This has less to do with race and more to do with the situation we put cops in. I grew up about 10 minutes from where all of this is happening. I have several friends in LE. A buddy of mine worked for St. Louis County PD and was station in that area. He told me after a few years he started hating black people. Then he got transferred to South County and instead of little black gangster wannabes he dealt with poor white people cooking meth in their mobile home. Then he started hating white people. So he retired.
When all you see is the worst of humanity everyday I think you are bound to become jaded. I believe it could have happened as the cop described it. I also think it's possible that he got pissed because the kid gave him an attitude, hit him, and he snapped. Chased the kid down the street and shot him. Sadly, I would believe either one.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Hey that's what the Governor Of Missouri says as well. Jay Nixon is calling for Vigorous prosecution of the police officer involved in shooting and killing Michael Brown. That he says is the Only way the family of Mr. Brown can achieve justice for him. we must prosecute the police officer and imprison him for life or even put him to death. who cares if the officer was justified in the shooting or not. Our Governor says he is guilty so that is good enough for us. I mean after all if Mr. Obama can break into prime time American Television to tell us all how pissed off he is on the beheading of the white American Journalist and then 5 minutes later he is out laughing and golfing, well everything goes now. so Off with all the coppers heads!
Oh and by the way has anyone noticed all the traffic going on now on ebay since the riots in ferguson? Man a whole lot of good sales on there. Don't think anything of your item when you receive it in the mail and the words walmart or sears has been scribbled out on your new items you win on ebay at greatly reduced prices. Yep a whole lot of early Christmas sales going on now Courtesy of Ferguson Riots and Rev Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson for stirring up those rioters for 2 weeks long enough to break out the windows and grab those future Ebay items for us all to enjoy. shame they didn't hit up the pharmacys though as I could use some bottles of fresh pharm grade test.
Last edited by Shol'va; 08-22-2014 at 01:04 PM.
What we're seeing in Ferguson is the, "industrial grievance industry" at it's finest, with those two (make that three) clowns, jackson, sharpton, & holder there.
Black cop kills white man, media hide race
Same scenario no riots
Nope, there is only one main demographic who seems to like to riot, loot and cause general mayhem.
No delegates being sent from the white house.
Almost no media coverage except as a comparison.
Nothing about the 44 other African Americans who were shot and killed in the last 2 weeks by other African Americans in the same city and the list goes on.
I like a saying I heard yesterday. It's not a problem with color, its a problem with culture.
only good thug is a dead thug.
Just started reading this post but have to comment that it is harder to not eat bacon than anything else. Bacon tastes to good . . . but the taste is not worth the extra time in the gym. Going to read more...
1. Okay I now am sure that austinite is an English teacher.
2. I agree that 99% of cops suck
3. This race card crap is getting old
4. If I would have been there I might have shot the thug
5. Media loves the race card
6. I love these types of threads
Last edited by David LoPan; 08-30-2014 at 02:35 AM. Reason: Read the whole thread
Good video
OK yeah I think its about time we (Caucasians) take a stand together and send a message that anyone involved in something like this will pay a dear price at the hands of vigilantes and not the local justice system. We wont riot, destroy property or blindly attach others but we will take measures to protect innocent people and show thugs there is no sympathy for them.
Oh wow......6 .02 cents
**** cops and **** criminal race baiters
just giving animals and excuse to behave like animals, there is a ton of black on black violence and black on white violence and you never hear anything. It is the biased media who make things into a racial issue to stir ratings up, and idiots like jesse jackson and al sharpton.
I once wanted to be a cop.Man am I glad I changed my mind.These under paid people see nothing but the bad part of life.Always having to justifiy their actions after arresting some bum.And God forbid if he has to pull his gun and protect himself.Beacuse it wouldnt matter if he was out gunned by 6 guys.Beacuse if he killed one of them and he was white and they werent.All hell breaks lose.
where is the outrage on this one?
St. Louis’ Bosnian community sees hammer murder as hate crime | Fox News
I think Charles Barkley said exactly what I wanted to say about this whole thing. called them for who they are, scumbags!
A criminal was shot two times, and the community where those people are from committed FAR MORE crimes as a repercussion than the killing in the first place. Ignorant stupid fvcking people will be the downfall of America. A bunch of puppets following what celebrities are saying.
Or this one.
Black Teenager Shoots Newlywed Soldier and Executes His Pregnant Wife… Race Baiters Are Silent
Black Teenager Shoots Newlywed Soldier and Executes His Pregnant Wife... Race Baiters Are Silent [VIDEO]
Who got shot?
Tupac or biggie small?
what did I miss
^^^ couldn't agree more...
You know when Obummer was elected America had such high hopes for both him and the Country. but he has done more to divide and conquer than any President before him living or deceased! and don't get me started on how weak he has made our military and cancelled so many important testing for new technology as China and Russia and now Iran push forward like there is no tomorrow. I can't wait to see what they put in his soon to be built Presidential Library when he is out of office. Here is Barack Hussein Obama's Presidential library where he passed The Health care act and everyone got to keep their Doctors well sort of well on second thought no one gets to keep their Doctor. but this ex president did put America back in the black financially well sort of. well on second though he racked up trillions more to our national debt and bankrupted America as the World knows it. But then he has brought both the Republicans and Democrats together in both houses, well sort of. On second thought neither side is talking to the other and we got gridlock out the wazzoo. No bills being passed nor made. But he did fix the Immigration problem in America...well sort of....And the list goes on and on....
Shol'va, the more I read post from you the more I like you.Sorry, I'm taken. lol
Not that I ever disliked you of course. I just strongly agree with your political, ethical and many other viewpoints.![]()
You know for years I've been a steadfast democrat being a gay man i felt they were the party who supported my existence. And in many ways they still do compared to the Republicans who allow the religious right to dictate them. And most of those folks would still like to burn me at the stake. All because of a few lines in the King James Bible. You know Leviticus mans shall not lay with a man as with a woman unless of course their is a shortage of beds in the But i do agree more with the Republicans on a lot of issues now going on in America today. But as I've gotten older I see things more differently than I used to. so now I consider myself an Independent. too bad your still taken as i usually go for the older ones but I'm still holding out hope for my man Jeff.Yeah I know Fat
Yeah a lot of republicans get hung up on scripture or outdated standards but I believe the democratic party only pretends to be on the side of the little guy but they use them, keep them down and create situations to devide while misdirecting the masses.
just heard a report that over 1000 black babies were aborted the same day Michael Brown was killed! and of course 1000 the next day and the day after and so on... we all know Michael Brown is guilty as shit and deserves what he got, but where is the concern for 1000s of innocent babies killed everyday?
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