05-21-2015, 09:02 AM #1
Challenging the police
Seems to be the new fad when a police officer stops that people are now videoing them and challenging them.
What do you guys think? Is it warranted most of the time or are people being rude?
I'll start by saying I think it was good initially but I think it's gotten a bit out of hand now. I do think law enforcement officers take advantage of their power pretty often but I think 999 times out of 1000 the law abiding citizens are not the ones getting hurt because of that fact. I love our police officers, don't get me wrong.
05-21-2015, 09:06 AM #2
05-21-2015, 09:15 AM #3
People are videoing the interactions They have when a cop approaches for just about anything and basically telling the police they don't have a right to do what ever the police officer is doing at the time. Honestly it just appears to me that they are trying to make the cops life difficult.
05-21-2015, 09:18 AM #4
05-21-2015, 09:23 AM #5Senior Member
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Armykid you said it best. Law abiding citizens have nothing to worry about. Its usually someone putting themselves in harms way by breaking the law or being shady. With that said I think the officers are certainly not perfect as is with any profession. I think they are getting alot of bad press that is not deserved. JMO
05-21-2015, 09:25 AM #6
Ppl just want to make trouble! If ur not doing anything wrong u don't have anything to worry about...
05-21-2015, 09:39 AM #7Originally Posted by calgarian
05-21-2015, 09:56 AM #8
People do it because they think cops dont have the authority to do what they want. Many cops lets their badge get to their head, and people have found out that the best way of protecting themself and their rights is by using a camera.
Many innicent people have become the victims of bad cops, just look at youtube.
Sure, most cops are regular, nice people just making a living, but there are alot of cops that doesnt understand that they got hired to protect people and do it according to the law, not according to whatever pleases them.
I think the deal is the police got out of hand abusing their power and authority. Got used to people just doing whatever it is they asked of them, regardless of their rights. Now people are holding the police accountable, asking for their rights to be respected and LE does not like it. Sadly for things to be "right" it probably does take some people acting like assholes and going overboard to protect their rights just for your basic rights to be observed. Its like it moved so far to the left to get it to center, where it belongs, requires actions far to the right. If that makes any sense.
05-21-2015, 11:37 AM #10Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
05-22-2015, 12:10 AM #11
Wait til those "punking" the cops get mugged or worse then they'll be crying fod the cops
05-22-2015, 03:07 AM #12
I grew up in a small town and let me tell you, the police loved to fvck with the kids there. I've had guns pointed at me by some cop that said he gets nervous when he draws his gun just because my friends and I decided to save time and cross through a school's grounds at night rather than walk around.
I don't know how many times cops wanted to search my vehicle because it was late at night. Or how many times I was pulled over because I was driving "too fast" (yet they could never provide me a radar printout).
Then when my house was broken in to, it took them 6 fvcking hours to send a cop to my house to take a statement. Then they took another 3 days to send a detective to "dust" for fingerprints (which was pointless at that point since it was too long and things got touched through the course of living in a house).
And all cops are corrupt. Don't believe me? Look at it like this, a cop has no problem pulling you over and issuing you a speeding ticket. But what if a cop pulled over somebody for speeding and it turned out to be his own son? Think he's going to be writing that ticket? Fvck no.
Honestly, we're better off without cops. Need justice? Carry a gun.
05-22-2015, 03:58 AM #13"ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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I leave cops alone they leave me alone i have never had a bad experience with them. My mate "apparently" has a few cops in his business but i respect a man for making a living. Theres only 3 things that i draw the line on.
05-22-2015, 04:44 AM #14
05-22-2015, 04:45 AM #15
05-22-2015, 04:47 AM #16
I think it's great that people are recording their interactions, the police should have nothing to worry about if they're enforcing the law properly and it's a strong incentive for them to do so. I've had interactions before where they'll just make you stop recording or take your phone at some point and delete it. The law doesn't apply to the law, or so they think.
05-22-2015, 07:46 AM #17
I think its funny when the cops say you don't have to worry if you don't have anything to hide but once a camera gets pulled out they go crazy. Why are they worried when that happens? Remember people it's not against the law to record. I recommend using an app called Bambuser. It records and streams to server. If the phone happens to get "broke" during a police interaction. Go home plug in your account info and boom. There's the video.
05-22-2015, 03:43 PM #18
Holding authority to account is part of a democratic society. Unfortunately too many of us in the western world have let authorities walk all over us without challenging them. With video cameras readily available, the people are fighting back simply by showing the truth. I do not have a dash board camera but I have strongly considered buying one. I have nothing to hide, but I do not want to be a victim of a "broken taillight" pull over.
There is a reason police have lobbied against the use of body cameras.
05-22-2015, 04:10 PM #19
I have been in small trouble like fighting in high school and riding my dirt bike on the road around my house and I can tell you every time the cop was a d**k even when I was being perfectly nice and corporative. when I got caught on my dirt bike the first thing the cop said were profanity and after that when I was talking he kept yelling in my face trying to get me to argue with him, I was only 17 btw. also im not to fond of there do what I say or die policy, just my opinion. by contrast my family is deep in law enforcement my uncle will prob be the next sheriff in my county so I have seen LE from both sides. and not all of them are bad but I can tell you first hand they see it as they are higher life forms than everyone else and they will not even associate with people outside there group.
05-22-2015, 04:53 PM #20
I wish police had to wear body cameras. Stream it to a server like that app mentioned above. This would protect police and civilians. Shit put a miniature camera on the bottom of their firearm that looks where they aim it. Put camera all over them so we can be sure what happens from many different angles.
