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Thread: Why is it that nobody speaks on what the ROOT cause is of *black on black* crime

  1. #1
    xjay1234's Avatar
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    Why is it that nobody speaks on what the ROOT cause is of *black on black* crime

    Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 2 weeks (in specifics the last 3 days)

    2 NYPD officers were shot dead by a black man that did a revenge shooting for the death of Mike Brown and Eric Garner.

    I saw a clip from Fox News, and they was blaming black people for EVERYTHING.

    BLACK ON BLACK CRIME was the topic.

    I have always found it intriguing as we don't say Muslim on Muslim crime, gay on gay crime, latino on latino crime, Hindu on Hindu crime, White on White crime (Sandy Hook hello),Jew on Jew crime ,woman on woman crime or man on man crime.

    There is a criminal element in EVERY community and chances are somebody who lives next to only blacks will commit a crime against another black, somebody who lives next to only whites will commit a crime against and white and so on.

    Do people actually really understand how this under current begun?

    People seem to forget that once upon a time Irish Americans (selling illegal booze), Jewish Americans (Gangsters) and Italian Americans (Mobs) were not classed white till about 1960 when they was given *white privilege* and therefore given CAPITAL and COMMERCE.

    This then shuffled certain elements of Black America into that criminal underworld.

    It bothers me that people such as Rudy Giuliani (who was granted white status not long ago) to talk about black on black crime saying Garner was committing a crime but not even acknowledging that Daniel Pantaleo's actions was ILLEGAL AS WELL!

    Nobody mentions the fact that a lot of this *black on black crime* is gang members killing each other, crooked police officers supply these black community with firearms, puttings drugs into these community keeping these communities as *ghettos* (which is a Jewish word).

    This talk about the Chicago crime in the South Side, people never mention how a lot of that crime is from gang members coming in from Detroit and other places, and also how the Chicago police let a lot of the criminal activity go on. and they will give little Tyrone a U.S. Glock and let him run back to his community to cause madness.

    It is fooked up!

    I don't like when the media don't tell the FULL story.

    But I should never have turned over to Fox News big mistake.

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    Mp859's Avatar
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    if it's a controversial topic keep flaming comments to yourself
    Last edited by BG; 12-24-2014 at 08:58 AM.
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    If you can take criticism stop making controversial threads
    Last edited by BG; 12-24-2014 at 08:56 AM.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Yeah fox news can piss you off, especially if you dont want to hear the truth or facts.
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    I don't know how old you are and it's not all that important .....this is just my. 02. When I was young and in my 20's I was very passionate and wanted to take on the world.....the older I got and the more I payed attention to what's going on in the world I realized what a mess we are living in. Now in my 40's I try to be the best man I can be ...and by that I mean the only person I can truly change in the world is myself.

  7. #7
    xjay1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yeah fox news can piss you off, especially if you dont want to hear the truth or facts.
    Fox News cater to white people's false beliefs and their false sense of superiority.

    Rupert Murdoch owns it, and this is a man that said the Ancient Egyptians were not black, but where white.

    I guess that is another 'fact'.


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    I remember when I was in my early 20's and knew everything.

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    Wow lets just ignore all facts because one man said something stupid in your opinion. Where you there? Can you prove otherwise and more importantly what does it matter what he said once.

    It seems like a pretty petty and biased excuse to discredit everything they say. Most all other news station are controlled by the government so you dont think they are biased?

    Like said earlier, if you want change then change yourself. Numbers dont lie and non of the other news stations will report or argue what fox and a few others are saying in that regard because its true. They only attach the individual to discredit them and not the facts.

    Open your eyes and check things out. The resources are easily found and most are government based. Obama and his regime has knocked us back 40+ years when it comes to racial devide. That is where the truth is.

  10. #10
    xjay1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I don't know how old you are and it's not all that important .....this is just my. 02. When I was young and in my 20's I was very passionate and wanted to take on the world.....the older I got and the more I payed attention to what's going on in the world I realized what a mess we are living in. Now in my 40's I try to be the best man I can be ...and by that I mean the only person I can truly change in the world is myself.
    am 24.

