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Thread: Backpacking the Appalachian Trail some advise ??

  1. #1
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    Backpacking the Appalachian Trail some advise ??

    I have not posted in quite a while ! I am sure everyone has missed me I am well and life is good !

    Got an unusual Topic/Question

    I am going to Thru Hike the Appalachian Trail April 2016 from Georgia to Maine !

    Oh for April 2016 I may just do 525 miles from GA to VA and that is the distance people loose all their weight on ~ ! You go from 6000 ft and snow to 2500 ft and 80* all in one day

    1) Almost all who back pack from April until October Georgia to Maine (6 + months) 2500 miles + loose 40 +lbs ?

    -------------------- I am now 6 ft 239 lbs and have easy 15 lbs of fat that would be welcome loss , with information stated in this post how much muscle should I expect to loose with no specific gym time for 6 + months . There will be massive amount of cardio daily and above average muscle building and endurance on calves , quads , Gluts , Lower Lumbar , Some secondary Deltoid , Very little Trap usage , some general Fore Arm , Triceps , Biceps ,

    2) I have not seen many who appeared to have any above average lean weight on them in any You Tube pod cast ?

    3) Back packing burns about 800 to 1000 calories an hour !

    4) A staple to keep calories up on the AT are SNEAKERS BARS ?

    5) Thru Hikers slam all the carbs they can of any kind and still go catabolic !

    6) Due to weight restriction Meat protein is a small part of nutrition !

    7) Protein is from beans , nuts , supplements , ie shakes and man made bars !

    8) Any thoughts on other sources of protein besides eggs that I have an egg carrier for and only 12 at a time !

    9) I almost have to have TB - 500 to prevent old injuries from being an issue ? How can I keep it chilled for 5 to 6 days at a X with no Power !

    10) Just an after thought ? Should I pig out and add large amounts of fat stores between now and April ? Even skinny people still loose 30 lbs and as much as 20% of total body weight !

    11) All thoughts , Advise , Information , Facts , are welcome and invited !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 10-31-2015 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2
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    This is very cool..... Always wanted to do this but never had the time to commit to it. I can't really be much help lol as I don't know enough about it but I'd carry a lot of dried meat, shakes, nuts. I'd personally set up camp each night at a site and hike down and find a taxi to take me to a restaurant for one good meal lol
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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    - Knockout_Power


  3. #3
    Fact: you're going to lose everything by not lifting for 6+ months.

    Don't worry about excessive protein intake/bodybuilding nutrition/supplements. Just hike and get bodybuilding out of your mind for a bit. You'll gain it back quickly after the break.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    Fact: you're going to lose everything by not lifting for 6+ months.

    Don't worry about excessive protein intake/bodybuilding nutrition/supplements. Just hike and get bodybuilding out of your mind for a bit. You'll gain it back quickly after the break.

    Not to argue but what makes it a fact that I will loose everything when I will still be getting plenty of cross training type exercise ? You aren't even old enough to have experienced what a fact is ! There needs to be a new section in this forum for kids under 26 to post in and then they can have al the fun they choose . . . LMAO ! In the back of my mind I thought I possibly may really lean out to the max ? I find it hard to believe I will loose everything ? I will still be on 200 mg of Cypionate a week ?

    Please tell me what you base your fact on ?

    Are you saying I will loose all muscle gained in the past 3 yeas and not retain any ? I think fat stores in advance of the hike will benefit ?

    Granted I will not be in the gym but I will be far from lethargic and actually with a 50 lb pack will be working the hell out of my legs and be on Turbo dose of TRT Cypionate And hoped to take Tren also if it would not be a wasted with limited protein but I am going to slam the calories !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-03-2015 at 01:03 PM.

  5. #5
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    comments ?

  6. #6
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    Um, I wish I could help u but I have no clue.

    I do to some point agree with 212 olympiabound that u will loose alot of your gains because of not lifting for 6 months. But u will probably be pretty ripped from all the cardio exercise and carrying around that heavy bag.

    As far as food goes the only thing I can maybe think of is peanut butter, scramble a bunch of eggs up and put it in some bags. I think they make packaged food that u can buy for this type of thing. Yea I don't no. Not very good
    advice but it's something.

  7. #7
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    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  8. #8
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    ^^^^yea that stuff

  9. #9
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    in goes is

    Man I am a old Marine and MRE's are designed to constipate you ? Started during the 1st Gulf war and got better with in closed heat source and variety ! I have plenty of food and what I can carry as far as protien . Thank you for you assistance !in goes !

    Peanut Butter

    and a to keep from going catabolic and I am still going to eat 5 ll the shit that we think is poison now so I am going to pig out
    Mac and cheese , all of the just add water packets , sneakers bars , 5 gal of water a day ! Ramen noodles , white minute rice , pensioner , katsup , tortilla wraps , basically , all the pasta and starch foods that we run from is what you run to to try to eat 5 x's a day and try to not loose but 25.00 and hope to be humping hills enough to actually build leg muscles but concern is

    Will Tren Still benefit on low protein intake , also upping TRT to 200 mg a week to assist in keeping strength up !

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    I think you have an amazing opportunity to enjoy nature. If that is your goal, then you should do it 100%!

    In regard to weightloss: its going to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if you're 200lbs when you're finished.

    Gear may help, but are you going to run TRT and Cyp both the entire time? Your bloods may suffer greatly and it may not be advised. Talk to your doctor about that for sure!

    Weight loss is going to come down to what you eat. Just eat the hell out of nuts and dried foods while you can and stay hydrated.

    Above all else, enjoy the journey!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    I think you have an amazing opportunity to enjoy nature. If that is your goal, then you should do it 100%!

