've been thinking a lot about.

    As a collegiate track and field thrower, I have teammates who stay on all season long; running compound after compound to try and get as powerful as possible. They are extremely powerful, but they are destroying their bodies. These guys are only 21-24 years old as well. They don't run HCG either. I have tried to educate them, but bc they are bigger and more powerful than me they think they know more about AAS than I do.

    I just tried to caution one of them today, he has been on since probably last fall. right now he is running orals only w no hcg and Idk about an AI. Anyway, all I am saying is that I realize the attractiveness of steroids and the desire to constantly be on like MI talked about.

    Really all I want to do is run one cycle a year-maybe 2 if i can get enough time in between but If i run a 12 week cycle then its gonna be a 6 month chunk of time including time on and off. 3 or even 2 compounds is enough when you have a clear goal like I do. Also, i know that you cannot rush these things and I am willing to dedicate years to building a great physique in as safe a way as possible.

    appreciate all the information in this thread and others from you veterans
    Good head on your shoulders mate and you WILL come out farther ahead than your buddies. They just don't know it yet, but life is going to humble them. It almost always does.

    1-2 cycles per year is reasonable and you'll likely get more out of your cycles than they will by allowing recovery and letting your body make the most out of each cycle after it has "reset" itself and is ready for the next challenge.

    Keep thinking with your head and not your biceps and you'll lap those guys in strength and size.
    sixfootseven and BG like this.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Good head on your shoulders mate and you WILL come out farther ahead than your buddies. They just don't know it yet, but life is going to humble them. It almost always does.

    1-2 cycles per year is reasonable and you'll likely get more out of your cycles than they will by allowing recovery and letting your body make the most out of each cycle after it has "reset" itself and is ready for the next challenge.

    Keep thinking with your head and not your biceps and you'll lap those guys in strength and size.
    Thanks boss, just wish i could talk some sense into the guys bc god knows what they are doing to their bodies.

    If anyone wouldnt mind checking out my other thread i would really appreciate it. For whatever reason its not getting much activity, thnx.

    Planning a Crucial Strength Cycle for Late Winter/Early spring

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