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Thread: Choosing a career?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Choosing a career?

    So im at a point in my life where i need to choose what im going to do with my life. Last two years i just been chilling, working, training etc, and im planning on going to college in a couple of years. Since there are a lot of older and more experienced guys here i would like to know what you would choose if you where my age. Want to be as rich as f*cking possible.

  2. #2
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    mechanical,electrical engineering and you will never worry about $ again it is a 4 year degree

  3. #3
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    Oil field industry.

  4. #4
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    oil is nice but you can go anywhere in the world with engineering degree and be in high demand I am currently studying the field. engineers are regarded next to doctors the only downside is like being a doc school is hard because you have to master every kind of math among other things

  5. #5
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    Im not good at the maths, so I went into HR. Money isn't bad, but it ain't the kind of money either engineering or oil field brings in. FYI, most oil field employees really succeed with engineering degrees.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post
    Im not good at the maths, so I went into HR. Money isn't bad, but it ain't the kind of money either engineering or oil field brings in. FYI, most oil field employees really succeed with engineering degrees.
    I was going to say those(oil/engineering) would be a very nice fit!! I've worked in the oil fields as an Inspector - QAQC and the money can be great - Rspecially w/an engineering degree in top! You'll pick and choose where you'll want to be!

  7. #7
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    The oilfield (Particularly the Rigs) will make a man out of ya that's for sure. Or it will send you home to mummy with your tail between your legs. Its not for everyone, but if you are cut out for it then the world is your playground! (And the Rigs have let me see the world!)
    Wouldn't trade my job for anything. Stepped on my first rig floor before I was even old enough to get into a bar! I "cut my teeth" with some of the best in the business. I listened, learned and busted my ass. I sacrificed everything to learn & move up as quick as possible, I never said "NO" to work. Often times I thought I'd come home to find my wife & kids gone because they had enough of me not being there (it happens allot in this profession). But they stuck it out along side me, they waited patiently. I've missed birthdays, all the "baby firsts", Christmas many times, weddings, family funerals, My wife miscarried once 10years ago and i had to console her over the phone from 5000km away - going home wasn't an option. These things I will never get a chance to do over. Guess what? I regret NOTHING! I took a big risk, now I reap a big reward. My wife & kids do not go without. I always have spending money and a respectable bank account. People around us that dont know what we (my wife & I) went through to get here say were are Lucky....the only thing lucky about my situation is I still have my wife & kids waiting for me when I come back from work. Everything else is not luck, its the result of what we put into it!
    I am only 32. I own my own Consulting business & I contract my professional experience to Major Oil & Gas companies around the world. I am not even close to being done climbing the ladder of success, but if it all goes to shit tomorrow, I will look back on my career and smile cause its been a wicked experience.
    Oil Rigs are brotherhoods, if you find one you can make it on you will find a family you never knew you had!

  8. #8
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    Jul 2014
    I would have gone to college before joining the army or picked a different job in the army.

    Military is always a good place to start. I'm working on my degree which will be paid for so no debt. My family does not have to worry financially and if I decided to stay the whole 20+ I'll end up with a pretty sick pension. Just a thought.

  9. #9
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    My first choice was Military but I didn't have the required schooling to enlist at that particular time.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitnesstrainer View Post
    I would have gone to college before joining the army or picked a different job in the army.

    Military is always a good place to start. I'm working on my degree which will be paid for so no debt. My family does not have to worry financially and if I decided to stay the whole 20+ I'll end up with a pretty sick pension. Just a thought.
    Dont really fancy the military. Also, college in norway is free so dept is no problem.

    I have always imagined myself as a big shot. Jacked as a mf, expensive suit and a fat cigar.

  11. #11
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    Do what makes you happy its that simple. Thats what i have always done. I don't work anymore. But i have had 3 jobs in my life i enjoyed them all. Army, mining and small business owner.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Do what makes you happy its that simple. Thats what i have always done. I don't work anymore. But i have had 3 jobs in my life i enjoyed them all. Army, mining and small business owner.
    Yeah, ive been told that many times but it doesnt seem to help. The only things that make me happy are money and women, but im not willing to make a living as a porn star.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesusbrah View Post
    Yeah, ive been told that many times but it doesnt seem to help. The only things that make me happy are money and women, but im not willing to make a living as a porn star.
    Than become tony soprano of scandinavia!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. #14
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    lol first thing i thought of too when I read the expensive suit and fat cigar hahaha

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    lol first thing i thought of too when I read the expensive suit and fat cigar hahaha

    When i was a kid i wanted to be like him he was one of my idols. But i am not a italian

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Than become tony soprano of scandinavia!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yeez, i rather not. There was a "Tony Soprano" here for a long time, but he got locked up not many years ago. I knew him a little bit, nice guy thought. I'd rather be a bum then spend the rest of my youth in prison. I want bitches, not to become one.

