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  1. #1
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Angry Biggest Pet Peeve On AR!!!

    My biggest Pet Peeve is getting a email from a member I've never heard of before asking me for a source or this product or that one...

    And to top it off emailing me instead of just sending a PM... I try to anwser every PM I get, but if I don't know you I sure as shit don't want no fucking email asking ME FOR A SOURCE!!!

    And to top it off when I go on the member list and type in the name it doesn't even come up as a current member... Which leads me to start suspecting it was a narc or worst...What is up with that???

    Feel free to add you own Pet Peeves... I'd love to see what pisses off the rest of you....

  2. #2
    Got Gear?'s Avatar
    Got Gear? is offline Member
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    Everyone had to ask someone..

    But yeah, I also hate getting emails and PM's asking for sources from members whom I don't know.

  3. #3
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Originally posted by Got Gear?
    Everyone had to ask someone..

    But yeah, I also hate getting emails and PM's asking for sources from members whom I don't know.
    I don't mind the PM's as much as a email from someone I've never heard of... Plus when I did a search on AR his User name from the email didn't even come up... Don't know about you, but that makes me a little uneasy...

  4. #4
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    i get pms and emails every fuckin day askin me ,andthe thing is ,its some one who just fuckin joined and halike 3 posts it fuckin enrages me

  5. #5
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Dude try being a vet or a mod and take that a step further. I get at least one or two PM's a day asking for a source. I was getting so many freakin emails, I took my email addy off AR, so if anyone wants to ask me a question they have to PM me. that way I can at least check up on the user, etc. yes, I have complained about this many many times. So you have alot of other brothers in the same boat my friend.

  6. #6
    BIG R's Avatar
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    My biggest Pet Peeve is reading attitude Posts from Punk-Ass new members that think that they can dish out shit as they please to the well-respected members of AR. They usually only last weeks then show up as another name only to be an asshole again!!! Thank God that the current members and moderators are all cool and watch other's backs....against Flamers.


  7. #7
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    i'm getting fed up with the "can i drink winny?" posts. there's only like a million of them and a new one seems to pop up every day.

    everyone knows you inject it into your left testicle anyway

  8. #8
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Originally posted by hawktribal
    everyone knows you inject it into your left testicle anyway

  9. #9
    mammoth's Avatar
    mammoth is offline Member
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    My biggest pet peeve is the people who basically register and the first thing they do is post a question such as this: "Hey can somebody give me a good cycle that will make me huge and rock hard!".

    There should be a test question about the rules for all newbies to have to answer before they are allowed to post. Kinda like a question that asks what was the color of CYCLEON's favorite dildo that was written in the rules or something like that. j/k CYC...don't smite me!!

  10. #10
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    Dude try being a vet or a mod and take that a step further. I get at least one or two PM's a day asking for a source.
    Try having "superMod" next to your name

    Those dont bother me so much as "can you design a cycle for me? - I just bought some gear and Im not sure what to do with it - I wanna gain maybe 20-30 lbs"

    These guys mean well and I was there once myself - but if people want my time, cant they dedicate just a little of their time into doing some research so at least they can figure out the most basic things themselves.


  11. #11
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Having minors PM you about using controlled substances. Man that just bothers me.

  12. #12
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    PM´s and emails from guys without any posts offcourse but also clicking on a "winny" thread. Should be autoban on asking questions about winny.

  13. #13
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    All you bros who hate getting PM's asking for sources or stupid questions just do what I do. Tell them to ask CYCLEON.

  14. #14
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by RON
    All you bros who hate getting PM's asking for sources or stupid questions just do what I do. Tell them to ask CYCLEON.
    Good to see I've been doing the right thing all along.

    I think my big pet peeve here (I had one in mind but another one just crept in) is the consistency with which newer members will ask for advice, and, in return, receive some of the best-informed, best-intentioned advice in the world from what I firmly believe is the best collection of minds on the net with regards to the TOTAL package. Simply because the advice was something they did not want to hear ("wait a year or two", "that's probably a bit much for a first cycle", "I wouldn't run winny, dbol , anavar and drol together if i were you"...okay, so the last one's a bit extreme) they begin to whine like schoolchildren. YOU ASKED FOR ADVICE AND GOT IT!!!!!!! If you knew what you were going to do regardless, why did you waste our time asking? At the foundation of this pet peeve is that this action instantly and swiftly disrespects everyone who has taken the time to try and help someone out.

