This stuff drives me nuts!!!
Waiting for equipment
People asking when you'll be "done with that"
People that offer bad advice
Bad Music
Kids that get in the way
This stuff drives me nuts!!!
All of that, but mostly...
i can't stand 140 lb tough guys in wife beaters who strut around the gym with thier arms up like they have a rash under their arms. (everybody knows the guys i'm talking about). i also can't stand the people who make a steriod comment everytime they see a big guy. that guy may have juiced, but he worked his ass off to get that big. don't put a guy down, as if he sat on his couch and got that big. if people don't want to supplement with AS that's fine, but i can't stand people who bash those of us who work hard, eat right, and push thier bodies to new levels
I agree Dane. Fact is, most of those couch potatos will talk about a big guy by saying "He wouldn't be that big if he wasn't using steriods, but deep down inside he may be jealous, cause he can't get his lazy A?z off the couch and work out. Makes me sick.
I workout at home but the Human Race annoys me we are so ignorant and stupid as a species .....but I,ll save that discussion for another day![]()
Nuff said.........
Oh actually no I'm gonna rant here.........Gym Managers who reckon I'm going too heavy and that I should go lighter, I will use all of the fucking weight! I will pile the leg press machine I will bench a bending bar, I will do anything I fucking like cos I pay my fucking membership and I don't kill people, And I bloody could you know...........get off my fucking machine, do not use my dumbells, don't even look in the direction of my pullover machine.......and don't ask me a question like " what does that do then?" or "that looks heavy for me" man you wouldn't know the meaning of the word, I know what you trying to do, your with you g/f and you feel less of a man cos I w/u on weights you can only dream about....well who cares I've worked hard to get here.......DO NOT STARE ME OUT! Cos I wasn't always big before I was big I was just nasty........
gotta love those test rushes!
Peace my friends and I hope you fair well in your gym environment.
F**K please tell me I will not be like this when I start AAS .....LOL
Big Al Relax bro they ain,t worth it !!!!!!![]()
I love my rants they get me fired up for weighted chins and scary BB rows with large plates!
I'm like the Harry Enfield........NOOOOOOOOOO!
"If you wanna be using the same machine as me I,d say Ok .....but should he weigh less than 250lbs I,d say I you Noooooooooooo get of that machine you light weight docile reject b4 I give yeh a slap"
Yeah Big Al those sketches are pretty good
Sorry if the rest of you guys don,t have a clue guess its an English thing!!
Spot on.....we could always start with Ponty Python! But I think it would fall on deaf ears!
Oh I am with you guys.. all the way. Man I hate to see you and Big Al in the same gym at the same time. What a subject! haaa.. I am not the biggest fella in the gym, but I work hard, so when I see guys like Big Al, I feel like Luke Sywalker next to Yoda! Haaa..
Sorry to do this bro but the Monty python thing..........never got into it and IMO a load of old tosh!!
it's too bad we can't have gym for only members of this board and however else we hand select. our music, our wiehgts, and our rules. nothing but meatheads and big plates
Dats funny Dane!
Big Al -
when I read that and you said "Nuff said" I was like 'No fucking way is he gonna be able to just keep it at that and shut his mouth' sure didnt LOL
Hey Guys,
Well if there is one thing that I can't stand are people who walk up to me and ask stupid questions.And they do it all the time, its like they will single me out and make it a point to even go to the extreme to come back in from the parking lot BACK into the gym for this shit. I mean ordinairlly, if I was working at the gym I would'nt mind it, but when I'm working out I'm there to do just that. I have people ask me shit like "when I lift my arm up so high it really ghurts, what sould I do?" HEY DUMBASS, DON'T LIFT YOUR ARM OUGHT TO POP INTO THE PICTURE SOMEWHERE! The problem is that most of the time they are just looking for someone to start up a conversation with and I'm sorry, I just don't have the time while I'm there working out. Thats the main reason I began working out in the early hours everyday (5:00 am until), just so I would not run into this problem. I do have another soultion, the only problem is the gym is about an hour drive from my house and it is not fesiable to drive that far.
IF any of you ever get a chance to come down to Alabama, make it a point to stop by Auburn Alabama. There is a gym there owned by Bill Kazzmier called SWATS. I swear guys it is the best gym that you could ever possible imagine in your wildest dreams. And yes Big Al, there are those at this gym that will bitch slap the average dumbass for annoying the shit out of them. It's really a body buliders gym, none of the family fittnes crap.
that's it tobey, i'm coming down there. i've been searching my whole life for a gym like that. got an extra room? j/k
Come on Down Dane26,
There's always room for the Brothers here at AR! But seriously the gym is really one in a million, I only wish that it was alot closer to my house.
in NY all we have is pretty boy shit gyms. i work out at golds, which has awesome equipment and is really a good gym. but between the whiny people, know it all old fat guys, people bothering me during my workouts, and the wack ass music, i have to bust my ass to stay focused. i would definatley drive an hour. if anybody knows any hardcore gyms upstate, lemme know. i should take a page out of billy boy's book and take my $600 membership fee and get a gym in my basement. or maybe move to Bama
guys that use the squat rack for everything except squats.
hate assholes who stair at you acting all tough and they weight about 120 pounds wet and they stand 6 feet 3
worst of it all its that my gym, the weight room is opend and there is boxing, boxers have to walk in the training room to go to boxing. They make me laugh these pricks acting all tough.
When you talk to them they are all scared mouhaaaa.
I also hate muscles heads that act tought.
Or assholes that accuss you of using AS when they are small and no nothing about training.
I am using creatine and glutamine the effect is magic, makes me laugh the trainer at the gym train the guys 3 hours a day to if they wanna gain mass,,,, idiot and he doesnt know shit and he says to others that i am on juice becose i train 45 minutes 4 times a week and i am bigger then most of is geeks that he trains.