05-22-2015, 05:14 PM #21"ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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05-22-2015, 08:18 PM #22Originally Posted by Euroholic
05-22-2015, 08:44 PM #23
05-22-2015, 08:52 PM #24Banned
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Tbh it's mostly angry black people who have been brainwashed by the media's ridiculous liberal-bias statistics filming themselves on vines and sh*t testing cops and calling them bitches and doing dances around them and stuff it's funny when it's not as malicious but when you're the one always crying about them hurting you it's hard to laugh anymore because they're basically asking for it to happen and then god forbid the cop does anything it will be all over the news...
Also heard cops were just removed of all military style armored fighting vehicles, grenades and other military equipment...As if that was the reason they killed anybody anyway..All these news stories involve cops either shooting people with hand guns or killing them with their bare hands choking them or fracturing their (already injured) spine or what have you...So i don't understand the removal of the military equipment and vehicles? Especially in a year where ISIS is getting out of control and realizes modern-day America is full of idle threats with people like Hilary clinton and Obama in the country having their views on foreign policies heard...
Isis claiming that they have thousands of people living in the states, and then Obama disarms the people who's job it is to protect us of their military equipment. Now i'm hearing Obama wants to "Soften" the police mens look..That he thinks the shields and hard helmets are intimidating and not needed...Wondering if he was paying attention to the Baltimore riots where the cops were getting boulders thrown at them that could have killed them without a helmet? I will never understand that F*cking R*tard
05-22-2015, 09:08 PM #25
OMG. Leave it to David to turn this thread to shit.
"Black, Liberal, Military, ISIS...."
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
05-22-2015, 09:14 PM #26Banned
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05-22-2015, 09:32 PM #27
Well in l.a. people have been complaining about police activity, but if you look at how many of them have been assaulted and killed these last two years they are both over 40 %.I would be a little jumpy to after a high speed chase or a violent call.
05-22-2015, 09:46 PM #28Originally Posted by davidtheman100
05-22-2015, 10:05 PM #29
alot of ppl want her in just because she is female and no other reason is she gets it I don't know what ill do after all the scandals she has been involved in she has a huge set of nuts running in the first place
05-22-2015, 10:06 PM #30Banned
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^^ Between Bengazi and those emails i think it should be a "goes without saying" type of thing for the citizens to not even consider her..But with peoples bias towards women there doesn't need to be logical it's just offensive these days if you disagree..bullsh*t i don't care if i sound offensive to them lol
05-22-2015, 10:52 PM #31
05-23-2015, 12:57 AM #32"ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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You can have guns but you need to provide a valid reason. You need a licence and be a member of a shooting club. Single shot weapons and handguns only. Weapons must be kept in a safe with the bolt and ammo in another safe. Inspectors can visit you with out warning to inspect your safes. Famers and pest exterminators may apply for semi auto rifles but its not guaranteed. Gun ownership is low and in "MY OPINION" unless your a hunter or sports shooter. Why do you need a gun? Crime is low and random shootings are virtually 0% you may get a drug dealer shooting a rival family or a man killing his wife and her lover or something like that but that is pretty much the only gun crime you will get here. I was infantry for 4 years and after awhile it gets soooo boring. At first its cool to use all diffrent type of weapons then its just repetitive after awhile.
05-23-2015, 08:26 AM #33Originally Posted by Euroholic
05-23-2015, 08:43 AM #34
the last one (shall not be infringed) or taxed excessively is nothing but writing on paper they sure found there way around that one
05-23-2015, 09:11 AM #35Originally Posted by djgreen
05-23-2015, 09:20 AM #36
'If you're not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about' is a classic line used in the usurpation of civil liberties. In fact, this is a false choice, it's not that you have anything to worry about necessarily, it's that the government need be restrained because hundreds of years of human history has proven that government will always overstep its bounds and abuse the powers given to it. This is also the reason citizens should never just acquiesce to the requests of police officers if they are not legally obligated in that particular situation to do so.
With regards to the 1033 program of departments receiving military hardware, in particular small departments, I completely agree with them not having such equipment. Those departments frequently cannot afford the necessary training that is required to use that equipment properly and safely, and they increasingly feel the need to use heavy handed tactics for drug raids on non-violent offenders, which is wrong.
One particularly troubling idea to me, is that ex-military should go into law enforcement. The military and law enforcement are two drastically different functions, a soldiers job is to identify, close with, and kill the enemy. A law enforcement officers job is to preserve life and enforce the law of the land. The police do need to be reigned in, with particular reforms aimed at the force continuum and an emphasis on community policing. The culture of militarization in the police force has the unintended consequence of police acting like an occupying force, viewing citizens instead as all enemy combatants as opposed to citizens they should be protecting. Ending the drug war would be a major step towards de-escalation.
05-23-2015, 09:30 AM #37Originally Posted by thegodfather
05-23-2015, 09:43 AM #38
A big part of the equation is the younger, enabled and entitled segment of society. Those brought up to not respect anything, from parents to teachers, cops, and so on. Then when they get in trouble it's never their fault, it's once again the police for arresting them or teachers for not teaching them or the government for not giving them enough. They've turned themselves into victims instead of taking one iota of personal responsibility. Need we talk about the demise of the family and one parent households as contributing factors?
Yes, there are bad cops, but the percentage is very small. The good things cops do just aren't news worthy. There are also bad plumbers, salesman, accountants and shitheads in every profession. Just wait and see what happens when society and politicians blatantly hamstring police departments by not supporting them and law enforcement naturally steps back enforcement. Lets face it, cops want to go home at night too. Crime will dramatically rise and those that complained will then be crying for enforcement. Baltimore is a classic example of exactly this. The crime rate has risen dramatically there.
Rant over...Last edited by kelkel; 05-23-2015 at 09:47 AM.
05-23-2015, 12:37 PM #39
05-23-2015, 01:23 PM #40Junior Member
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