  15. #15
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by RON
    All you bros who hate getting PM's asking for sources or stupid questions just do what I do. Tell them to ask CYCLEON.

    Poor cycleon

    I feel sorry for all you VETs and Mods, i cant imagine the amount of times you have to delete bs pm's per day!

  16. #16
    superjew's Avatar
    superjew is offline Associate Member
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    I think my biggest pet peeve is the poor grammar alot of these guys use. They can't express themselves well, they don't use puncuation, etc. It seems like you are reading something from an eight year old kid. I'm sure Big Green can back me up on this one!

  17. #17
    chevy44's Avatar
    chevy44 is offline Member
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    peter, find urself a woman or keep up on the midget porn! but a pet peave of mine is seeing kids just asking for somebody to put a cycle together, or "i weigh 189 i need to get to 220 so what should i take" oh yeah by the way "im 17 and dont tell me im too young cuz ive been lifting for 8months now and i know everything"............ but the funny thing is 4 months ago that was me (except the age thing)

  18. #18
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well BigGreen took one of mine so I will go with another. Everyone can be misinformed on occassion but if you are not sure of your answer or have no experience with a substance don't state your opinion as fact. I see a lot of misinformation being passed on. Nothing wrong with having an opinion just make sure people know that is what it is or that it is something you have read and not actually tried yourself.

  19. #19
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    When you finally give into the newbies who need help getting a cycle together. You spend a bunch of time giving them advice because you dont want anybody to mess themselves up. Then, when you are about to wrap it up and ask them if they have clomid and nolva on hand, and you reveive the famous reply, "What's Clomid?"


  20. #20
    BIG R's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mammoth
    [There should be a test question about the rules for all newbies to have to answer before they are allowed to post. Kinda like a question that asks what was the color of CYCLEON's favorite dildo that was written in the rules or something like that. j/k CYC...don't smite me!! [/B]

    NAHHHHH thats too easy! We all know that it is the big black one with the retractable foreskin that Mammoth got for him on his 2nd cycle.
    Cycleon please dont kill me.........I wanna be part of the degradating smut that every other long time AR member takes such joy and creativity in thinking up.

    All of the little kids will get that one right! Something Like the brand of pocket pussy that Dumbmestic uses on a daily basis.

    OK now I will be destroyed by the weilder of the flame! Then Mammoth will trample my charred remains....but I had to try to get in on this. You guys crack me up!


  21. #21
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    My pet peeve is...people whining about their pet peeves!

  22. #22
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    POCKET PUSSYS!!!!!!! I saw somewhere in this thread about a pocket pussy. Do they ship those over seas too?? Its not for me of course, its for a uh, its for a friend.

  23. #23
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Newbies not listing stats(including age) and/or filling out the profile.

    Or, a guy opens a thread asking for advise, experiences, etc. I reply with exactly what he's asked for, and then I get a PM from him asking me the exact same thing. Helllooo, did you bother to read your own thread?

    I would say the PMs asking for sources, or asking me to have stuff shipped to my house and then reship to them, but I figure it comes with the member status. Senior and above and you have to expect to get hounded.

  24. #24
    sin's Avatar
    sin is offline Senior Member
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    today its newbies asking uninformed questions, and getting uninformed answers from other newbies. there were so many of these when i looked this morning that i had to come into the lounge to get away from it all.

  25. #25
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    anyone who as an avatar-change notification fetish.


  26. #26
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    well i got to say, lately it is the newbies who answer cycle questions iwth no experience, i was in the middle of trying to help a guy out and some ego blown jumped up 12 year old jumps in with "hey im on my first cycle, its winnie, deca ,dbol , var, gh , test you need to do it like this" without even knowing who he is giving advice to, people should find out about the person they are advising first, then when they are sure the best course of action can be taken! its not about the biggest ego witht he best advice, its about offering SAFE advice to people helping them out not fucking them for life just to ENLARGE YOUR INFLATED EGO


  27. #27
    peam's Avatar
    peam is offline Suspended
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    the people who spell something wrong on the thread titles... especially the one's that say I need advise.. instead of advice...