    Yes the world is a mess!

    But people never ask how this mess was created?

    I will say this before I go.

    Having your own economy is the root to true empowerment, but white supremacy doesn't operate on a fair basis, this is why black America have never been given the FULL access to capital to compete.

    That is the number one reason why ghettos STAY ghettos. (But Fox News won't speak on that).

    When a people do not have an economy or own anything they are an easy target.

    After Mr Pantaleo was let free, it seems the United States wants black America to just die out SILENTLY and not make any noise.

    Then when black America do make noise SOME sections of white society say: 'Martin Luther King told you to just turn the other cheek and take this @$$ whipping.' (in other words)

    But that is the only time I hear white society mention him is when there is an uprise.

    I could go on longer but I will just leave it there.

  11. #11
    xjay1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Wow lets just ignore all facts because one man said something stupid in your opinion. Where you there? Can you prove otherwise and more importantly what does it matter what he said once.

    It seems like a pretty petty and biased excuse to discredit everything they say. Most all other news station are controlled by the government so you dont think they are biased?

    Like said earlier, if you want change then change yourself. Numbers dont lie and non of the other news stations will report or argue what fox and a few others are saying in that regard because its true. They only attach the individual to discredit them and not the facts.

    Open your eyes and check things out. The resources are easily found and most are government based. Obama and his regime has knocked us back 40+ years when it comes to racial devide. That is where the truth is.
    No I was not there during Garner's death I saw it on YouTube along with millions of others.

    No I was not there during Mike Brown's death.

    No I was not there during other criminal acts involving blacks, whites, asian, muslims and others.

    You say *CHANGE YOURSELF* as if I am part of some criminal activity, or some stereotypical media portrayal of a black male.

    I am going in the right direction in life trust me on that.

    But I will call on the nonsense when I hear it.

    If people are going to speak on these issues, tell the WHOLE story, don't just say part of it to tickle a certain group of viewers ears.

    I could show stats that show majority white women are the biggest peadohpiles on earth, white female teachers raping their underage students (we hear that a lot and that is a white on white crime).

    I could show stats that show majority of white people commit school shootings normally because they was not accepted by a girl they liked. (that is a white on white crime).

    It seems that killing a black person is justified because of *black on black crime* therefore it is okay?

    So if I justified the death of the 2 Police Officers that were killed and said *well the Police are choking people on the streets so whatever.*

    That wouldn't be fair would it?

    A lot of the policies that were made by the United States government turned the African American family upside down and inside out.

    Obama has been a disappointment I will leave it as that. ALL politicians are c0cksuckers ALL of them.

  12. #12
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    Its obvious you are not listening and only hear what you want to hear. Its funny how I am 30 years older than you but I remember hearing about MLK all my like and I grew up in a white dominate area.

    Yiur trying to turn the whole top 1% thing now into a race issue also. Its nothing more than people black, white or whatever who want what someone else has. Guess what? There are blacks and people of every race up at that 1%. If you or anyone is not happy with their status or income then work to change it. Also be aware most will fail but some will make it.

    If everyone had exactly the same then people would stop trying to improve. Try being thankful for what you do have or change it. Then if you feel strongly about thing not being fair pay it forward and help someone deserving.

    The only ones who are saying or seem to think black on black killing is acceptable is blacks.

    Im not arguing the stats you quoted but them being true does not make the black on black crime or the facts cops have helped the black and low income communities and less true.

    If you want to talk about female pedophiles or other stuff you should start a separate thread. One has nothing to do with the other.

    Haha haha really, you took that as if I was saying you are a criminal??? I have no idea how you go that out of what I said. It does seem now you are looking for someone to blame for??? I have no idea if yiu are white, black, yellow or green and didn't think it mattered. I was simply environ conversation and giving opinions and other view points.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-24-2014 at 01:21 AM.

