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If atheists claim that you only believe in what you can prove, it really narrows the window of beliefs. For instance, if an atheist lived 1,000 years ago, and only decided to believe what they could prove, their belief system would be extremely limited to that periods understanding of the world, which as we know, they 'proved' some craaaaaazy shit. That's why to be a functioning agnostic, you are required to understand that there are factors in our world which you will never be able to prove in our lifetime, or many lifetimes, but which are empirically real and do exist, they are just beyond our present day understanding. That's why I choose the ideology of suspending all judgement, and simply being open to one of many possibilities. I believe in an intelligent designer of life, but that's the biggest leap of faith I take, given all of the information that I have at hand. I am equally open to the idea that space aliens created us (but someone had to create them, cyclical logic), or that we're living in the Matrix, or that we arose by chance out of billions of trials. What I find most fascinating is that in 1,000 years, everything that we did in our lives will mean nothing to the universe, we are an insignificant blip on the cosmic radar. It makes you wonder about all the self aggrandizement that people do. Those are my thoughts...