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Thread: Mirror image

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Mirror image

    I was told I look good (body) for a guy my age. I don't see it. What body do you guys and girls see? I feel we see different bodies in mirror than people see.

  2. #2
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post
    I was told I look good (body) for a guy my age. I don't see it. What body do you guys and girls see? I feel we see different bodies in mirror than people see.
    Well these days in America, anybody in half decent shape looks better than the majority of the people around. So you have that going for you. IMO ESPECIALLY bodybuilders think they look alot worse than they do, and are afraid to show themselves in public unless they look 2 weeks out from a contest even tho they probably look better than 99% of the people around them. It can become a pretty serious problem. I don't think that's you though.

    Again IMO i think the mirror actually makes you look better than you do in real life especially if the lighting throughout the room is consistent.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post
    I was told I look good (body) for a guy my age.
    That's not a compliment to me. It's the addition of 'a guy your age' that does it. Let's face it, most of the worlds population don't lift or do much exercise and, with obesity rates rising everywhere, even looking what you might think is 'normal' is good compared to the norm.

    Oh, and different mirrors have different lighting so you can look great in one and not so great in another.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The mirror is my enemy! When I look in the mirror I still see a flabby little guy.
    The day a person looks in the mirror and is satisfied with how they look is the day they will loose all motivation.
    Last edited by diesel101; 12-07-2014 at 08:39 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101
    The mirror is my enemy! When I look in the mirror I still see a flabby little guy.
    Haha same here. The point i was trying to say. I see myself differently than people. Do you guys feel that? Maybe it's a confidence thing idk.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post

    Haha same here. The point i was trying to say. I see myself differently than people. Do you guys feel that? Maybe it's a confidence thing idk.
    I think most people look at themselves differently than other people see them.
    It seems that people in better condition don't see it themselves.
    I also know few shredded 140 lb guys that think they look like Arnold.

  7. #7
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    Oh, and different mirrors have different lighting so you can look great in one and not so great in another.
    ^^^ so true!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Body dysmorphia

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I have heard the term bigorexia used in bb before. We think we are smaller and more unfit than we really are. I don't see myself as "big", but a normal person does, I'm 6'6" 255-260 in decent shape. I do see it if I see myself standing beside a regular sized person, or in pictures sometimes. I guess that is what continually drives us to look better and train harder.

  10. #10
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    you will always look smaller and fatter to yourself than you actually are or how others view you. I think it's slight body dysmorphia and everyone has it to some degree. how do you think surgeons stay in business doing eyes, tits, wrinkles, fat, teeth, etc? there's always someone out there that can find a flaw in themself.

    if you really care how big/shredded you look, you will never be happy because you can never be too big or shredded lol.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I have heard the term bigorexia used in bb before. We think we are smaller and more unfit than we really are. I don't see myself as "big", but a normal person does, I'm 6'6" 255-260 in decent shape. I do see it if I see myself standing beside a regular sized person, or in pictures sometimes. I guess that is what continually drives us to look better and train harder.
    You don't see yourself big as 6'6" 260? LMFAO bro i don't know what big is then??

  12. #12
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    That is my point, our minds play nasty tricks on us, I feel as normal as the next guy, just a bit taller and a bit heavier. I know I am a fairly big guy, I just don't see it the way others see it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey
    That is my point, our minds play nasty tricks on us, I feel as normal as the next guy, just a bit taller and a bit heavier. I know I am a fairly big guy, I just don't see it the way others see it.

    Same exact shit here

    I'm not that tall at all though - but, being @ right about 10%Bf @ 205 or so & 5'10" is about the same

    It's only super noticeable to me when I stand next to average person.

    And I'm like - I still wanna be a little bigger & leaner. Yet, in reality I'm in the top 5% of any average guy's size.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    That is my point, our minds play nasty tricks on us, I feel as normal as the next guy, just a bit taller and a bit heavier. I know I am a fairly big guy, I just don't see it the way others see it.
    I agree I am the smallest 6'1 245 lb man I have ever seen in the mirror.

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