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Thread: Oxycontin,

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Anyone know if [name deleted] is has these or is going to?
    Last edited by TNT; 06-09-2002 at 10:36 AM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    for what? i have never understood people posting here for recreational drugs(i am sure there is no medical reason for you to need these, as your doc would take care of the script if you did). i am no angel by a long shot, but if it doesnt have to do with building your body to its muscular potential then it has no place on this board. thats why we call it BODYBUILDING, not bodydestruction. thats not just my opinion, that is a simple fact.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    My training partner has 2 herniated discs and degenerative diisc diseise, he is a vet and the VA basically told him to fuck off. He hasn't trained in over 6 months and the only thing other then 14 Vicoden a day that helps (which is way toxic) is Oxy. He was also on Morphine patches for a while but got addicted to them. for the short time he was doing Oxy, it seemed to help him for a long perioond of time 1 would ease the pain for a couple days. Maybe I should have clarified all this first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Oxycontin is extremely addicting.

  6. #6
    Mike Guest
    VERY addictive and it's rise on recreational use is getting worse and worse - it is more addictive than morphine and I don't know if you realize how powerful this stuff is.....I am sure he could make do with something less severe. Perhaps a few oxycodone a day (percocet) etc etc.

    By the way - I agree with BigK (if you were not inquiring for that reason this doesn't pertain to you) But I see it a lot on other boards and less on this one but this board is NOT for recreational drug use or sex. (Had to throw the sex one in there cause it is getting out of hand as well, had to warn someone just today)

    This is for bodybuilding - there are many drug sites out there. In fact has a message board I believe that is actually quite extensive. Look there. And sex....well I think the internet REVOLVES around sex so no need using THIS board for that.

    SK - get your friend OFF - QUICK. She is heading down a very dangerous path...very adicting - she is better off doing other rec drugs - painkillers can be pretty scary to go through withdrawls on. Help your friend.

  7. #7
    Ranger Guest
    I must agree with Mike 100% on this. Right now they call it " The killer in small town America " simply because Doc's are giving it to patients, patients fell good/better, and then comes the American way of thinking...If I take one and it does this good, two will be better.....3 days later they're found tit's up in the kitchen....

    Oxy isn't the way to go unless your dying of cancer.....

    As for the back....I've had 62 or so cortizone shots, 4 epidurals, and 2 back surgeries...still squat 500+/- pounds, and nothing but advil and Indomethacin(arthitsis med) for me....hurt some days, but still pretty damn good on all others....

    Strengthen the abs, walk, good diet, and it'll help much more in the long run....pain pills are short term Bro....

    Just MHO :O) :O) :O)


  8. #8
    CYCLEON Guest
    the one thing is that with oxy - if you are using it as you are supposed to - it will provide long lasting pain relief for those who need it - hte poblem is that most of the people grabbing it are crushing it and getting what is supposed to be a 12 hr dose all at once - thats the problem - btw: chinaman doesnt make it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Mods Look at this!!!

    There was another post two days ago about was your post Tmaxx ....Hey a search on Vicodin and you'll see the same guy asking for that too. He's a junkie and found this site and is trying to work us...Hey Fuck Head..we're Body Builders...go somewhere else....

    Sorry, the Test must be kicking in already...


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool To put this in perspective a bit . . .

    Originally posted by Tmaxx
    My training partner has 2 herniated discs and degenerative diisc diseise, he is a vet and the VA basically told him to fuck off. He hasn't trained in over 6 months and the only thing other then 14 Vicoden a day that helps (which is way toxic) is Oxy. He was also on Morphine patches for a while but got addicted to them. for the short time he was doing Oxy, it seemed to help him for a long perioond of time 1 would ease the pain for a couple days. Maybe I should have clarified all this first.
    First, by way of background, you'll find more of an explanation on Oxycontin and some of the other drugs (like oxycodone and Vicodin, which is a combination of hydrocodone and acetominophen) in the recent thread on Vicodin at

    Now, this is the second recent post in which someone wrote, "My friend needs this because . . ."

    Well, guess what, campers (I address it to anyone who wants to help a buddy in this way, regardless of how sincere you are or how much you might care about him or her) . . . You are not a physician.