  13. #13
    thegame1431 is offline Junior Member
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    another ignorant person speaking about things they do not know..... no white person ever cares about what black people do or talk about them, but black people love to talk about white people and blame all their problems on white people or the man or police, it is their way of staying lazy, uneducated and not trying to better themselves. Instead they play the victim and use that excuse to act like animals.... How about getting an education, not having kids before marriage and staying out of gangs and not doing any drugs...... give that a generation or two and you will see progress....

  14. #14
    xjay1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegame1431 View Post
    another ignorant person speaking about things they do not know..... no white person ever cares about what black people do or talk about them, but black people love to talk about white people and blame all their problems on white people or the man or police, it is their way of staying lazy, uneducated and not trying to better themselves. Instead they play the victim and use that excuse to act like animals.... How about getting an education, not having kids before marriage and staying out of gangs and not doing any drugs...... give that a generation or two and you will see progress....
    Ignorant?? Things I don't know??? excuse me?

    No white person cares about what blacks do or talk about? Is that why white people was all over Ray Rice for what he did to his wife? (but yeah white people don't care about what blacks do) Is that why Law Enforcement keep close eyes on groups such as the Nation Of Islam and the Panthers (Yeah whites don't care about what blacks do yeah?.....right.....right.....) Is that why black based YouTube Channels get closed down??? (But yes white people don't care about what black people do or say).

    You call me ignorant but you ignore the fact that the RACIST elements of the police are taking liberties and are killing down black Americans wholesale!

    Staying lazy (okay so now the old stereotype that black people are lazy) because if you are speaking of benefits that is majority white people that are on benefits especially over here, it is majority whites that claim benefits not blacks. Lazy people in all communities.

    Playing the victim? Getting killed is not playing the victim you are a victim.

    If white people had their children getting gunned down, white society would do the the exact same thing actually no white society would reach for their shotguns and take actions into their own hands.

    Kids before marriage - so is that why the U.S. government made policies that forced the male out the home?

    Drugs - Do you know how drugs get into these communities? It is via the CIA! So don't blame a group of people that have NO control over what drugs come into the community.

    You ignored everything I said ORIGINALLY about why these communities are the way they are and how they STAY the way they are but you instead just talk that dry rhetoric that people have heard for YEARS when you know damn well that black America have NO control over the going ons in that country.

    White people have children out of wedlock themselves, don't push that as being a black only issue, cos MANY white people have kids out of wedlock.

    We will see progress when White Supremacy dies.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Its obvious you are not listening and only hear what you want to hear. Its funny how I am 30 years older than you but I remember hearing about MLK all my like and I grew up in a white dominate area.

    Yiur trying to turn the whole top 1% thing now into a race issue also. Its nothing more than people black, white or whatever who want what someone else has. Guess what? There are blacks and people of every race up at that 1%. If you or anyone is not happy with their status or income then work to change it. Also be aware most will fail but some will make it.

    If everyone had exactly the same then people would stop trying to improve. Try being thankful for what you do have or change it. Then if you feel strongly about thing not being fair pay it forward and help someone deserving.

    The only ones who are saying or seem to think black on black killing is acceptable is blacks.

    Im not arguing the stats you quoted but them being true does not make the black on black crime or the facts cops have helped the black and low income communities and less true.

    If you want to talk about female pedophiles or other stuff you should start a separate thread. One has nothing to do with the other.

    Haha haha really, you took that as if I was saying you are a criminal??? I have no idea how you go that out of what I said. It does seem now you are looking for someone to blame for??? I have no idea if yiu are white, black, yellow or green and didn't think it mattered. I was simply environ conversation and giving opinions and other view points.
    I read all you said.

    When did black people say it is okay for blacks to kill blacks? Majority of these black on black murders are GANG RELATED. Now am I saying cos they are in a gang it is okay? No. But when you in a gang or affiliated yourself with that world then you better prepare for the consequences, but black gang murders do not relate to the normal working black person and you know that.

