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I swear, people tend to read whatever they want when something doesn't quite fit whatever they think, and I'm sure I've been guilty of doing the same...I try not to but I'm sure I have. That said, I never said the purpose and meaning of life had anything to do with being remembered, I even went out of my way to explain how even being remembered was meaningless. My point with the being remembered comments was even if your life was so significant and you were remembered, even then that's not enough to really matter once you're dead and gone.
As for "leaving the world a better place" contributing to the advancement of society, etc. how or why this matters to the individual in a universe where there is no god doesn't make a lot of sense to me. To start, what you consider a better place, advancement, moral and societal improvements etc. is based on your own opinion and is not based on anything foundational. Sure, you can find those that agree with you but you can find just as many if not more that disagree...why is your "a better world" better than the other man's "a better world"? And fine, you've passed things down to your children, but you're still dead in the ground with no consciousness and it's as if you never lived...sure, your kids live through you, which is kind of a feel good fluffy thing to say IMO, because eventually they'll be dead in the ground with no conscious either.
Obviously as human beings we all want to have purpose or feel like our life holds meaning and importance, that it matters at some level to some degree. And so we create little feel good statements to give ourselves this feeling of purpose and importance, i.e. "to leave the world a better place than I found it", "To contribute to man's advancement" and things like that. But why does that matter when it's only based on your own opinion of what those things are, your own personal feelings and thoughts. Just because you hold personal feelings and thoughts, which are most certainly entitled to have, that does not make them true or meaningful.
I do think all the things mentioned, being a good person, family, trying to live a good life, etc. all of those are important things and I'm not trying to diminish them in a sense to say they don't matter. But, and this is all opinion based, (this entire thread is opinion based) those things are merely small pieces, they do not make up the whole. And of course that leads to what is the full purpose of life then? I see Mr. Roman has made a new thread so for now I'll leave it at that and make my comment there if something comes to mind, which I'm sure it will since I seem to enjoy talking about this.