Sorry guys this is what pisses me off
The one thing that pisses me off more than anything is guys who walk around carrying their suit cases around the gym. The guys who have to walk around with their arms sticking out I can bare. It's the guys who weigh about 150 lbs. who aren't cut or have any kind of form to their bodies.
This doesn't really piss me off, just kinda makes me chuckle. You know that guy with the hugh gut that insists in wearing a weight lifting belt to hold it in while he sits down to do curls on the curl machine.
Last edited by Tobey; 09-13-2001 at 03:19 PM.
wait.....that's me! just kidding, i would never let that happen
What pisses me off is the kids that think 'heavier is always better' This is not always the case. I think form should come first then weight. But anyway i cannot stand the kids that decide to try and curl 60 lbs dumbells and have to swing it a foot behind them (honest!) just to get enough momentum to get it up on the other side! Some people will just never learn!
Guys that just do bench press and bicep workouts every time they're at the gym.
There's one guy we call Johnny Bench Press 'cuz he's there probably 3 times a week and he does flat bench every time. A good 10 sets at least too. and standing bicep curls. Also about 10 sets. That's it- no other exercises. Ever
Same thing every time he's there. A pretty big guy too (pecs and bi's at least....). but I've never even seen him LOOK at a back machine or the squat rack.
It drives me nuts. And he's not the only one who seems fixated on chest and biceps.. But he's deffinately the worst offender.
i think i really do hate people.i think teh staring is teh worst since that's just bad manners(thanks mom for helping me have proper social skills,haha).you should coem into the's teh worst.girls AND GUYS.i take it as a compliment but some days that shit really annoys me.ok, it's confirmed now.i hate, i needed that.
What pisses me off at the gym is women coming in all done up with tons of make-up, jewelery and perfume and they're using the same pathetic 5lb dumbells that they were using 5 years ago!!! I go there to work hard and build muscle. Their only reason for going is to pick up guys....that's what bars are for!!
Rap or Disco Music at Gym should be Outlawed!!!!!
When stinky bastards feel they have no need for deoderant. Then stand right next to you and begin to strech out the shoulders and triceps. WTF is wrong with you people- that is not a pleasant odor coming from those pits. Another thing is when those people have that stink of garlic, I don't quite know what it but I have noticed certain people put off this stank ass odor of garlic- It makes me wanna f'ing puke!
I gotta go with Mike - people . . .
fat people that don't sweat and walk around the gym in 1st gear like it's a lounge - they waste space
lazy people who sit on a machine and look around for five minutes between every set (especially those on the adductor machine - WTF!!! hit the basics before getting in my way!)
big fat guys who you can't see an ounce of muscle on walkign around like they are's like, yeah ok , you're big and FAT YOU MOTHERFUCKING SLOB!!and they are always busting out there doughy arms to match their guts,hahaha.fat people ,make me laugh.and they are all grunting ang groaning when they are lifting.haha i'm throwing around some serious weight in teh gym and you never hear a sound from me.SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LOUD ASS PUSSYS.NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU ARE LIFTING SO STOP TRYING TO DRAW ATTENTION TO YOUR PATHETIC PHYSIQUE.IF I LOOKED LIKE THEM I WOULDN'T WANT ANYONE TO NOTICE ME.GOD I FUCKIGN HATE PEOPLE!!
I try to work out when there is no one I change my exercises to days when people don't work out specific muscles...In my gym mondays are universal for chest workouts and tuesdays are shoulders....So I workout chest on Sundays....
Okay, my gripe . .. Gay guys who cruise you in the showers, or, depending on the gym, in a sauna or steam room).
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay guys - as long as they don't shove their trip (or anything else) down my throat. But they're freakin' presumptuous at the gym, and even if I were gay, I'd hardly want to go after them (read that, "trolls").
So I attempt to get this disgusted-straight-guy look on my face and shake my head (to signal "no") but, in truth, I'm laughing my ass off inside at the absurdity of it all . . .
I almost hate to admit it, but I get that shit too. Recently one guy said to me "When are you going to be in a magazine so I can have your picture?" and another says "Hey big BOY." The only thing that's good about it is that it reminds me to treat women with respect.Originally posted by TNT
Okay, my gripe . .. Gay guys who cruise you in the showers, or, depending on the gym, in a sauna or steam room).
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay guys - as long as they don't shove their trip (or anything else) down my throat. But they're freakin' presumptuous at the gym, and even if I were gay, I'd hardly want to go after them (read that, "trolls").
So I attempt to get this disgusted-straight-guy look on my face and shake my head (to signal "no") but, in truth, I'm laughing my ass off inside at the absurdity of it all . . .
i use to work out at the New York Sports Club in chelsea.for those of you who don't know where chelsea is, it's only the gayest part of all have no idea.i won't even disgust you w/ the shit i've seen or heard.they have a security guard in the bathrooms to keep the guys from blowing each other it the saunas. it's bad enough that people think i look gay(they are just jealous of the ripped perfection,haha), especially when they find out what i do for a living, but that gym was a trip.all i can say is take it as a compliment.there is nothign wrong w/ guys and girls both thinking you are hot.just know your team,haha,and trust me on this, gay men are much more critical of a man's looks than girls are so if a gay dude say you're hot in THIS city you knwo you are doing somethign right.i just wear a big shirt that says I LOVE GIRLS when i go to that gym.haha.
Guys screaming so loud it distracts me, people sitting on equipment not usiing it or waiting between sets, crappy spots, should I go on?
I almost had to rip some fucking kids head off last night, everytime I looked up mother f'er was looking at me...
pre roid rage I guess...
guys don't stare it's very invigorating, makes me wanna mop the floor with somebody....
Next time ask them if it was their first experience seeing a real man.
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