    I will say again there are criminal elements in ALL races.

    Killing somebody of your own skin colour is not a black only thing. But people like to gloss over that and throw stats, and as I said before I could throw stats that show whites kills white in a high number i.e. school shootings.

    I explained fully how these black communities are intentionally made to be crime ridden by pushing weapons into these communities, drugs, no access to commerce and with no commerce no real job opportunities.

    As I said when employment is UP crime is LOW and when employment is DOWN crime ROCKETS.

  16. #16
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    I do hear what you are saying about the elite 1% look first of all I don't care to be in that 1% cos happiness is important.

    Being happy with your career, having purpose with your career that helps others and you health.

    Money doesn't constitute happiness. Your happiness is the real diamond!

    But when I speak on these issues with other people they always throw Beyonce and Jay-Z in my face along with Kanye West and all these other wealthy blacks. As if that makes everything okay lol

    But people don't realise that they represent a very small minority cos the average black American do not have the money to just move to Hollywood Hills, California to live the lifestyle of Hollywood. So it is important not the use the minority AGAINST the majority.

    Most of the elite wealthy black Americans only get past $250-500 million if they vow to give their soul to white supremacy and never spend on their own kind.

    Oprah spends her money building a school in Africa NO ISSUE WITH THAT! However she is based in Chicago and they have one of the WORST school systems in the WORLD, she ain't doing any there.

    Jay-Z he has never help build commerce in Brooklyn the place, but he went to Africa to help build up villages.

    Many of these rappers are under serious agreement NOT to give back in anyway to their own kind.

    So it is interesting you brought that up!

    But that doesn't change the fact that society never want to speak about the ROOT cause of these criminal elements in black America, they just like to slap on the effects and blame the blacks for all, kind of similar to the propaganda Hitler did in Nazi Germany when he kept attacking the Jews till they eventually was in gas chambers.

    When you keep hearing a certain thing over and over again you start to truly embody it and believe it.

    That is why news stations you should explain it all, but people act as though the last 150 years was just a dream.........

    Anyway people have their views.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Its obvious you are not listening and only hear what you want to hear. Its funny how I am 30 years older than you but I remember hearing about MLK all my like and I grew up in a white dominate area.

    Yiur trying to turn the whole top 1% thing now into a race issue also. Its nothing more than people black, white or whatever who want what someone else has. Guess what? There are blacks and people of every race up at that 1%. If you or anyone is not happy with their status or income then work to change it. Also be aware most will fail but some will make it.

    If everyone had exactly the same then people would stop trying to improve. Try being thankful for what you do have or change it. Then if you feel strongly about thing not being fair pay it forward and help someone deserving.

    The only ones who are saying or seem to think black on black killing is acceptable is blacks.

    Im not arguing the stats you quoted but them being true does not make the black on black crime or the facts cops have helped the black and low income communities and less true.

    If you want to talk about female pedophiles or other stuff you should start a separate thread. One has nothing to do with the other.

    Haha haha really, you took that as if I was saying you are a criminal??? I have no idea how you go that out of what I said. It does seem now you are looking for someone to blame for??? I have no idea if yiu are white, black, yellow or green and didn't think it mattered. I was simply environ conversation and giving opinions and other view points.
    Last edited by xjay1234; 12-24-2014 at 02:21 AM.

  17. #17
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    Black Teenager has just been shot dead by police in St Louis, Missouri

    Here we goooooooooooooooooooo

    America have SERIOUS problems.

    Can I just say to everybody that has a braincell.

    Don't you all believe it would be fantastic if it was mandatory for Police Officers to wear recording gear so there are not anymore mysterious shootings that happen??

    And if any footage is removed then the officer is arrested.

    Cos this is pathetic now.