    Tmaxx, you write "1 [Oxycontin] would ease the pain for a couple of days." Let's think about that statement, bro . . .

    What strength? Oxycontin comes in several strengths - 10 mg., 20 mg., 40 mg., 80 mg., and 160 mg. (although the manufacturer, Purdue Pharma, has indicated that they are discontinuing the 160 mg. strength because of Oxycontin abuse). How many times a day? And at what time of day? With, without, before, or after a meal? Can you just stop taking it, or does it have to be titrated (tapered) up and down? You see, there are a lot of variables to any drug, and unless you know what those variables are, don't fuck with it.

    As it happens, Oxycontin is not a take-one-a-day cure-all. It's a drug that's used for chronic pain, not acute pain; and if you don't know the difference between the terms, don't fuck with it.

    I presume that the morphine patch your friend was on was Duragesic. And you're right - it's addictive. But what would make you think that Oxycontin is any less addictive?

    There are other variables. Not knowing the guy, I would wonder why the V.A. would tell him to fuck off. As a general rule, the V.A. does offer good treatment to vets. Unless they know something you don't - like, maybe, he has an addictive personality. Or maybe he's using the pain - and I'm sure that the pain is real - as an excuse to get more opiates. (Let me make it clear - I'm not saying that he's not experiencing real pain, just questioning whether he's totally innocent in what he has told the V.A.) Has he, for example, explored other treatment options such as surgery? (I know one guy who could have corrective surgery for herniated discs, but he's put it off for almost three years now. No clinical reason to avoid it; he just has an addictive personality and would rather be doing oxycodone. I hate to tell you this, but doctors eventually get hip to that kind of act.)

    For the hell of it, let's speculate a little further . . . Why was he taking 14 Vicodin a day? The usual adult dosage of Vicodin is one or two tablets every four to six hours as needed for pain, with the maximum daily dosage not to exceed 8 tablets. (Getting the picture now? Your friend is a junkie.) Moreover, Vicodin is not a toxic drug, except in the case of overdose. As in, say, 14 a day. And any drug would be just as toxic if the patient is overdosing, including Oxycontin. Finally, if this guy has not trained in six months, I guarantee you that it is not because of his condition, it's because of his addiction. (He may not be able to train as hard, but if he's not training at all, it's because of lack of motivation.)

    There are two things I do know . . . First, it's disturbing to see a friend or relative in pain. You want to do something - anything - to help relieve that pain. But, second, you are not a physician. You are an amateur when it comes to drugs, as we all are. You do not know the "big picture" when it comes to his entire clinical profile, you don't know his medical history, and you don't have the professional knowedge or the license to practice medicine. Moreover, if you score Oxycontin (or any other drug, prescription or otherwise) for him and he has a negative reaction to it (or, in a worst case scenario, dies), guess who's responsible, both legally and morally: you.

    I know that's not easy to hear, bro, but it's reality. And it's a bitch of a reality - you see, you can't do anything for this dude. He has to want to do something himself, and he won't do anything until he admits his own addiction and takes control of his medical treatment. (Remember, people are not just patients today, they're medical consumers. And these days, the patient has a lot more say in his or her own treatment.)

    So, you wanna be effective? Then encourage him to see a competent physician. And go with him to make sure that he doesn't freakin' manipulate the physician into simply giving him more drugs. Kick him in the butt to get some solid treatment for his condition, not just a prescription. Hold his hand if you have to, but practice tough love and recognize your own limitations - he won't take any positive action until he he is ready to take responsibility for himself. And if this guy is a veteran, he should already know how to do that. In other words, stop accepting his bullshit act - and that is what it is. Otherwise, he'll just be using you as much as he's attempting to use the doctors. But first things first: admit that you do not have the clinical knowledge to either be prescribing for him or procuring for him.