    In regard to weightloss: its going to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if you're 200lbs when you're finished.

    Gear may help, but are you going to run TRT and Cyp both the entire time? Your bloods may suffer greatly and it may not be advised. Talk to your doctor about that for sure!

    Weight loss is going to come down to what you eat. Just eat the hell out of nuts and dried foods while you can and stay hydrated.

    Above all else, enjoy the journey!
    I have to some degree came to that exact conclusion ! I could not just drop TRT if I wanted I am balanced and the other thing is I can only eat so much peanut butter and nuts and beans and meat when passing through a town ? ?? ? ?

  13. #13
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    Anyone ever done any long distance Backpacking ?

  14. #14
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    ^^ I havent, not anything remotely close to this but I admire that you are doing this man! Your doing something I have wanted to do my entire life, I think its awesome. I dont have any advice for you really just wanted to say enjoy yourself and be safe. Look forward to some stories about your adventure.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^ I havent, not anything remotely close to this but I admire that you are doing this man! Your doing something I have wanted to do my entire life, I think its awesome. I dont have any advice for you really just wanted to say enjoy yourself and be safe. Look forward to some stories about your adventure.
    Thanks a lot "jimmyinkedup" ! I will be keeping a daily or bi-daily log/journal of events and feeling during the whole trip ! I will hit more trail towns in the south and less as I get further North ! I will be weighing just as part of the adventure because I feel when I get back I will have a chance few lifters have . I have come to wrap my brain around the thought that I have fought those last 15 to 20 of pouchy belly fat and around the back for a year now doing 2 hrs a day cardio and eating clean and it is almost lie it has a mind of it's own ? Like it says I am 56 years of fat and I am not going any where ! When I return to the gy, whether 3 mths or 7 mths after my journey begins I will have a chance few lifters ever get ? I now wnt from sick and over weight and fighting years of bad habits and when I return I will still be almost 57 but I do know how to eat from the beginning now and I will be like the skinny guy with no fat trying to put on muscle and I should be able to build a pure young lean body from skinny to lean muscle and will only have myself to blame if I get fat again ! The journey take all your body has and at some points you run a huge deficit on calories and all that keeps you going is water and the mind ! I will have so much discipline when I return to the weights and enjoy them more than even if that is possible ?

    You have no idea how bad I hate hearing you look good for your age ! Maybe after this and the few remains of fat stores gone I can gain good weight and not hear that you good for your age any more . . . lol !

    Still seeking knowledge from anyone one smart protein sources and pack able items , remember 5 days of food can't be much over 10 lb and 12 lbs is a big jump when you are humping 10 to 15 miles a day up and down mountains ! I am not a 30 yr old Marine any more I am 56 and hurt all over just walking . . . . lol !

    As I pack my backpack and still seek to cut ozs of weight off each 3 day trip I take and see multi use items and trad gear from one item to another and pay $180.00 to save 7 oz and $70,00 for a titanium boiler , cup and long spoon ! Have a mind battle on whether to take a Sawyer 9 oz water filtration system or no and boil all my water from mud puddles and drinking from pond scum stagnate water sources ! Need all gear with no food or water to be 25 lbs or less and hope to keep back pack loaded out at 45 lbs water and 5 days of food . I may give a shout out for people who live close to the trail and try to get care packages along the way and possible good food between Bounce boxes and trail towns ! If I do keep going there is one strip called the 100 mile wilderness That has no fresh water and no towns or shelter at all for 100 miles . I look forward to that part and I want to get that far on my 1st thru hike in 2016 ~1
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-01-2015 at 05:12 AM.

  16. #16
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    ? I guess me included look at this kind of like an average so called cross fit trainer the ones that claim to be are really just slackers and the ones that are serious are so busy training we never see them . . . lol ?

    I kind of view this as an ongoing journey in my life ! 3 years ago I knew the old school way of training and gear and after 3 years I have a reasonable working knowledge of how what works and why we do things to help and to prevent when using supplements ! Current nutrition and a few different ways to train but I still find myself going back to the tried and proven old school !

    This thur hike is another part of a journey for an older man that hates to hear you look good for your age ! at 56 to be taking on even a prep hike of 525 miles with just the backpack on your back and your mind against your body and the elements ! Well this still requires a lot of discipline and a lot of prep work ! Still this is to prepare for 2017 2100 + mile hike from Georgia to Maine and that is where the Marines and weight lifting will come into play ? Just a whole lot of little changes will make a huge difference over a period of time !

    I am still undecided on the 2016 Thru hike as to whether it will be the lower 1/4 or the whole thing ! But if I do the lower 1/4 I will have a whole new way to view how I train for the 2100+ mile hike in 2017 ! I just wonder if it will be possible to add 30 lbs of pretty lean weigh from mid July to the 1st of April 2017 ? I also wonder if there is a limit to how much weight you can loose and how much muscle memory a body has ! I have so many questions that will be answered through my on research that so many people never get a chance to research ! I will go from a not fat and fairly lean 240 lbs to possible 200 lbs and then start building back up again and see just how I want to do it ? I can actually reshape my body because it should be near fat free and no large amounts of muscle ! I am a little sad about that and have a little fear will I ever gain it back again at my age ! But the chance to do something that many men dream of is worth the chance to me and besides life is getting a little boring ! Eat ,prep , go to the gym , do cardio , lift , change it up and unless I am missing something that is about it ? I am strapped to eat quality protein and after the hike I will not require as much and hell 2 years from now the world will be a different place !


  17. #17
    you're putting way too much emphasis on lifting, it seems like.

