How often does this seem to happen to you? You wake up from a deep sleep craving that male sexual fluid! And you look around and your room mate buddy is no where to be seen so you can't tap his supply.also did you know that the male semen acts as an anti depressant? So why pay those high prices for those antidepressants you are now on when you can now just as easily get your daily supply of liquid antidepressant by drinking straight(pun intended) from your buddy's tap. And I'm sure he would be happy to let you have all you wanted. Of course your gonna have to prime the pump first before it flows Well here's the story.But somehow I've got a feeling that the pharmacy won't be running out of the pill form for some time to come though.I can see it now though guys running to their doc asking what to do cause all their buds are draining them dry of their fluids..Of course this could be just a conspiracy from the left to turn all straight guys gay craving man creme. that's what Fox News Will Be Reporting any day now...LOL
Sexual fluid craving is a condition in which a person has feelings of depression, fatigue and even despair that are relieved when their body absorbs just a little sexual fluid, usually from a man. It can be absorbed in the vagina, by mouth, or just rubbed on the skin. It is most common in women who are intelligent and somewhat selfish, and it affects thousands of young women, as well as some young men.
Disruptive to society. Sexual fluid craving is highly disruptive for teen chastity, on marriages, on genital health, and perhaps other aspects of society. It tends to cause the society to condone pre-marital sex, more divorce, abortion, the use of dangerous drugs such as birth control pills, and perhaps has other effects, as well.
For example, it causes thousands of young women, ages 15 to 25, for example, to want to have a boyfriend and “play house”. This is a euphemism for having frequent sex together, at times without a condom so they can get the fluid they want. To prevent pregnancies without condoms, the young women are often on birth control pills or patches, which are horrible for their health. Some of the young ladies end up getting abortions, which is also hard on them, but is a common part of the fluid craving ‘lifestyle’.
How to destroy the morals of society. Sexual fluid craving may help explain why those who wish to destroy a society often rape the women and even the men, as it is an effective and fast way to cause sexual fluid craving. This, in turn, disrupts the marriages, corrupts the young, encourages abortions and so on. It also leads to more lying, cheating on one’s mate, and “stealing” fluid from others, which is a type of vampire-like behavior. It also makes women much more aggressive, or “male”, in some cases.
Brings out selfishness. This craving can bring out a selfish quality that can become exaggerated. A person craving sexual fluid, for example, may go outside her marriage to obtain male fluid, even though she may not even enjoy the sex. She simply wants or feels she must have the sexual fluid. She may also take chances of obtaining sexually-transmitted or venereal diseases, and may infect her partner with them, all to get more fluid. These problems can be very damaging for male-female relationships of all kinds.
Not explained well in books. I have seen very little written about this condition, even though it is quite common. For example, few counselors or doctors seem to know about it or understand it well. This article discusses some causes, effects, and corrective measures you can take for sexual fluid craving.
The causes can be a combination of the following:
1. Most commonly, I believe the cause is simple nutritional depletion. This is confusing, however, because only a small amount of sexual fluid provides relief, not enough to replenish a person nutritionally.
2. Having experienced a rape, in many cases, in which the person was “dried out”. This depletion of sexual fluid always makes the situation much worse.
3. A subtle chiropractic misalignment of the low back.
4. Nutritional and possibly other properties of male sexual fluid that make it feel good when the body is depleted nutritionally.
5. A possible entity attachment situation.
6. Possible iron toxicity. This complicates the craving by diminishing the desire for red meat, a helpful product for this condition.
7. Adrenal exhaustion.
8. Too many orgasms. This depletes a woman or man’s sexual fluids.
Let us examine each of these causes in more detail.
1. Nutritional depletion. This begins literally before birth, as many mothers are quite depleted nutritionally, causing their children are born this way. The problem is made worse by poor quality diets as children and young adults, and filling the bodies with vaccines and medical drugs. In addition, toxic metals and toxic chemicals in the environment and the use of common toxic products such as nail polish and hair spray worsen nutritional status. Other nutrient-depleting habits such as staying up late at night or going on a largely vegetarian diet can make things even worse.
Those who are vegetarian, or semi-vegetarian often have even more difficulty with sexual fluid craving. Interestingly, vegetarians also tend to be very deficient in the exact nutrients found in male sexual fluid such as zinc, selenium and some of the B-complex vitamins. These nutrients are found mainly in meats and eggs.