    (And for what it's worth, bro, I speak from experience - I've been on your end of the stick.)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i dont buy this for a second. you want me to beleive that this guy is gonna take oxy and then go work out? i took one last year,one, and felt like i was on heroin or some other dirt drug, i threw up for 4 hours, and i am no light weight. its my turn to call bullshit.

    what about vioxx or celebrex? both very effective with no power to get you high. sorry bro, i think your intentions are" less than noble"(to keep this from being a flame)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    There only is one reason why hes asking about Oxys to find someone who can sell them to them oxys without a perscription is very expensive and there is no way your going to be able to tkae them and then go work out. I know people who take them and there messes up all day long. What are you going to ask about next Nubain?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Sorry for the spelling I got mad after reading the post

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thread: Anyone ever get a prescription?

    If I'm wrong about this, I apologize.

    Quote: From TMAXX

    "Anyway I am going to go to my MD and tell him what I am going to do and I want him to monitor me so I will be sure I am not going to get sick. I am also considering asking him if he will provide me with a script. He is pretty cool and if he thinks I will be using what he prescribes he may go forit. Letting him know I will do it one way or the other can help. The reason is that I am thinking that with a script for a low dose of test or something if the feds ever come knocking on the door I will have that script and can easily say "they must have sent me the wrong package I didn't order Dbols etc"
    Now whats this crap about your friend need pain killers....Caught you didn't we..

    BTW, I love the drama effect about him being a VET...that really pisses me off.

    Same Guy different day.

    We're all stupid here. We dont know whats going and you're smarter than we are.

    I did some of my clinicals in a detox 10 years ago ( Big Kev, do you know where Kerrville,TX is?)studing to be a Paramedic and remember some of the same drug seeking junkie shit then too. Saw it in the ER and in the field...

    Bro, please look at your behavior and try, just try to ask someone for help. I forgot, your probably sick, not a bad person....I remember a physician that was so addicted to Vicodin that he lost his practice because he self-prescribed Vicodin and go so strung out that he threw it all away because of that shit. The addiction is unbelieveably powerful

    Good Luck...God Bless
    Last edited by Keywestlifter; 12-11-2001 at 06:12 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Bro you should stay away Oxycotin. A 20 yr old girl in my town just died last month of a Oxy OD.
    That's sum nasty shit.....


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    I take OC 20's....for my pain management. tis very helpful and benefical, to be honest i dont like the way it makes me feel.....i throw up alot esp in the gym. I know they come in doses from 10mg all the way to oding is a chore, but usually occurs when ppl mortar the pills, wheich ruins the delayed release so they get it all in one shot. I have a script....costs me over $150/mo too cause i dont have insurance. Like any drug when abused its bad...but it was made for a reason, and in my case its very benifical.

  17. #17
    Mike Guest
    Well if everyone is done with this post I am taking it down. I really don't see the connection between this post and what this board's purpose is. So I will leave it up for the next few minutes for people to read but then it's coming down.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    well i think it has a place. i dont advise for taking oc as a rec drug but half the people in my classes are still able to work because of oxycodone and hyrdocodone. Im able to feel like me elbow isnt about to explode. I do beleive any drug can be abused though.... not ecaxtly like were all taking hormones and steroids in the peoper dr reccomended fashion, altho that is the purpose of this board in a sense, to advise against that. Sorry...came outta the woodwork on that one....just didnt agree with all the bashing.

  19. #19
    Mike Guest
    Bro if you can tell me how this really has to do with BBing I will leave the post. I don't have a problem if this guy wants Oxy - my opposition is not against Oxy's medical uses. If it works then great - go get a script and dose up. But why this board?? Why a STEROID board...that's what this is. I can't seem to make the connection....

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    i totally agree with gettin a script...but without insurance it is quite expensive. also know alotta kids who take it to deal with back pain that ive played ball with. i guess this particular thread isnt what i was supporting.....was more trying to say that painkillers when necessary alow many ppl to train and play.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    i totally agree with gettin a script...but without insurance it is quite expensive. also know alotta kids who take it to deal with back pain that ive played ball with. i guess this particular thread isnt what i was supporting.....was more trying to say that painkillers when necessary alow many ppl to train and play.

