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Thread: Ppl and my dog's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Ppl and my dog's

    Ok so yes I have 2 Pitbulls. Ppl freak out all the time because of it.

    I have had the cops called on me twice now since I have moved I to my house a year ago next month. For nothing.the cops come ask me if I have dogs. I say yes and both dogs are very well trained and have the papers to prove that I have had them through training classes). At this point the dogs are usually standing there looking at the cops waiting to be be greet them.(like I said there very well behaved dogs). Cops then tell me that I have a complaint that my dogs are showing aggression to ppl well I have them out.(Witch is not true At all). Cops will usually end up petting the dogs and saying that they are very good dogs.
    Now today well walking them in the park some lady walked past freaked out and told me that my dog was going to attack her and she has seen these dogs loose before! (I have never lost or let my dogs loose before) also my dogs didn't even bother with her when she walked past! Imy kinda starting to worry that if the cops get called again. There going to take themy away from me! And suggestions on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    that sucks man

    hope nothing comes of it.

    try moving to a town with nicer people?

  3. #3
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr
    Ok so yes I have 2 Pitbulls. Ppl freak out all the time because of it. I have had the cops called on me twice now since I have moved I to my house a year ago next month. For nothing.the cops come ask me if I have dogs. I say yes and both dogs are very well trained and have the papers to prove that I have had them through training classes). At this point the dogs are usually standing there looking at the cops waiting to be be greet them.(like I said there very well behaved dogs). Cops then tell me that I have a complaint that my dogs are showing aggression to ppl well I have them out.(Witch is not true At all). Cops will usually end up petting the dogs and saying that they are very good dogs. Now today well walking them in the park some lady walked past freaked out and told me that my dog was going to attack her and she has seen these dogs loose before! (I have never lost or let my dogs loose before) also my dogs didn't even bother with her when she walked past! Imy kinda starting to worry that if the cops get called again. There going to take themy away from me! And suggestions on this?
    I would hope police will access the situation. Ppl lie to police all the time and police should be able discern bs from truth. That's part of their training. Worrying about this is negative energy. I wouldn't spend a moment more....

  4. #4
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    Raging Cajon I hope it doesn't come to that point of moving! That really would be the worst.

    Girlygymrat, u are 100 percent right about the negative energy. Total downer. I do all my cardio with my dogs and its stressful as all hell thinking about bring them out for the walks and runs with me now.

  5. #5
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr
    Raging Cajon I hope it doesn't come to that point of moving! That really would be the worst. Girlygymrat, u are 100 percent right about the negative energy. Total downer. I do all my cardio with my dogs and its stressful as all hell thinking about bring them out for the walks and runs with me now.
    Don't stress about it. Go about your biz with your well mannered, well trained pets...don't let those scared ppl close to your dogs. Just steer clear and u shouldn't have to change your lifestyle.

  6. #6
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    I think I would loose it and as long as no one was in ear shot tell her then you might as well let your dogs have a go at her since she is going to report them anyways. Fair is fair.

    Start to carry a go pro or some type of hidden body cam and when someone makes a false claim take them to court for harassment.

  7. #7
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    Haha, go cam could actually be funny but wouldn't solve the random calls that have happen.

  8. #8
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    I think I would loose it and as long as no one was in ear shot tell her then you might as well let your dogs have a go at her since she is going to report them anyways. Fair is fair. Start to carry a go pro or some type of hidden body cam and when someone makes a false claim take them to court for harassment.
    The go pro is an excellent recommendation. OP would have proof of positive interaction with his dogs on multiple outings. The best defense is a good offense!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I have a pit as well and have the same problem with strangers its crazy someone sees a story on the news where a pit bull attacked someone 5 states away from them and they label all pits as aggressive iv personally been bit by a small lap dog (which are usually the most yappy and aggressive) so the breed doesn't make a dog mean its how they were raised

  10. #10
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    Giving the fact that i have seen what pit bulls can do to a child and an average size human being , dont you think it is a good idea to have something (like a spot or something) to make them stand out? so people dont confuse them with other pit bulls?