    If you want to hike the Appalachian trail, hike the dam thing and don't worry about packing needles or "uncommon sources of protein"

    Also, since it seems you're getting bored of lifting, cut down the magnitude. You don't really need to worry about diet unless you're going to become a national competitor. Just overall, make high protein choices and somewhat monitor your calorie intake by feel. All you need to do for great results is hit the gym about 5x a week. 45 minutes each day. Really that's barely more than 3 hours a week.

    If you life is really eat, prep, go to they gym, do cardio, lift.... you really need a change, buddy. find some other hobbies

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    you're putting way too much emphasis on lifting, it seems like. If you want to hike the Appalachian trail, hike the dam thing and don't worry about packing needles or "uncommon sources of protein" Also, since it seems you're getting bored of lifting, cut down the magnitude. You don't really need to worry about diet unless you're going to become a national competitor. Just overall, make high protein choices and somewhat monitor your calorie intake by feel. All you need to do for great results is hit the gym about 5x a week. 45 minutes each day. Really that's barely more than 3 hours a week. If you life is really eat, prep, go to they gym, do cardio, lift.... you really need a change, buddy. find some other hobbies
    And the academy award for best advice ever goes to........^^^^^ I have no idea why so many people stress the small stuff when it comes to this stuff and then you find out they have no intention of competing. I pretty much tell people exactly this, nearly word for word, when they ask for diet advice. I give them the advice of course but I always follow up with something like this. Training is supposed to reduce stress. Not increase it.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armybrat93 View Post
    23 yrs old

    And the academy award for best advice ever goes to........^^^^^ I have no idea why so many people stress the small stuff when it comes to this stuff and then you find out they have no intention of competing. I pretty much tell people exactly this, nearly word for word, when they ask for diet advice. I give them the advice of course but I always follow up with something like this. Training is supposed to reduce stress. Not increase it.

    Your so wise and mature at the ripe old age of 22 I am sure people are asking you far advise all the time ! ! it is so sad that more members don't listen to you , lol ! Army brat 93 why don't you show what you have accomplished in 3 yrs of lifting and if you look worthy to give advise maybe , just maybe some one would listen to you !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 05-11-2016 at 11:00 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    you're putting way too much emphasis on lifting, it seems like. 21yrs old

    If you want to hike the Appalachian trail, hike the dam thing and don't worry about packing needles or "uncommon sources of protein"

    Also, since it seems you're getting bored of lifting, cut down the magnitude. You don't really need to worry about diet unless you're going to become a national competitor. Just overall, make high protein choices and somewhat monitor your calorie intake by feel. All you need to do for great results is hit the gym about 5x a week. 45 minutes each day. Really that's barely more than 3 hours a week.

    If you life is really eat, prep, go to they gym, do cardio, lift.... you really need a change, buddy. find some other hobbies

    Listen Jr you have no idea why I do what I do and I am very balanced on TRT ! You are injecting BS that was not requested and if you can't offer productive input why not STFU !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 05-11-2016 at 10:59 PM.

  21. #21
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    I have not done anything like this but have wanted too and still may someday. I dont see a reason to stop TRT.

    I'm sure you will have things mapped out and not sure how you are planning on doing your supplies but I remember reading it's a good idea to set up PO box or something similar in several towns along the way where you can pre ship supplies and cash so you dont have to carry so much all at once and you have emergency provisions in place.

    I'm sure doing a group they have stuff like this set up but maybe a good idea to do at least a couple yourself just in case.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I have not done anything like this but have wanted too and still may someday. I dont see a reason to stop TRT.

    I'm sure you will have things mapped out and not sure how you are planning on doing your supplies but I remember reading it's a good idea to set up PO box or something similar in several towns along the way where you can pre ship supplies and cash so you dont have to carry so much all at once and you have emergency provisions in place.

    I'm sure doing a group they have stuff like this set up but maybe a good idea to do at least a couple yourself just in case.

    Man you are spot on ! Younger people not on TRT are clueless when they say things like "JUST STOP TAKING " that really shows how lacking in education they are and why men are on TRT to begin with ! That is why I was going to bump up my TRT dose in hopes of a little extra strength and stamina ! Just wonder if Tren will effect me the same way as it does now when on a protein restricted diet ? I have heard Tren needs protein to work properly ? Soooooo still seeking an answer on the Tren and I will have Enantanate 200 with me which is supposed to be a super Testosterone and I remember when I abused gear in the 80 the only rule was excess is best and even at 22 I saw huge gains just slamming whoppers and pizza and a lot of pasta !

    They are called bounce boxes and I am doing a 2 week hike over Thanksgiving and that will really tell me a lot I am going to hike as far as I can in two week 14 days and I will have to average about 8 miles a day which is walking and not hiking ? Which as slow as 10 miles a day and looking at some of the sites and waiting on bounce boxes I hope to go 100 miles in 2 weeks ? The reason the April hike takes longer is there are more people and more hippy type festivals along the way 1 The 2 weeks will tell me what to take for cold weather and there may even be some snow above 4500 ft ! It will really help me with proper clothes and gear to shed and few people have the time to do long short treks like I am going to do and I will just get a bus ticket and come home ? I can keep going further if I so desire and figure out how to pack light and how often to ship bounce boxes ! I am stoked !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-03-2015 at 12:10 PM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    you're putting way too much emphasis on lifting, it seems like. 21 yr old boy

    If you want to hike the Appalachian trail, hike the dam thing and don't worry about packing needles or "uncommon sources of protein"

    Also, since it seems you're getting bored of lifting, cut down the magnitude. You don't really need to worry about diet unless you're going to become a national competitor. Just overall, make high protein choices and somewhat monitor your calorie intake by feel. All you need to do for great results is hit the gym about 5x a week. 45 minutes each day. Really that's barely more than 3 hours a week.