  22. #22
    Mike Guest
    Brother I have a script for percocet in my name right now for pain. There is nothing wrong with them and yes they definitely serve a prupose. Though I don't condone using them recreationally and I don't see why asking for a source for this would be any different than steroids and we don't allow source posting for steroids.....Pain killers are fine - and yes they have a purpose - but not here, not like this.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Bro, if you need help pm me, i mean if you really want help. Everybody pretty much hit the nail on the head here. I'm an ex(recovering) drug addict, i,ve been clean over 5 years and oxy's or anyother narcotic and bodybuilding don't belong in the same sentence. Either your lying or your buddy is, been there done that, almost lost it all. Peace

  24. #24
    CYCLEON Guest
    I moved this to the general forum since I would hate to waste that excellent reply by TNT and think that this is not a terribly bad thread on the dangers of addiction.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ooh I guess I hit a nerve, honestly my partner is in severe pain 24/7 you know the pain scale of 1-10 with 1 being a paper cut and 10 being having your appendix removed without being put out, well he puts it at a 8 to9 all the time. You ever see a 220lb BB cry like a 12 year old girl? he is in a bad way, I know Oxy is addictive however it does really help him get through the day. He needs surgery but no Dr. will operate because of floating fragments to close to the spinal cord, they are afraid he will be paralyzed. I can see your point in that this is not a BB related question, but something that I may be able to get some insight on and I have.

  26. #26
    Mike Guest
    Alright Cyc - you win - I was going back to delete it and saw it was GONE! But found it here you tricky thing....

    And you're right - would be a waste of TNT's novel...

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Now that I've recovered . . .

    Originally posted by KrashRoute
    I take OC 20's....for my pain management. tis very helpful and benefical, to be honest i dont like the way it makes me feel.....i throw up alot esp in the gym. I know they come in doses from 10mg all the way to oding is a chore, but usually occurs when ppl mortar the pills, wheich ruins the delayed release so they get it all in one shot. I have a script....costs me over $150/mo too cause i dont have insurance. Like any drug when abused its bad...but it was made for a reason, and in my case its very benifical.
    So, I spent a few minutes this afternoon in a daze, thinking that Mike was about to delete one my masterpieces (my earlier post in this thread), before Cycleon came to the rescue . . . I got all farklempt, but there . . . I'm better now.

    But seriously, folks . . .

    KrashRoute has touched on a few issues here that are worth a comment. First, remember that Oxycontin is a time-released version of oxycodone (the same drug used in Percocet, although Oxycontin is in its pure form rather than combined with acetominophen). Overdosing can occur with taking too much (remember, it comes anywhere from 10 mg. to 160 mg.), but most abusers crush the pills, which destroys its time-release qualities.

    As a result, Purdue Pharma, the manufactuer of Oxycontin, is currently working on refomulating the pills so that crushing them will render them ineffective, thus cutting down on the abuse potential. The current research they're doing involves coating the Oxycontin pills with Naltrexone, a drug that is often used by recovering alcoholics to render the effects of alcohol null.

    KrashRoute puts it in persective well when he writes, "Like any drug when abused its bad...but it was made for a reason." There is, indeed, a balance between Oxycontin's benefits and abuse potential. I've written about this elsewhere, but it bears repeating here. Back in the ealy 1970's, one of the most popular drugs of abuse was Quaalude, a sleeping pill that was safer than many older sleep preparations. "Ludes" or "714's" became so popular on the black market that Quaalude was discontinued by Rorer, the manufacturer.

    The F.D.A. has put much pressure on Purdue Pharma because of the abuse of Oxycontin, which is why - in addition to working on reformulating the drug - the manufacturer has begun a major preventive education campaign. Fortunately, Oxycontin is unlikely to go the route of Quaalude, since patients today are much more proactive than they were in the 1970's and the cancer patients alone would go ballistic - for them, Oxycontin has been a god-send because nothing else has worked as effectively.

    Oxycontin is generally prescribed when other drugs have not worked - powerful drugs like Percocet/Percodan, Vicodin, and Tylenol 3 & 4. And KrashRoute is right - drugs like Oxycontin and Duragesic (the morphine patch mentioned earlier) often leave a patient feeling very "doped up" and nausious. (And keep in mind that KrashRoute is using the next to weakest strength of Oxycontin). They also cause addiction in the patients that are being legitimately treated by them. But, thanks to advances in pain management and medical ethics, in the case of a cancer patient in constant pain or a patient with a terminal illness, the consequence of addiction if balanced against the benefit of ameliorating the pain. (Remember the lesser-of-evils argument?)