  11. #11
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    Aug 2014
    Dogs are probably the best things in the world and there will always be jealous people of your relationships with them and they will try to hate on you and ruin it. Just with the breed in general, people skip to conclusions. It's really unjust and makes no sense. If you're a bad owner then the dog will most likely be bad (not always the case though. If you're a good owner then the dogs will be good. People just don't understand this...

  12. #12
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    My buddy had a Pitty in the town I live in. He was told by the town he wasn't allowed to own a Pit-Bull in this town. He said it's not a Pit Bull it's a Staffordshire Terrier and showed them the papers ...everyone was like Oh, OK and life went People are only afraid of the slang name not the dog itself.

  13. #13
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    Thanks for all the comments everyone! RipPig that's great that your friend got away with that. Usually the towns that forbid pitBulls have a huge bsl list of dogs. Pretty much makes it so u gave to own a poodle.

    Calgarian, they actually do have different collars and such to show how aggressive your dog is but the comment person has no clue about this.

    Djgreen, I love the breed I grew up in a house full of dogs. No less then 4 at a time and my pits have always been the most loyal and we'll behaved.

  14. #14
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    Here in ca we don't have to worry about the police so much but the animal control I wouldn't worry at all unless animal control knocks or is at the door with police. I have 3 pit bulls in a very nice neiborhood and have had the same problems and have had many encounters with the animal control as long as your dog deosnt attack someone or break loose from your backyard your ok... Here's on of my bullys names hercules
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by fxrjuiceman; 10-14-2015 at 12:35 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Wow, Hercules is a really good looking bully! And it's just annoying. There has been times that I walked one of my dogs and someone crossed the street to walk past.. Worst part is there will be some great dane on the other side of the street and they won't think anything of it!

  16. #16
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    Mar 2004
    I have a Pit myself, cropped ears. I get the same reactions but only from Spanish women lol. It's funny because my fiancé noticed it too. Her mother is terrified of our dog. She see's pictures of him licking our kids.... Yet she's terrified. When we go for walks most people stare at him. It's almost like people here admire pit's. Some people have stopped us to talk and ask about the breed. Older Spanish women tho..... They run. One in the park didn't notice us behind her. She turned around and screamed at the top of her lungs and then ran to the other side of the road lol. Meanwhile a kid on a bicycle was zipping by us and my other dog, a female cocker/Wheaton mix, lunged at him to bite the bike.

    People are can't educate some.... Mostly because they don't want to learn

  17. #17
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    May 2015
    Hazard, isn't it funny how most the time it's the smaller dogs. My sister has a smaller dog and it's like every time we go out her dog is running and barking at some random kid. (I constantly tell my sister that this is no good and she needs to fix that issue)! But yet everyone fills complaint's and acts ridiculous about a pit.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Thanks 73r. ya they get a bad rep when they are the most loyal dogs out there and yolk as Fuk. It's dumass owners that give them the bad wrap by not being a responsible owner

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Bay Area
    Quote Originally Posted by hazard
    people are can't educate some.... Mostly because they don't want to learn

  20. #20
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by fxrjuiceman View Post
    Here in ca we don't have to worry about the police so much but the animal control I wouldn't worry at all unless animal control knocks or is at the door with police. I have 3 pit bulls in a very nice neiborhood and have had the same problems and have had many encounters with the animal control as long as your dog deosnt attack someone or break loose from your backyard your ok... Here's on of my bullys names hercules
    Sorry bro LOL but please ask your dog from me
    years training
    previous cycles
    current cycle
    water intake daily
    he has a nice stance & looks crazy
    But he looks a bit bloated try a AI man might work 12.5mg EOD lol

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Bay Area
    [QUOTE="here2grow"] Sorry bro LOL but please ask your dog from me Age years training previous cycles current cycle PCT Diet weight bf water intake daily he has a nice stance & looks crazy But he looks a bit bloated try a AI man might work 12.5mg EOD lol[/


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Mate don't allow others to bother you. Just do what you got to do

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