Hey guys quick stats on me, I'm 21yo 6'6" 215lbs athletic build. I'm really just looking for some help with people that have experience bulking. I'm looking for any advice on foods or supplements I should be looking into. I have been lifting for about 3 years now, consistently (4-5 days a week) for a little over a year. I know I still have a lot of ability to grow into my body and size which is why I'm not looking to do steroids just yet (unless there are oral ones that are reasonably safe and good for my stats to help). Currently using Elite Mass by Dymatize as my protein powder it's roughly 600 calories and 55 grams of protein (any advice on that or a better product would be helpful). Money really isn't an issue so willing to spend whatever on any product/foods/etc that will help me gain mass. Similarly any dietary recommendations and/or foods that have worked for you guys in the past would be helpful. In terms of a workout, online there's an equal amount of sources that say do chest/back, bi/tri, shoulders/legs but an equal amount that say do back/bi, chest/tri, shoulders/legs to gain mass so I'm not really sure which is best so coming to the experts for recommendations. Similarly any recommendations on number of sets/reps and whether to rep slow or fast would help. I would really like to try to gain 20 pounds in muscle mass in the next few months so any advice that you think can help I will gladly accept! Thanks in advance!