    I think the most important thing to remember in this entire thread, however, is that Oxycontin should never be self-prescribed or prescribed by a non-physician. Yeah, greater love has no man than this - that a man but his balls to help a friend (call that a biblical paraphrase), but sometimes we try helping by doing some really dumb-ass things.

    That's why I take Tmaxx at his word - he may legitimately want to help his friend, but is too naive to realize that his friend is already an oral opiate junkie. And his buddy is hip enough to pull it off - oral opiate junkies usually are great manipulators, and often in denial themselves. (And even if Tmaxx were a B.S. artist, there are others who are legitimately in similar situations.)

    By the way, I think that many of the responses to this thread are a testimony to this board. I can think of some other AS boards - which we'll leave unnamed - where the abuse of Oxycontin would have been applauded, and people would have been volunteering informaton on how to get it. The responses I've seen here have been realistic and, just as important, some of them have been based on experience (still one of the best teachers, if you learn from it).

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    TNT, Thanks for the insight, I understand where you all are coming from, Belive me I have known this guy for years and he is not BSing me. He is aware fo the adictive properties. He doesn't pursue them on the black market, (if he was a junkie that would be the case) I agree that anything, including AS can be abused and Oxy jsut as other pain meds are helpful. At least on Oxy he can function through life. However ultimatly the only thing that will fix it is surgery.

    Thanks for your help I will be passing this along to him,.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Thread: Anyone ever get a prescription?

    Dude, what are you trying to say, I am not sure what one has to do with the other. Yeah I wanted to know if anyone ever got a script for AS from their doc. And yes I wanted to know about oxy for my buddy, I am really not sure what you caught me doing.
    PM me if you like I would be more then happy to give you more details.

    I reread what I just wrote and although it may sound a little harsh believe me there is no attitude in what I wrote, just trying to clear this up.

    Originally posted by Keywestlifter
    If I'm wrong about this, I apologize.

    Quote: From TMAXX

    "Anyway I am going to go to my MD and tell him what I am going to do and I want him to monitor me so I will be sure I am not going to get sick. I am also considering asking him if he will provide me with a script. He is pretty cool and if he thinks I will be using what he prescribes he may go forit. Letting him know I will do it one way or the other can help. The reason is that I am thinking that with a script for a low dose of test or something if the feds ever come knocking on the door I will have that script and can easily say "they must have sent me the wrong package I didn't order Dbols etc"
    Now whats this crap about your friend need pain killers....Caught you didn't we..

    BTW, I love the drama effect about him being a VET...that really pisses me off.

    Same Guy different day.

    We're all stupid here. We dont know whats going and you're smarter than we are.

    I did some of my clinicals in a detox 10 years ago ( Big Kev, do you know where Kerrville,TX is?)studing to be a Paramedic and remember some of the same drug seeking junkie shit then too. Saw it in the ER and in the field...

    Bro, please look at your behavior and try, just try to ask someone for help. I forgot, your probably sick, not a bad person....I remember a physician that was so addicted to Vicodin that he lost his practice because he self-prescribed Vicodin and go so strung out that he threw it all away because of that shit. The addiction is unbelieveably powerful

    Good Luck...God Bless

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Looking at the big picture . . .

    Originally posted by Tmaxx
    TNT, Thanks for the insight, I understand where you all are coming from, Belive me I have known this guy for years and he is not BSing me. He is aware fo the adictive properties. He doesn't pursue them on the black market, (if he was a junkie that would be the case) I agree that anything, including AS can be abused and Oxy jsut as other pain meds are helpful. At least on Oxy he can function through life. However ultimatly the only thing that will fix it is surgery. Thanks for your help I will be passing this along to him,.
    I hear ya, Tmaxx, but there are still some "red flags." First, most oral opiate addicts do not get their drugs on the black market, they do it by manipulating physicians. I don't doubt that his pain is real - I'm sure it is, but I do submit that he uses that pain as an excuse for the drugs.