  28. #28
    usualsuspect's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Peter North
    people pulling up old threads for no reason.
    I see nothing wrong with that. It shows me the person was doing research, stumbled upon a good thread, and tried to revive it. Pulling up old threads is also good for newbies and visitors (potential members).

    But as for my pet has to be post whores. We have a few of themon here. It's one thing making a post to help others out (with good quality info/advice) and its another thing replying to a thread for the sole purpose of increasing post count. I wonder if AR hands out an award at the end of the yr to the member with the most posts?

    Last edited by usualsuspect; 06-15-2003 at 08:00 AM.

  29. #29
    jeffylyte's Avatar
    jeffylyte is offline Member
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    hay gi's cann I email u aksing for a source for winny? ii9m 16 and want too gain 50 pounds dis sommer. wn i git it, can i drink it or shute it?

  30. #30
    jeffylyte's Avatar
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    bump yu assholes!

  31. #31
    PTbyJason's Avatar
    PTbyJason is offline Retired Admin
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    Originally posted by buff87

    I don't mind the PM's as much as a email from someone I've never heard of... Plus when I did a search on AR his User name from the email didn't even come up... Don't know about you, but that makes me a little uneasy...
    The reason you don't see the name listed is because they have never made a post on the board. You have to go to the memberlist and look through it page by page (it is alphabetized) and find their username.

  32. #32
    Strut99GT's Avatar
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    Originally posted by peam
    the people who spell something wrong on the thread titles... especially the one's that say I need advise.. instead of advice...
    People that make a grammatical mistake while pointing out someone else's grammar mistake.
    ("ones," not "one's")
    Sorry bro, I couldn't resist

  33. #33
    mammoth's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Strut99GT

    People that make a grammatical mistake while pointing out someone else's grammar mistake.
    ("ones," not "one's")
    Sorry bro, I couldn't resist
    People who mistake sexy women for men! j/k

  34. #34
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by mammoth

    People who mistake sexy women for men! j/k

  35. #35
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    My biggest pet peeve is simple ... just last week this kid posts a pic and he may have been working out for 1 month (i'm being generous) and says this is what my cycle will be like what do you get most of the boys posting you need to work out more..your diet...I post the same trying to get the point across that no drugs in the world are going to do a damn thing if you don't know what you're doing and how to do it! and I don't mean how to administer...we're talking diet and a great workout program... he doesn't answer back! Basically, what do you think...well, I don't care what you think, I'm gonna run a cycle anyways, I know better than you ... blah blah blah blah blah! SHUT UP THEN! DON'T ASK MORON! GD! The other is the 18 yearolds that are like I'm 2 weeks away from my first cycle sust/eq/fina...blah blah... is it me or is it that everybody thinks that it's all drugs????? comeon! Most people know that most of the pro's are f' offs , but that's after they've got there card! They did have to break there ass to get there...they did work hard for a little while! I guess it's people that think a good cycle will get them into the mags! I bust my ass! everyday! waiting for my 1st cycle, but you know what, if I don't eat right, workout like a madman, rest I'm not gonna gain shit!
    Last thing, why would you want to do drugs while on cycle? Maybe I just grew out of doing em, but why?

  36. #36
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Hey ripsid.... breath man! breath!

  37. #37
    ripsid's Avatar
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    1,826's one of those day bro! Pet peeve's at home (AR) and at work!

  38. #38
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bros what's up....I don't kno if this is the right place for it....

    But can you drink Winny's?

    My biggest pet peeve here....hmm....people who don't do research.....

  39. #39
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Never thought my thread started in one quick moment of rage would still be going....

    Since it is I just have to add this...

    What the Hell is the deal with putting $3,000 of rims and tires on a car that's worth about $600

    Honest to god I saw this dude today with a piece of shit Chevy Astro Minivan that looked like it belonged in the fucking junkyard and it had all new rims and tires on it that was worth 4 times what that piece of shit van was worth...

    WTF is up with that???

    I wanted to run up to his dumb ass and jack him on foot which would have been easy enough since that hunk of shit van could only roll about 10mph...
    Last edited by Jack87; 06-16-2003 at 04:50 PM.

  40. #40
    ripsid's Avatar
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    Hey Buff ... you have a problem with my 89 Saturn sl1! So what if I lowered it 1 1/2 inches and putt the latest in Pep Boy "Fly Ass'd" rims!
    Oh yeah! ....

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