  17. #17
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    One thing I have learned that every time I make it plan it gets changed. Every time I say I would never do this or that then it's exactly what I end up doing, as far as career/work.

    I wish I had the chance to work on an oil rig 20+ years ago or even 10 years ago. I think it would have been a great way to see the world. Still even now it's one thing I would look into if my current position fell apart for some reason. You just never know what the future holds for you.

  18. #18
    austinite's Avatar
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    Oil business is great while you have a job. It's very unreliable and short-lived for the majority. If you're not a company owner or related to a company owner, forget it. More people get laid off than Dell.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  19. #19
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    You know whats a good job? Strawberry farmer. They make millions. In the good times!!!!!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    The oilfield (Particularly the Rigs) will make a man out of ya that's for sure. Or it will send you home to mummy with your tail between your legs. Its not for everyone, but if you are cut out for it then the world is your playground! (And the Rigs have let me see the world!)
    Wouldn't trade my job for anything. Stepped on my first rig floor before I was even old enough to get into a bar! I "cut my teeth" with some of the best in the business. I listened, learned and busted my ass. I sacrificed everything to learn & move up as quick as possible, I never said "NO" to work. Often times I thought I'd come home to find my wife & kids gone because they had enough of me not being there (it happens allot in this profession). But they stuck it out along side me, they waited patiently. I've missed birthdays, all the "baby firsts", Christmas many times, weddings, family funerals, My wife miscarried once 10years ago and i had to console her over the phone from 5000km away - going home wasn't an option. These things I will never get a chance to do over. Guess what? I regret NOTHING! I took a big risk, now I reap a big reward. My wife & kids do not go without. I always have spending money and a respectable bank account. People around us that dont know what we (my wife & I) went through to get here say were are Lucky....the only thing lucky about my situation is I still have my wife & kids waiting for me when I come back from work. Everything else is not luck, its the result of what we put into it!
    I am only 32. I own my own Consulting business & I contract my professional experience to Major Oil & Gas companies around the world. I am not even close to being done climbing the ladder of success, but if it all goes to shit tomorrow, I will look back on my career and smile cause its been a wicked experience.
    Oil Rigs are brotherhoods, if you find one you can make it on you will find a family you never knew you had!
    My story is very close to yours. Its amazing what we will give up for our family. Sometimes it work out great for everybody!! I'm happy for ya man.

  21. #21
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    So Jesusbrah, what sort of things are you good at doing? Very few of us do what we love and it's kind of bullshit. Anything is tolerable if the pay, working conditions and co-workers are good enough.

    But what you should make a career out of really kind of depends on the things you're good at doing or are interested in learning.

    I believe the healthcare industry is still one of the fastest growing industries. Just under that is masonry and residential construction contractors.

    Fastest-Growing Industries - America's Career InfoNet

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Oil business is great while you have a job. It's very unreliable and short-lived for the majority. If you're not a company owner or related to a company owner, forget it. More people get laid off than Dell.
    You are 100% right about that Austinite. Feast or Famine, its the nature of the beast. I am fortunate that the guys that brought me through the ranks have also moved up & moved on, my reputation has kept me going through all the lows I have seen in my years. I did not start off knowing everyone, I developed those connections through years of hard work. One really sees how tight of a community the oil patch really is when times get tough.
    With the current "low" in work we are doing allot of job sharing out here, we are making sure everyone we know & like is getting at least enough to pay the bills. This year wont be the best year in history, we all have had to tighten our belts a bit and control our spending but we will take care of our own. The one's that "coasted" through the last boom with shitty attitudes and a sense of entitlement will starve out and find new jobs, that's fine. It's natural selection, oilfield style.
    At least in Canada anyway.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong
    So Jesusbrah, what sort of things are you good at doing? Very few of us do what we love and it's kind of bullshit. Anything is tolerable if the pay, working conditions and co-workers are good enough. But what you should make a career out of really kind of depends on the things you're good at doing or are interested in learning. I believe the healthcare industry is still one of the fastest growing industries. Just under that is masonry and residential construction contractors. Fastest-Growing Industries - America's Career InfoNet
    I love bodybuilding, but so do many others. Kind if hard making a career out of it.

    Ive been playing online poker on the side for a while and im making some pocketchange, but never considered making it a career.

    Other than that i just enjoy living life and having fun, traveling etc. Cant make a career out of that.

  24. #24
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Have u ever taken one of those aptitude tests that match your interests and skills to a profession?

  25. #25
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    Well in the long run you got to choose something that you will be happy with.Something that you wont mind do for a long time.Beacuse no matter how much you like something.After a while it gets old.You just dont want to hate going to work everyday regretting your job.So choose wisely and good luck!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Have u ever taken one of those aptitude tests that match your interests and skills to a profession?
    I've always been interested in taking one of theses tests, GGR. Can you take them online for free? Or how do you go about taking one?