    And you're right about the surgery. Somehow, it doesn't jive to say that no doctor will operate on him because of the risk - orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons (both types do this kind of operation) love a challenge, and risk-benefit analysis is not as simple as to say that it can't be done. If he hasn't done so, I would suggest that he see a surgeon at a major teaching hospital (since I'm unaware of whether you're in a major city or small town). Sometimes, surgeons at small community hospitals simply don't have the skills - or an inflated sense of risk management with regard to their malpractice insurance - to pull off a complicated procedure. Likewise, since he's been going to the VA, their doctors may not have the competence to do surgery on herniated discs - remember, most guys go to the VA hospital for chronic medical conditions, not surgical conditions. And even if a VA surgeon did have the skills, I would lean toward a civilian hospital, since it's proven that the more a surgeon does a particular procedure, ther more competent he is at it.

    So, in light of the fact that you know him and can vouch for his credibility, the question is, which is true: That he's legitimately in chronic pain, or that he's an addict? IMO, FWIW, both.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    The problem is that VA basically seems to be in denial that surgery is even a option. He has been to 2 consults with surgons locally and both passed, saying there is nothing they would be able to do for him. However he is going to see a Boston surgeon in Jan. Hopefully he will be a bit more aggresive.

    You have opened my eyes to the possiblity that he is possibly an addict. I basically have been thinking about nothing but his best interest and the thought that he is an addict to pain meds never crossed my mind. I will be paying much closer attn: to his practices.

  32. #32
    Oxy's are a very hot street narcotic right now. TNT great posts. I have seen first hand what this drug does to people.

    We have had over five pharmacy robberies in the last month, yep you guessed it all they wanted was Oxy's. Now several pharmacies wont even carry the drug. Its street value is about 1.25 per mg. So a 100 tabs of 80mg Oxy's nets you about 10 grand.

    Last year a unknown national caliber bodybuilder died of Oxycontin overdose. It a running wild all over the place and is very widely used in our sub culture, wether we like to admit it or not.


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    That stuff is very bad news.

    Two of my friends died from Oxy.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I think you are stupid if you mess with oxy. I was on it for about 8 days when I was in hospital after my motorbike accident. It made me constipated, I would node off while my family was visiting me, I got MEGA depression when I had to stop taking the opiates.

    Why you would take this with out prescription I do not know. I have messed with herion in my past. Trust me drugs suck,... stick clear.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    my 2cents time: first off i can definitely believe that the friend cant get a doctor worth a shit. My gf is on her 6th doctor in less than a year for a chronic illness, just to get the proper tests done. they all run cbc, met, lip, urinary, tsh, and then say she is healthy. MOST (not all)DOCTORS SUCK ASS. they dont have the time or inclination to find whats wrong with the 1% thats out of the ordinary. As my brother says (who is a med/peds specialist), the most common thing he sees is syphilus. that would kill anybody's drive to perform. I can definitely believe that the dude couldnt get whats needed.

    second. we all self medicate. nobody here (with the exception of naturals) can say that it is bad to do it. we (not me if any feds are watching ) think that we know better and get prescription pharma ceuticals to take. oxycontin is no different. just different sides is all. abuse will kill, just like shooting 5g of test every day for a few years. oxycontin is actually safer as prescribed than plain ole oxycodone. the time release nature limits od. its the fools that snort the shit that get in trouble.

    saying that doctors are the only ones with knowledge to medicate is bull. its ironic that i have to go to see people that i did better than in school and in chemistry, biology, immunology, etc.... i usually know more about whats going on and how to treat than the doctors i see. mainly cause i do the research, and read the current literature.

    all i mean is before crticism of others compare yourself to the situation first.

    all this being said, oxycontin is addictive like all morphine derivatives. if you self-medicate, you sure as hell better know what you are doing, or find someone (a doctor most likely) who does

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I heard many pro's use nabain, which is hardcore IMO

    so I dont think that drug is that far off, BUT, if you actualy had that much pain, the doc would probably give them to you.

    I had them once, they didnt mess me up at all when i took them for migraines, so Im not sure what you guys mean. though I had high tolerance to a lot drugs at that time.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york
    a kid from around here died from that shit less than a month ago so i stay far should too

  38. #38
    chinups Guest
    I know somone who passed recently on that too.

    Bad stuff my friend

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