    If you life is really eat, prep, go to they gym, do cardio, lift.... you really need a change, buddy. find some other hobbies
    Man I do not think I have seen a post this thoughtless from the perspective of offering advise except from maybe "xanadrea" . So men not competing still eat every 3 hrs and track their macros all the time and the statement you made IMO could be no further from the truth ! I am 56 and have been on a 3 yr journey and seen great results and have no intention of competing and I lifted when I was young so not like I have no idea what is going on ! I hope no one reads that and thinks who ever that guy is has a clue what he is talking about !

    lol , you are judging me and you do not know me I do not work and have all the time I choose to do what I want and those hobbies are good and shallow ? I have women to play with and . . . . DUH back packing for 3 nights or more is a break ! I take a road trip when ever I choose ! See Va and Marine pension and SSDI all added to gether equals more than most people make on a full time job after taxes I am way ahead ! Going to the gym at 56 is a mind game at times ! but I sell cars and research peptides and anti ageing ! So I think you need to back off on your gear and relax a little as opposed to discounting a man way he lives his life in a knee jerk statement ! Yes , I accept your apology !

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 05-11-2016 at 11:02 PM.

  24. #24
    ^^ you can reply to the same post multiple times, and you ain't gonna get a rise outta me.

    I have my opinions and I will state them. Personally, I wish somebody would have given me that same advice back when I was a new lifter.

    I almost wasted a year of my life trying to do a perfect diet and routine.
    This included rarely going out.
    Missing out on bowhunting/motorbiking trips
    Canceling alaska fishing/snowmobiling trips
    skipping a bachelor party in vegas
    skipping weekly bonfires/campouts with friends.

    I finally got some sense knocked into me and realized that I can lift and also have a life.
    Last edited by 212OlympiaBound; 11-03-2015 at 12:39 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    you're putting way too much emphasis on lifting, it seems like.

    If you want to hike the Appalachian trail, hike the dam thing and don't worry about packing needles or "uncommon sources of protein"

    Also, since it seems you're getting bored of lifting, cut down the magnitude. You don't really need to worry about diet unless you're going to become a national competitor. Just overall, make high protein choices and somewhat monitor your calorie intake by feel. All you need to do for great results is hit the gym about 5x a week. 45 minutes each day. Really that's barely more than 3 hours a week.

    If you life is really eat, prep, go to they gym, do cardio, lift.... you really need a change, buddy. find some other hobbies
    Man I do not think I have seen a post this thoughtless from the perspective of offering advise except from maybe "xanadrea" . So many adult men not competing still eat every 3 hrs and track their macros all the time and the statement you made IMO could be no further from the truth ! I am 56 and have been on a 3 yr journey and seen great results and have no intention of competing and I lifted when I was young so not like I have no idea what is going on ! I hope no one reads that and thinks whoever that guy is has a clue what he is talking about !

    lol, that was a sad statement and you know nothing about me ! I do not work , as in I do anything I choose and I do what I want when I want ! I have plenty of hobbies some are good and some are shallow but the main thing is they make ME happy ! I have women to play with . . . . . DUH I back pack for 3 to 4 nights at a time and that is a break ! I take a road trip anytime I choose ! See VA pension and Marine pension and SSDI have no taxes and it all totals more that the average man make working 50 hours a week ! You may make more but I really doubt it $5200.00 a mth. or $1300.00 a week and no taxes so I live in an apartment and do what I want when I want . I get regular blood work and take TRT doses and blast and stay balanced ! That statement was Sooooo lacking in fore thought ! I was going to say I accept your apology . . . . . lol but then I looked at your profile and I LMFAO you are a kid 21 years old ! Seemingly just posting stupid post to get a post count ! So as opposed to telling you you can apologize to me and I will accept it I just laugh , think and remember how arrogant I was at that age and actually thought I knew what I was talking about ! I have a 20 year old and a 21 year old and a 25 year old but they were taught not to speak out of turn and not to spout BS just to be heard ! I would say that old wise tale applies to you perfectly and It goes " It is better to keep your mouth shut and people think you are a fool that to open it and prove you are a fool ! " So Child I pity you and hope you gain more wisdom in the future before you make half cocked post with no experience and no fact to what you state ! Good luck in your journey from 21 to adulthood and I hope you will educate before you medicate ! SADRU ! Oh we are not buddies I am old enough to be your dad I may be your mentor ? But never buddies with a 21 year old ! And if you want to be buddies with a 56 year old man be clear I am no perv and do not have 21 year old buddies . . . . LMAO !

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-03-2015 at 12:58 PM.

  26. #26
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    Remember tren makes you sweat a lot meaning needing more electrolytes and less sleep due to tren insomnia.
    I would leave the tren out of the picture.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Remember tren makes you sweat a lot meaning needing more electrolytes and less sleep due to tren insomnia.
    I would leave the tren out of the picture.
    Shoot man I am almost addicted to Tren ! I love the way it adds strength and leans out and makes hard muscles ! 3 weeks off Tren and you can see a difference in the hardness ! I am 90 on and 90 off and love the rush and my 4 mth BW is coming back good to go . . . . but I do obtains from any injections 10 days before BW and try to give blood the day before So I cheat and get great results !