    P.S. When are we going on a date?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Have u ever taken one of those aptitude tests that match your interests and skills to a profession?
    Yeah, but they always give me some wierd answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well in the long run you got to choose something that you will be happy with.Something that you wont mind do for a long time.Beacuse no matter how much you like something.After a while it gets old.You just dont want to hate going to work everyday regretting your job.So choose wisely and good luck!
    I dont really care much if i like the job or not, as long as im driving home in a gold coated Lamborghini. Long term im thinking of getting a ph.d in eather physics, some sort of engineering or business administration.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesusbrah View Post
    I dont really care much if i like the job or not, as long as im driving home in a gold coated Lamborghini. Long term im thinking of getting a ph.d in eather physics, some sort of engineering or business administration.
    Wait until you actually get a career, you will care if you enjoy it or not. Money isn't everything if you're miserable. Also, if you wait to get your education you will most likely never return to get it, I see it all the time. Once you get a job, you accumulate bills, then you have kids, then you cannot afford to go back to school because bills & family take priority.
    Get your education before anything. Even if you dont use it when you leave school its always in your back pocket until you decide to use it.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    Wait until you actually get a career, you will care if you enjoy it or not. Money isn't everything if you're miserable. Also, if you wait to get your education you will most likely never return to get it, I see it all the time. Once you get a job, you accumulate bills, then you have kids, then you cannot afford to go back to school because bills & family take priority.
    Get your education before anything. Even if you dont use it when you leave school its always in your back pocket until you decide to use it.
    I see your point, but i need to postpone it a bit. Need quite a bit of money to live comfortable in uni, cant be a bodybuilder and live on ramen! Saving up $50-100000 beforehand would make a big difference.

  30. #30
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    Pick a technical trade that is always in demand. But make sure the market isn't too flooded already in your area. Example EMT in Colorado. High demand but there are thousands of people waiting to fill positions. Don't just go to college because that's what you've been told. have a plan and don't waste your money on a stupid degree like art or philosophy.

    You don't really need a degree to be successful either. It does open more doors for you but in the long run its mostly who you know, degree or not. Be a social person and make connections. Focus on stuff you're good at. You'll always be better at the things you enjoy and are naturally interesting to you.

    Get focused and execute. There are plenty of smart people out there but if they don't execute then thats the end of that story. DO nothing and nothing will happen.

    Everything is a lot easier said than done, and in the long run certain environmental factors will play a role. Sometimes people just don't receive the same opportunities as others. So make an effort to surround yourself with people you'd consider better than you. If you're the smartest man in the room you're in the wrong room.

  31. #31
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack
    I've always been interested in taking one of theses tests, GGR. Can you take them online for free? Or how do you go about taking one? P.S. When are we going on a date?
    I've taken them thru training classes at work. There's probably some online too.

    Date. Oh. I don't know. After I loose 15 lbs I'll be ready/more confident.

  32. #32
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    I don't understand? In North America we pay for tuition and for housing. People here manage it all the time via part time jobs, Student loans and what not. Your country offers Free Education and you cannot get a part time job to pay for housing?
    IMO, it sounds like you're making excuses.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    I've taken them thru training classes at work. There's probably some online too. Date. Oh. I don't know. After I loose 15 lbs I'll be ready/more confident.
    Well, after I GAIN 15 lbs, I'll be happier as well, so how about you let me know when you've reached your goal and I'll let you know when I reach mine....Deal?!

  34. #34
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    Strawberry farming op is the future. the money is better than running a small capitalistic business. I should have done it years ago. I've just invested the last of my retirement fund into one.

  35. #35
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    I wanted to be a gym coach, health and sex ed teacher at a all girls school. Yes I really really did think about that when I was in high school. lol

    This is how I would run my class.
    I might even considering doing some private tutoring if needed.

  36. #36
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    Aircraft mechanics are in high demand. Top out is low six figures major airlines. Fly for free too.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I wanted to be a gym coach, health and sex ed teacher at a all girls school. Yes I really really did think about that when I was in high school. lol

    This is how I would run my class.
    I might even considering doing some private tutoring if needed.

    You'd be like "how bad do you want that A?"

  38. #38
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    Oh you know it's a BIG disgrace especially for Asian students to get a bad grade so they would have to work for it for sure. I would be sure to have plenty of extra credit opportunities.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    I don't understand? In North America we pay for tuition and for housing. People here manage it all the time via part time jobs, Student loans and what not. Your country offers Free Education and you cannot get a part time job to pay for housing?
    IMO, it sounds like you're making excuses.
    Well, its free to a centain extent. For the tuition i will get scholarship, but there's rent, food, books and all other expences. Cant pay that with a part time job.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Strawberry farming op is the future. the money is better than running a small capitalistic business. I should have done it years ago. I've just invested the last of my retirement fund into one.
    They pay Mexican farm workers next to nothing to do that here. Not exactly your best financial endeavor.

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