    That NYPD issue has started problems.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjay1234 View Post
    Black Teenager has just been shot dead by police in St Louis, Missouri

    Here we goooooooooooooooooooo

    America have SERIOUS problems.

    Can I just say to everybody that has a braincell.

    Don't you all believe it would be fantastic if it was mandatory for Police Officers to wear recording gear so there are not anymore mysterious shootings that happen??

    And if any footage is removed then the officer is arrested.

    Cos this is pathetic now.

    That NYPD issue has started problems.
    That black teenager pointed a handgun at the officer who shot him. You can't expect the cop to NOT shoot at that point.

    And by the way, this whole racism claim of the police is BS. Police like to fvck with everybody. I remember as a kid continually getting pulled over if I drove my POS car into a nice area. Or if it's late at night, even in my middle class area, I'd get pulled over. Often times, the police would have guns drawn and use force. And I'm white too!

    Now these specific cases that made the news, the suspects happened to be black and they happened to resist the police so the level of force escalated. If they would've just kept their cool and been polite rather than get physical (in the case of Mike Brown, he tried to get the gun and Eric Garner's case, he got very violent <and it was edited out of that video conveniently> and had a heart attack when subdued) All of those people would still be there (although Eric Garner probably would've died by now due to his health being that bad).

    And believe it or not, black cops kill white people too. We don't make a race issue out of it though. Look at in Utah with Dillon Taylor. He was a white guy gunned down by a black police officer. In this case, everybody looks at the fact that the white thug there STOOD up to the cop and got what was coming to him.

    The whole making a racial issue out of this is entirely our sensational media's fault. The liberal media outlets will ignore the actual facts on the case and just focus on the race of the people involved (completely ignoring the Dillon Taylor incident since it's counter to their sensational agenda). That's not to say Fox News and other conservative outlets don't do that. As they all do similar things with conservative issues.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 12-24-2014 at 04:42 AM.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegame1431 View Post
    another ignorant person speaking about things they do not know..... no white person ever cares about what black people do or talk about them, but black people love to talk about white people and blame all their problems on white people or the man or police, it is their way of staying lazy, uneducated and not trying to better themselves. Instead they play the victim and use that excuse to act like animals.... How about getting an education, not having kids before marriage and staying out of gangs and not doing any drugs...... give that a generation or two and you will see progress....
    I wasnt even gonna bother posting in this thread. Until i read this post. This is pure ignorance. Have you ever been to an actual ghetto. I can tell by your post you have not. Things arent quite that simple in all black communities. Its a much bigger struggle to get out and become a productive member of society then an upper middle class white man or women. This is not an an excuse, just a fact!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjay1234

    am 24.

    Yes the world is a mess!

    But people never ask how this mess was created?

    I will say this before I go.

    Having your own economy is the root to true empowerment, but white supremacy doesn't operate on a fair basis, this is why black America have never been given the FULL access to capital to compete.

    That is the number one reason why ghettos STAY ghettos. (But Fox News won't speak on that).

    When a people do not have an economy or own anything they are an easy target.

    After Mr Pantaleo was let free, it seems the United States wants black America to just die out SILENTLY and not make any noise.

    Then when black America do make noise SOME sections of white society say: 'Martin Luther King told you to just turn the other cheek and take this @$$ whipping.' (in other words)

    But that is the only time I hear white society mention him is when there is an uprise.

    I could go on longer but I will just leave it there.
    Black America isn't given full capital? We want black America to die silently?

    You know when that argument became invalid? When president Obama was elected.

    I'm sorry to say it..... If a black man (or half) has made it to the most powerful position in America..... By being voted in by its people..... Then you nor anyone in any ghetto has an excuse as to why your life sucks.

    You know why the ghettos don't change? Because the people in it keep it that way. I see 13 and 14yr old selling heroin on the streets. You know who's buying it? Two types of people.....

    1) the people in the ghetto - these people buy small amounts daily. Usually homeless or extremely low income.

    2) rich white boys from out of town. These people drive into the ghetto and buy a bunch at one clip.