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Man I do not think I have seen a post this thoughtless from the perspective of offering advise except from maybe "xanadrea" . So many adult men not competing still eat every 3 hrs and track their macros all the time and the statement you made IMO could be no further from the truth ! I am 56 and have been on a 3 yr journey and seen great results and have no intention of competing and I lifted when I was young so not like I have no idea what is going on ! I hope no one reads that and thinks whoever that guy is has a clue what he is talking about !

    lol, that was a sad statement and you know nothing about me ! I do not work , as in I do anything I choose and I do what I want when I want ! I have plenty of hobbies some are good and some are shallow but the main thing is they make ME happy ! I have women to play with . . . . . DUH I back pack for 3 to 4 nights at a time and that is a break ! I take a road trip anytime I choose ! See VA pension and Marine pension and SSDI have no taxes and it all totals more that the average man make working 50 hours a week ! You may make more but I really doubt it $5200.00 a mth. or $1300.00 a week and no taxes so I live in an apartment and do what I want when I want . I get regular blood work and take TRT doses and blast and stay balanced ! That statement was Sooooo lacking in fore thought ! I was going to say I accept your apology . . . . . lol but then I looked at your profile and I LMFAO you are a kid 21 years old ! Seemingly just posting stupid post to get a post count ! So as opposed to telling you you can apologize to me and I will accept it I just laugh , think and remember how arrogant I was at that age and actually thought I knew what I was talking about ! I have a 20 year old and a 21 year old and a 25 year old but they were taught not to speak out of turn and not to spout BS just to be heard ! I would say that old wise tale applies to you perfectly and It goes " It is better to keep your mouth shut and people think you are a fool that to open it and prove you are a fool ! " So Child I pity you and hope you gain more wisdom in the future before you make half cocked post with no experience and no fact to what you state ! Good luck in your journey from 21 to adulthood and I hope you will educate before you medicate ! SADRU ! Oh we are not buddies I am old enough to be your dad I may be your mentor ? But never buddies with a 21 year old ! And if you want to be buddies with a 56 year old man be clear I am no perv and do not have 21 year old buddies . . . . LMAO !

    My apologies for putting a fake birthdate on an open forum where illegal activities are discussed.
    Congratulations on the $1300 a week!

    and do keep going. this is so dam entertaining.

  29. #29
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    Sep 2015
    Have you considered doing a 50 mile trip then scaling it up to 500 in terms of caloric intake, muscle loss and fat loss? I'd start with 750 calories per mile + 2,500 calories per day. Before you start get a DXA scan, spend 8-10 days on the trail, keep detailed notes on your diet and then get scanned again to see what it does to you. This is a good way to test any new gear you acquire for the trip as well.

    For keeping stuff cold, there are insulated kits specifically keep medicine cold for a day or two. Start with regular ice or dry ice (warning: may freeze the juice) then use the instant cold first aid packs. There are industrial options as well but they get heavy.

  30. #30
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    Also, I used to know a guy that did shots of olive oil on the trail. Make sure you test at home. You don't want the runs on the trail.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22-250 View Post
    Have you considered doing a 50 mile trip then scaling it up to 500 in terms of caloric intake, muscle loss and fat loss? I'd start with 750 calories per mile + 2,500 calories per day. Before you start get a DXA scan, spend 8-10 days on the trail, keep detailed notes on your diet and then get scanned again to see what it does to you. This is a good way to test any new gear you acquire for the trip as well.

    For keeping stuff cold, there are insulated kits specifically keep medicine cold for a day or two. Start with regular ice or dry ice (warning: may freeze the juice) then use the instant cold first aid packs. There are industrial options as well but they get heavy.

    Thanks and we think a lot a like ! I am doing a gear break down such as tent ( 1 person or 2 person only 10 oz difference in weight ) vs tarp vs hammock and alcohol vs butane ! Not even considering a Jet Boil Many experienced hikes say that alcohol is best due to not over heating food and burning in the pots and at $90.00 for a titanium 750 boiler , a 450 cup and a long spoon I do not want to be burning food in the bottom and with alcohol and my Fire box I can build a wood fire if I run out of fuel ! Also looking at the actual bag I will be sleeping in and I have decided on the Therm a Rest egg crate style sleeping pad as my sleeping pad and the Testosterone ( good gear 50/50 pharmacy and UGL will not need to be kept cold just not hot and deep in my back pack should keep at no mot than 75* so thought about that and not sure the cold kits will last 5 days between stops to keep TB - 500 cold ? ) Thank you very much for the input as far as gear check I am doing that thins weekend whit every thing I have and we are having nights in the lower 40* range so this will give me an idea if I will really be required to go with a down back and I am hoping for a fleece bag and mattress pad with a poncho liner on the bottom with Mylar to reflect moisture and dampness ! This will be a 5 night gear check and I will have access to my vehicle to carry the unwanted gear to and really decide on how to load out my backpack It is a little heave at 4.12 oz and a Teton 65 liter and I have a Teton 55 liter that I hope to use that is under 4 lbs I have a 14 day section hike planned for Dec and that will be the real test on cold weather gear and what to ship in bounce boxes and what is strange I expect to cover 100 miles in 14 days ? This will be less than 10 miles a day and I will get used to clothing and gear and swaps for confront I have to or desire to make ! I see all the fuss about hiking boots and a 55 lb pack , hell I am wearing Bates US Marine boot at 2 lb 6 oz and I have had the inner sole re worked and smoothed out and and arch installed and a super soft gel securely embedded in the bottom ! and 5 finger Treks for camp shoes and hiking shoes will be Solomon ! I was a lot younger but humped a boat anchor pack and rifle and fill war belt with 2 heavy ass canteens for 15 to 18 miles a day in the sand and no damn trekking poles ? So I am not that concerned if I am a little heavy for confront ? But if I can do 100 miles in 14 days I will be ecstatic !

    I plan to share my choice of pack gear for my 14 day hike and then y gear after the 14 days ! So I only offer advise on this forum from personal experience and this will be no different and I will continue this thread and people can share thoughts and comment I also hope to post some BA pics !

