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The oilfield (Particularly the Rigs) will make a man out of ya that's for sure. Or it will send you home to mummy with your tail between your legs. Its not for everyone, but if you are cut out for it then the world is your playground! (And the Rigs have let me see the world!)
Wouldn't trade my job for anything. Stepped on my first rig floor before I was even old enough to get into a bar! I "cut my teeth" with some of the best in the business. I listened, learned and busted my ass. I sacrificed everything to learn & move up as quick as possible, I never said "NO" to work. Often times I thought I'd come home to find my wife & kids gone because they had enough of me not being there (it happens allot in this profession). But they stuck it out along side me, they waited patiently. I've missed birthdays, all the "baby firsts", Christmas many times, weddings, family funerals, My wife miscarried once 10years ago and i had to console her over the phone from 5000km away - going home wasn't an option. These things I will never get a chance to do over. Guess what? I regret NOTHING! I took a big risk, now I reap a big reward. My wife & kids do not go without. I always have spending money and a respectable bank account. People around us that dont know what we (my wife & I) went through to get here say were are Lucky....the only thing lucky about my situation is I still have my wife & kids waiting for me when I come back from work. Everything else is not luck, its the result of what we put into it!
I am only 32. I own my own Consulting business & I contract my professional experience to Major Oil & Gas companies around the world. I am not even close to being done climbing the ladder of success, but if it all goes to shit tomorrow, I will look back on my career and smile cause its been a wicked experience.
Oil Rigs are brotherhoods, if you find one you can make it on you will find a family you never knew you had!