Semi-vegetarian means that one eats animal protein only several times per week, and may abstain from eating red meat, which is very necessary to overcome the condition. In fact, eating red meat three times per week for a few months is always helpful to overcome it. Click here to read more about the scientific effects of vegetarian diets.
People who live on poorer quality foods, which is most people, also may have more of a tendency for sexual fluid craving.
2. An after-effect of a severe rape or even just too much sex. Sexual fluid craving often develops after a person has been “dried out” or “drained out” of sexual fluid during a rape. This means that one’s sexual fluids are lost during an overly long or hard sexual encounter such as a rape. Once a certain amount of fluid is lost, it seems that the woman, and at times a man, begins to feels this craving. This may seem to be an unusual phenomenon, but most women and even men who experience rape report it is true. Rape is discussed in depth in the articles entitled Rape and Healing Rape on this website.
3. Subtle chiropractic misalignments in the low back. Misalignments of the lower back, which are common, may play a role in some cases of sexual fluid craving. The spinal misalignments may irritate the area, or may interfere with the flow of nutrients to the pelvic area, contributing to the problem in some way.
The problem is that most chiropractors and osteopaths are not good enough to resolve the problem. If you have not had good luck with chiropractors and osteopaths, an alternative method is to do the spinal twist I suggest every single day. By gently stretching the low back, you may be able to release it. To learn how to do this simple procedure, read How To Help Adjust Your Spine on this website.
4. A possible entity attachment situation. It appears that in some cases, after a woman is raped, for example, souls that float around freely and are sometimes called entities or discarnate souls, get inside the body. They can get into a woman’s body, where they might irritate the vaginal area or do other things that cause or contribute to sexual fluid craving.
This is a difficult subject to discuss rationally, as some people don’t believe in discarnate souls or entities. However, they are real, and a Google search will reveal many books about them. In fact, both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible mention them a number of times. For more on this topic, read Entity Attachment And Release.
5. Some properties of male sexual fluid. Male sexual fluid is rich in certain forms of zinc and selenium, along with B-complex vitamins and other nutrients. Sexual fluid craving may be a craving for these or other nutrients. Some women report that taking zinc is helpful, but one must take a lot of zinc tablets, and taking the vitamins and minerals is not always that helpful. It seems that eating correctly is far more important.
Women become proficient at telling how “thick” or “warm” is the fluid of different men. This probably reflects its nutritional quality, or perhaps its yin/yang balance.
6. Iron toxicity. Women with fluid craving tend to develop a mild iron toxicity. It is not severe, and thus it is usually not revealed on blood tests, for example. However, a properly performed hair tissue mineral test may reveal a reduced ability to eliminate iron, for example, a pattern called Poor Eliminator Pattern. It could also show up on a hair tissue mineral test as an imbalance involving manganese and/or aluminum, which are associated with iron toxicity.
Iron toxicity may help explain why 1) the women become more selfish and even aggressive sexually. Iron in certain areas of the brain can have this effect, 2) loss of desire for red meat, (which is high in iron). Unfortunately, avoiding red meat makes the condition much worse, and 3) an unusual mild brain infection. High iron supports excessive growth of some bacteria and viruses.
Excessive iron in some forms in the body may also drive down copper and zinc, and this may have something to do with characteristics of this condition as well. To read more about subtle iron toxicity, see the article entitled Acquired Iron Toxicity.
7. Adrenal burnout. The adrenal glands secrete cortisol and cortisone. These powerful hormones can give a person a natural ‘high’. They are “feel-good hormones”. When the adrenal glands are depleted or weak, one does not have this natural ‘high’. This can lead directly to a tendency for feelings of depression, despair, anxiety, feeling lonely, and perhaps other negative feelings. I call this condition adrenal exhaustion or adrenal burnout. For more about it, read Adrenal Burnout on this website.
As the adrenals become more exhausted, and it is happening to more and more people, one becomes very attracted to substances that can provide a similar feeling or “buzz”. One of these substances appears to be male sexual fluid - and to a lesser degree, female sexual fluids, as well.
8. Too many orgasms. Too much sex or too much masturbation in a woman or man can deplete sexual fluid and can cause or worsen sexual fluid craving. This lends credence to the idea that it is a type of nutritional deficiency state.