    I have not broken it down to miles but the caloric consumption is estimated depending on speed and gear weight to be 700 to 1000 calories per hour while hiking and even 500 per hour just standing around with pack on your back and even when you stop calories continue to be burn util your metabolism slows down and heart rate drops 1
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-04-2015 at 01:13 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Remember tren makes you sweat a lot meaning needing more electrolytes and less sleep due to tren insomnia.
    I would leave the tren out of the picture.
    Shoot man I am almost addicted to Tren ! I love the way it adds strength and leans out and makes hard muscles ! 3 weeks off Tren and you can see a difference in the hardness ! I am 90 on and 90 off and love the rush and my 4 mth BW is coming back good to go . . . . but I do obtains from any injections 10 days before BW and try to give blood the day before So I cheat and get great results !

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post

    Thanks and we think a lot a like !
    Yep, we sure do. Few comments, my personal opinions:

    Tarps and bivy's are fine but not for such a long trip, same with hammocks. I use a Hennessy and it is really comfortable, but after a couple nights I just want more space, and I've got the oversize version. My current cheap lightweight tent is the Kelty Salida 2. I'm 6'2" 240 and it works well as a spacious one man tent with a full rain fly and also full mesh roof for star gaizing on warm nights.

    Instead of alcohol or butane I'd go with a rocket stove. My Sierra Zip Stove has been going strong for 10 years. There are better ones out there now. If you need to recharge electronics, get the Biolite Campstove. I've used a friend's and it really works well but it is heavy and expensive. Not for me.

    Big Agnes sleeping bags with built in insulated air core pad are worth the extra money. Its like cheating when you have a 3.5" pad under you.

    Don't forget diaper rash cream with zinc. I'm serious. This stuff works wonders.

    Packing a little heavy for comfort is ok, but don't pile stuff on otherwise you'll take all the fun out of it. I like to start with disposable mostly worn out clothes and burn them the first few days to lighten the load and not have to do any laundry for a while.

    I run in the 5 finger vibrams and they are great but also get very stinky very fast. Not sure if this is a good idea for a long trip. Clean them by dropping a couple of Polident tablets in each shoe in a small bucket.

    Having said all that, I'm not a fan of long trips. 6 days 5 nights is the max for me... nowadays even those are very rare.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22-250 View Post
    Yep, we sure do. Few comments, my personal opinions:

    Tarps and bivy's are fine but not for such a long trip, same with hammocks. I use a Hennessy and it is really comfortable, but after a couple nights I just want more space, and I've got the oversize version. My current cheap lightweight tent is the Kelty Salida 2. I'm 6'2" 240 and it works well as a spacious one man tent with a full rain fly and also full mesh roof for star gaizing on warm nights.

    Instead of alcohol or butane I'd go with a rocket stove. My Sierra Zip Stove has been going strong for 10 years. There are better ones out there now. If you need to recharge electronics, get the Biolite Campstove. I've used a friend's and it really works well but it is heavy and expensive. Not for me.

    Big Agnes sleeping bags with built in insulated air core pad are worth the extra money. Its like cheating when you have a 3.5" pad under you.

    Don't forget diaper rash cream with zinc. I'm serious. This stuff works wonders.

    Packing a little heavy for comfort is ok, but don't pile stuff on otherwise you'll take all the fun out of it. I like to start with disposable mostly worn out clothes and burn them the first few days to lighten the load and not have to do any laundry for a while.

    I run in the 5 finger vibrams and they are great but also get very stinky very fast. Not sure if this is a good idea for a long trip. Clean them by dropping a couple of Polident tablets in each shoe in a small bucket.

    Having said all that, I'm not a fan of long trips. 6 days 5 nights is the max for me... nowadays even those are very rare.
    Lots of good 411 here and we are still on the same page in many areas ! I have been doing 3 night and 4 nighters but even 14 days and try to click off 100 miles will be a lot different and from Georgia in December I should get a feel for a sleep system !

    The sleeping bag you mentioned really interest me with the built in pad ! I goggled the bag you described and can't find it ? Please share exact name and how long ago did you purchase it , I see it will be between $300.00 and $400.00 May have to go another rout but with built in pad still very interested ! Even as recent as this past weekend I concluded I am going to sell my pristine Mountain Hardwear Sprite 1 ( a one person tent ) The Sprit has a Vestibule for a pack and shoes but it is like a coffin ie. does stay a lot warmer with a candle tin for a heater and maybe light upon waking but a challange to change clothes ! There fore after much thought I am going with some brand of a 3 person ultra light with a budget of $500.00 max , ( not to say I would not go $550.00 if it had indoor pluming , lol JKN ) ! Also will be room for weekend hike to bring a femal and she can share But keep my tarp and hammock for summer weekenders with the guys !

    I still plan to get one of the light weight pricey traps that they review on preparedness 101 - You Tube - I think they call it the Chuck Norris of tarps 8 x 10 and some warm night just use it

    I also plan to use 5 Finger Treks !

    Oh this may be and I feel will be very controversial : I am using some modified Bated USMC boots as my primary hike foot wear and carrying a pair of light weight Somalians due to not really a fine line as when to change from boot to shoe ! The VA and Penn. portion of the trail is almost all jiggered rocks and will actually cut through light weight trail running shoes ! So back to the boots in warm weather !

    I am really torn as to why people spend so much $$$ to buy R/T sleeves to go over shoes and ankles to prevent debris from getting into shoes ? Seem homemade sleeves would work just as well !

    The reason I was leaning towards an alcohol stove is there are many reviews of MSR's and Pocket Rockets burning your food and the Alcohol stove with a fire box to put it in is a good wind screen and will function as a wood burning stove also , those were the pluses and still trying to decide .

    Did you know that pure white zinc oxide is hard to find for me i have even checked behind the pharmacy counter and they will not special order it ! One item I have not looked on line for !