    Who profits from all this? The guy sitting in the house holding the money. He'll NEVER have the drugs on him at the same time he has the money. His little minions will take the charges for him.

    If I didnt know any better..... I'd say black America is trying to silently kill white America with heroin.

    See how silly that sounds?
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  21. #21
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    But seriously, FOX News has the hottest women......
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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    system admin is offline Owner
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    And the color blue they use is very calming :-)
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    I can't read any more of your posts do to the fact that you say WAS when you need to say were. And it seems as if you do this with purpose.
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    I am bored as fvck - yet, still not bored enough to read through this

    I just hear - JayZ, blah blah - black, black - blah, blah


    Just straight nonsense Or, carry on - no one cares anyway

  25. #25
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    I find it amazing because when Black Wall Street was thriving and Black Americans were INDEPENDENT of white America, a full independent black economy, then what happened? White America massacred it and took it down!!!!!! WHY?

    So it is like white America almost wants black America to be in servitude to white society.

    The Electoral College put Obama in office.

    Many people not just in America but on earth wanted Obama in office, because a lot of people felt that this would be the closest America ever get to having a black president.

    You can have a black face so to speak, but if the system is still the same it is all flawed.

    You can have a black mayor, but if the system is still the same it is all flawed.

    You can have a black headteacher, but if the system is still the same it is all flawed.

    American laws written under the constitution (for what it is worth) was never meant for Black Americans, it was written for the white Americans and in particular slave owners.


    That is something the 13 and 14 year old has NO CONTROL over and you know this.

    These killer substances don't just fly into these communities mysteriously. This is done on purpose! Not an accident.

    You speak about the people changing, but America refuse to change these communities by giving these communities full access (and I will say for the 7th time COMMERCE!!!!!!!!!!!! so real business infrastructure is built which provides jobs! and CAPITAL!) like the American Italian community, the Arabian community and Jewish communities that were given COMMERCE back in 60s.

    Cmon do not play one side yes nothing is handed to anybody on a plate you are damn right, but don't over look these keys facts.

    Did you know that some sections of black America have called for the National Guard to patrol these communities to weed out and cut these criminal elements, and the American government has blocked that proposal over and over again!

    Why? Because surely by having the National Guard patrol these communities crime would drop drastically. But it seems that people don't want that they want to keep this criminal element going and they do not give a damn about wanting to change these communities.

    I will say this a certain element of white America does need to be killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Black America isn't given full capital? We want black America to die silently?

    You know when that argument became invalid? When president Obama was elected.

    I'm sorry to say it..... If a black man (or half) has made it to the most powerful position in America..... By being voted in by its people..... Then you nor anyone in any ghetto has an excuse as to why your life sucks.

    You know why the ghettos don't change? Because the people in it keep it that way. I see 13 and 14yr old selling heroin on the streets. You know who's buying it? Two types of people.....

    1) the people in the ghetto - these people buy small amounts daily. Usually homeless or extremely low income.

    2) rich white boys from out of town. These people drive into the ghetto and buy a bunch at one clip.

    Who profits from all this? The guy sitting in the house holding the money. He'll NEVER have the drugs on him at the same time he has the money. His little minions will take the charges for him.

    If I didnt know any better..... I'd say black America is trying to silently kill white America with heroin.

    See how silly that sounds?

  26. #26
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I bet your from Mills Platting lol

  27. #27
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    Curious to know as to why you are siding with the Police's version of events?

    Or are siding with it because it fits the narrative?

    Because I bet if Eric Garner's death was on captured on camera, the Police would have said he had a weapon or was being THREATENING along with over buzzword adjectives.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    That black teenager pointed a handgun at the officer who shot him. You can't expect the cop to NOT shoot at that point.

    And by the way, this whole racism claim of the police is BS. Police like to fvck with everybody. I remember as a kid continually getting pulled over if I drove my POS car into a nice area. Or if it's late at night, even in my middle class area, I'd get pulled over. Often times, the police would have guns drawn and use force. And I'm white too!