    Please share more earned experience and knowledge if you don't mind ! The sleep system you mention with the pad is a new priority for me and , please if you would share the exact name and model # if you have it ! I am using a MSS system with the green bag only and a fleece liner and down to 30* it has done fine ! So with my gear test for my personal preference and the items you mentioned I am now on a mission to purchase the specific items I think I will need and I think I mentioned I am doing a 24 day Springer Mountain North and hope to cover 100+ miles in 14 days and may take longer because I will have a supply box packed and still open and hope to find a town 2 days before I need resupplying to call home and tell my son to ship ! Man I really thank you for you post and don't be shy I am not an ultra light hiker but at the same time weight does matter ! Just like I did not see the need to pay $400.00 for a Mammoth back pack ! I purchased a Teton 4000 that has 3 outer pockets and going to add a condor pouch on the hip straps and it weighs in at a little less than 5 lbs and I feel is a much more versatile and looks like it will hold up better it is a 65 liter or with the sleeping bag compartment zippered closed 45 liter and with the 3 exterior and on mess pocket is fine for my gear now and I may be able to get as small as a Teton 3400 you can see them on eBay !

    lol , Headed to the gym now and will be starting the hike in April at about 235 lbs and 6 ft not fat and not ripped but extra lean for most 56 years old men ! I also my be in such a lean state when I finish the 2 to 3 mth hike to VA that I wait until 2018 for the 2150 mile hike to Maine and build back up from my light weight that I expect to come in at about 190 lbs after say 3 mths on the trail

    Please share more offer you opinion on info I have shared if you feel I am going in the wrong direction ? I am putting a lot more thought and effort into prep than most people do ! I already can spot mistakes in beginning load outs on You Tube and they jump right out at me ! !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-06-2015 at 02:24 PM.

  35. #35
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    Great info more experienced thoughts PLEASE ! ! !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-06-2015 at 02:27 PM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22-250 View Post
    Yep, we sure do. Few comments, my personal opinions:

    Tarps and bivy's are fine but not for such a long trip, same with hammocks. I use a Hennessy and it is really comfortable, but after a couple nights I just want more space, and I've got the oversize version. My current cheap lightweight tent is the Kelty Salida 2. I'm 6'2" 240 and it works well as a spacious one man tent with a full rain fly and also full mesh roof for star gaizing on warm nights.

    Instead of alcohol or butane I'd go with a rocket stove. My Sierra Zip Stove has been going strong for 10 years. There are better ones out there now. If you need to recharge electronics, get the Biolite Campstove. I've used a friend's and it really works well but it is heavy and expensive. Not for me.

    Big Agnes sleeping bags with built in insulated air core pad are worth the extra money. Its like cheating when you have a 3.5" pad under you.

    Don't forget diaper rash cream with zinc. I'm serious. This stuff works wonders.

    Packing a little heavy for comfort is ok, but don't pile stuff on otherwise you'll take all the fun out of it. I like to start with disposable mostly worn out clothes and burn them the first few days to lighten the load and not have to do any laundry for a while.

    I run in the 5 finger vibrams and they are great but also get very stinky very fast. Not sure if this is a good idea for a long trip. Clean them by dropping a couple of Polident tablets in each shoe in a small bucket.

    Having said all that, I'm not a fan of long trips. 6 days 5 nights is the max for me... nowadays even those are very rare.
    Lots of good 411 here and we are still on the same page in many areas ! I have been doing 3 night and 4 nighters but even 14 days and try to click off 100 miles will be a lot different and from Georgia in December I should get a feel for a sleep system !

    The sleeping bad you mentioned really interest me with the built in pad ! Can you list exact man and when did you purchase ? Looks like it should cost between $300.00 and $400.00 Even as recent as this past weekend I concluded I am going to sell my pristine Mountain Hardwear Sprite 1 ( a one person tent and go with some brad of a 3 person ultra light with a budget of $500.00 max !

    Man I like this tent " QUECHUA Quickhiker Bivy Ultralight 3 Hiking Tent-3 Man "

    Damn that is a bundle $700.00 for a sleeping bad and a tent ? ? ? ?

    I also plan to use 5 Finger Treks !

    The reason I was leaning towards an alcohol stove is there are many reviews of MSR's and Pocket Rockets burning your food and the Alcohol stove with a fire box to put it in is a good wind screen and will function as a wood burning stove also , those were the pluses and still trying to decide .

    Did you know that pure white zinc oxide is hard to find for me i have even checked behind the pharmacy counter and they will not special order it ! One item I have not looked on line for !

    Please share more earned experience and knowledge if you don't mind ! The sleep system you mention with the pad is a new priority for me and , please if you would share the exact name and model # if you have it ! I am using a MSS system with the green bag only and a fleece liner and down to 30* it has done fine ! So with my gear test for my personal preference and the items you mentioned I am now on a mission to purchase the specific items I think I will need and I think I mentioned I am doing a 24 day Springer Mountain North and hope to cover 100+ miles in 14 days and may take longer because I will have a supply box packed and still open and hope to find a town 2 days before I need resupplying to call home and tell my son to ship ! Man I really thank you for you post and don't be shy I am not an ultra light hiker but at the same time weight does matter ! Just like I did not see the need to pay $400.00 for a Mammoth back pack ! I purchased a Teton 4000 that has 3 outer pockets and going to add a condor pouch on the hip straps and it weighs in at a little less than 5 lbs and I feel is a much more versatile and looks like it will hold up better it is a 65 liter or with the sleeping bag compartment zippered closed 45 liter and with the 3 exterior and on mess pocket is fine for my gear now and I may be able to get as small as a Teton 3400 you can see them on eBay !

    lol , Headed to the gym now and will be starting the hike in April at about 235 lbs and 6 ft not fat and not ripped but extra lean for most 56 years old men ! I also my be in such a lean state when I finish the 2 to 3 mth hike to VA that I wait until 2018 for the 2150 mile hike to Maine and build back up from my light weight that I expect to come in at about 190 lbs after say 3 mths on the trail

    Please share more !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-06-2015 at 02:35 PM.