    Now these specific cases that made the news, the suspects happened to be black and they happened to resist the police so the level of force escalated. If they would've just kept their cool and been polite rather than get physical (in the case of Mike Brown, he tried to get the gun and Eric Garner's case, he got very violent <and it was edited out of that video conveniently> and had a heart attack when subdued) All of those people would still be there (although Eric Garner probably would've died by now due to his health being that bad).

    And believe it or not, black cops kill white people too. We don't make a race issue out of it though. Look at in Utah with Dillon Taylor. He was a white guy gunned down by a black police officer. In this case, everybody looks at the fact that the white thug there STOOD up to the cop and got what was coming to him.

    The whole making a racial issue out of this is entirely our sensational media's fault. The liberal media outlets will ignore the actual facts on the case and just focus on the race of the people involved (completely ignoring the Dillon Taylor incident since it's counter to their sensational agenda). That's not to say Fox News and other conservative outlets don't do that. As they all do similar things with conservative issues.

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    Your a jack ass.

  29. #29
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    Move over Euro, we have a new #1 troll

    Sad too, Euro was actually entertaining
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    Now this thread actually has some value, you're welcome xjay
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post

    Now this thread actually has some value, you're welcome xjay

    Oh, it's beautiful

  32. #32
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    Your arguments have turned into cyber babel. What the fvck is black wallstreet? White wallstreet? Black radio? Who is segregating, you are. No one elae is trying to keep blacks out of xyz but you are making it clear they want their own system seperate from everyone else, their own rules and regations. Of course when something fails tbey want to blame whites. Its easier that way.

    Where is the asian system? Hispanic? And all the other nationalities? If you want to say in each country I guess then they have the same options as everyone else and go to Africa. Again, if it fails there is no one to blame except themselves or just admit you are not as smart as the whites since you can't do better. This is stupid also.

    Just stop trying to blame others and being seperate. Become part of America and the melting pot. Black people, white, yellow red and brown are going to be successful and fail. That's just life.
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  33. #33
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    If black people weren't so quick to consistently make everything racial, white on black this and that. Then chances are the media wouldn't be calling it black on black crime. Black people the ones always pulling out the race card, so it goes both ways.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjay1234
    I find it amazing because when Black Wall Street was thriving and Black Americans were INDEPENDENT of white America, a full independent black economy, then what happened? White America massacred it and took it down!!!!!! WHY?

    So it is like white America almost wants black America to be in servitude to white society.

    The Electoral College put Obama in office.

    Many people not just in America but on earth wanted Obama in office, because a lot of people felt that this would be the closest America ever get to having a black president.

    You can have a black face so to speak, but if the system is still the same it is all flawed.

    You can have a black mayor, but if the system is still the same it is all flawed.

    You can have a black headteacher, but if the system is still the same it is all flawed.

    American laws written under the constitution (for what it is worth) was never meant for Black Americans, it was written for the white Americans and in particular slave owners.


    That is something the 13 and 14 year old has NO CONTROL over and you know this.

    These killer substances don't just fly into these communities mysteriously. This is done on purpose! Not an accident.

    You speak about the people changing, but America refuse to change these communities by giving these communities full access (and I will say for the 7th time COMMERCE!!!!!!!!!!!! so real business infrastructure is built which provides jobs! and CAPITAL!) like the American Italian community, the Arabian community and Jewish communities that were given COMMERCE back in 60s.

    Cmon do not play one side yes nothing is handed to anybody on a plate you are damn right, but don't over look these keys facts.

    Did you know that some sections of black America have called for the National Guard to patrol these communities to weed out and cut these criminal elements, and the American government has blocked that proposal over and over again!

    Why? Because surely by having the National Guard patrol these communities crime would drop drastically. But it seems that people don't want that they want to keep this criminal element going and they do not give a damn about wanting to change these communities.

    I will say this a certain element of white America does need to be killed.
    Oh really?

    Ever hear of the TIDE program? Newark NJ flooded the streets with cops. They received special funding to put state, county, and local law enforcement on the streets.

    These programs ARE getting approved.

    Where does the heroin come from? The motherfvcker that sits inside the house and gives it to the 14yr old to sell! Where does he get it from? And import/exporter/smuggler..... Not the fvckin government man.

    Business development is on the rise in these communities. Especially Newark..... Shaquille Oneal built a new movie theater with his own money so the kids would have a place to go and stay off the streets. It was almost shut down because thugs took control of it.

    The same people bitching and complaining are the SAME one selling dope and robbing people.

    I was stopped in the street while working. This gentleman was in his late 50's and he was black. He was talking to myself and my coworker who is also black. He told me that a white man has never harmed him. Not once in his life. He said his own people have stolen from him time and time again. He said his own people need to take responsibility and stop destroying everything.

    My coworker also feels the same way - as well as most African Americans that I know. Thank god too that not everyone is ignorant
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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    Ridiculous masters of distortion and denial!

  36. #36
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    Playing the race card?

    Who has been holding the deck?????

    Quote Originally Posted by tdoe11 View Post
    If black people weren't so quick to consistently make everything racial, white on black this and that. Then chances are the media wouldn't be calling it black on black crime. Black people the ones always pulling out the race card, so it goes both ways.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Your arguments have turned into cyber babel. What the fvck is black wallstreet? White wallstreet? Black radio? Who is segregating, you are. No one elae is trying to keep blacks out of xyz but you are making it clear they want their own system seperate from everyone else, their own rules and regations. Of course when something fails tbey want to blame whites. Its easier that way.

    Where is the asian system? Hispanic? And all the other nationalities? If you want to say in each country I guess then they have the same options as everyone else and go to Africa. Again, if it fails there is no one to blame except themselves or just admit you are not as smart as the whites since you can't do better. This is stupid also.

    Just stop trying to blame others and being seperate. Become part of America and the melting pot. Black people, white, yellow red and brown are going to be successful and fail. That's just life.
    Just go on Google and you will find out what Black Wall Street was. I am surprised in your 30+ years more than me you do not know what it is considering it was a major event that happened in America.

    Master of distortion and denial.

    Nobody ever wants to speak on the root cause of why these communities become what they are and why they STAY the way they are.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by noon View Post

    Your a jack ass.
    Please do what your location says and just go in hiding.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjay1234
    Playing the race card? Who has been holding the deck?????
    Black people have awesome representatives like al sharpton on tv riling up the ignorant sheep. For instance Andrew Zimmerman, he is Peruvian, not white and it was not white on black crime. As far as holding the race deck, it's hard to hold the deck when you can't get it out of someone else's hands.

    I feel very bad for this generation of people that expect everything for free and are constantly crying about racism. Such a far stretch from what Martin Luther King fought for. People these days don't want equality, they want a free ride and a chance to cry racism. Then if possible a chance to lude and steal from their neighbors. But there is not better way to fight injustice and crime than with injustice and crime right? Makes sense?

    Look at 90% of black comedians, the whole show is about race. Look at many black musicians, nigga this and Nigga that. Everything is racial, everything is constantly hinting or blatantly saying blacks they are being held back. Black culture these days is so absolutely engrained with race and with the notion of black culture being held down it makes me sick. Don't blame it on anyone but yourself bro, don't kid yourself.

    Many many cultures have had it very very very bad throughout the years, Jews, Chinese, Armenians, Italians, Irish etc. many have been enslaved, it's an ugly part of human culture unfortunately. BUT personally I was not there and neither were you..........

    Are you seriously saying in your post above you feel like black people don't use the race card? We are both living in the same planet right?

  40. #40
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Why is it that nobody speaks on what the ROOT cause is of *black on black* crime-image-1486165609.jpg  
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