  37. #37
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    Big Agnes Crystal 30. It is discontinued. Best of both worlds as it is half synthetic and half down. I love it. Although it will keep you alive in 30 degree weather you will be very cold. I'd give it a real world rating of 45 degrees. Same goes for all Big Agnes bags and most other manufacturers. A buddy bought one the same time as me for moto camping and he immediately returned it after the first trip for the Encampment 15 because he almost froze. I burn hot and that's why it was fine for me; note: same trip in the same tent. The encampment is heavy and bulky. If I were buying a bag today, it would be the Deer Park (its the wide version). The other bags are too narrow even with the Wedgie Bag Expander. I was always a big guy and now that I've been lifting my shoulders don't fit comfortably. Notice all the bags I've mentioned have a rectangular footbox with a mummy top. I hate mummy footboxes.

    The MSS is a great system. I keep the green bag in my SUV all the time and have used it a lot when I can't drive home or just end up in the mountains on a whim in the summer. I've used the full system down to 15 degrees and it was fine. Could probably go much lower. It's my go to for car camping. Really wide and huge footbox. Made to sleep with boots on. But of course, it packs huge. I wouldn't take this on a week long trip.

    Go used. I bought the Kelty Salida 2 on eBay for $90 shipped. Set up alerts for the gear you want and be patient.

    When it comes to stoves, I've used lots of them but keep going back to the zip stove. Jet boil is great if you are on a glacier or in a big rush like adventure racing. Otherwise, you likely have fuel all around you so why pack it in? The MSR whisperlite international will burn just about any liquid fuel but it is a bit of a pain to clean and is not really all that adjustable. It burns my food. And not a whisper at all. Sounds like a jet taxiing.

    Instead of a fancy tarp, get a tent footprint. They often are sold for cheap when a particular tent model is discontinued. Get one from a large high end tent.

    I looked up the Quelcha and it looks good but I'm really into freestanding tents. Don't like staking if I'm on the move. Much easier to plunk down when exhausted and pack it up too. Doesn't seem like much but I only like to stake in the ground when it is windy.

    Not sure, but I bet the diaper rash cream will work better than just plain zinc oxide.

    Also a surplus poncho liner for under $10 would be a great addition to add 10 degrees or more to your bag rating. They are cheap but bulky. See if you can find a silk liner or thin down blanket on ebay.

    I'm 44 and hope to be in your shape when I'm 56. Sounds like a great adventure.
    Last edited by 22-250; 11-07-2015 at 12:33 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22-250 View Post
    Big Agnes Crystal 30. It is discontinued. Best of both worlds as it is half synthetic and half down. I love it. Although it will keep you alive in 30 degree weather you will be very cold. I'd give it a real world rating of 45 degrees. Same goes for all Big Agnes bags and most other manufacturers. A buddy bought one the same time as me for moto camping and he immediately returned it after the first trip for the Encampment 15 because he almost froze. I burn hot and that's why it was fine for me; note: same trip in the same tent. The encampment is heavy and bulky. If I were buying a bag today, it would be the Deer Park (its the wide version). The other bags are too narrow even with the Wedgie Bag Expander. I was always a big guy and now that I've been lifting my shoulders don't fit comfortably. Notice all the bags I've mentioned have a rectangular footbox with a mummy top. I hate mummy footboxes.

    The MSS is a great system. I keep the green bag in my SUV all the time and have used it a lot when I can't drive home or just end up in the mountains on a whim in the summer. I've used the full system down to 15 degrees and it was fine. Could probably go much lower. It's my go to for car camping. Really wide and huge footbox. Made to sleep with boots on. But of course, it packs huge. I wouldn't take this on a week long trip.

    Go used. I bought the Kelty Salida 2 on eBay for $90 shipped. Set up alerts for the gear you want and be patient.

    When it comes to stoves, I've used lots of them but keep going back to the zip stove. Jet boil is great if you are on a glacier or in a big rush like adventure racing. Otherwise, you likely have fuel all around you so why pack it in? The MSR whisperlite international will burn just about any liquid fuel but it is a bit of a pain to clean and is not really all that adjustable. It burns my food. And not a whisper at all. Sounds like a jet taxiing.

    Instead of a fancy tarp, get a tent footprint. They often are sold for cheap when a particular tent model is discontinued. Get one from a large high end tent.

    I looked up the Quelcha and it looks good but I'm really into freestanding tents. Don't like staking if I'm on the move. Much easier to plunk down when exhausted and pack it up too. Doesn't seem like much but I only like to stake in the ground when it is windy.

    Not sure, but I bet the diaper rash cream will work better than just plain zinc oxide.

    Also a surplus poncho liner for under $10 would be a great addition to add 10 degrees or more to your bag rating. They are cheap but bulky. See if you can find a silk liner or thin down blanket on ebay.

    I'm 44 and hope to be in your shape when I'm 56. Sounds like a great adventure.
    Too funny I went to REi and picked their brains of the few people who were working on a Friday night that really had brains ! I am still at a cross roads on the cook system I have a Pocket Rocket and I bad ass wind guard made ( go on You Tube and check it out except mine looks 10 x's better ) out of 3 big Monster 24 oz cans looks cool and works great ! But at the same time I really like the MSR white gas stove set up really low profile and I think in the long run a lot more dependable for not running out of fuel and not having to pack so heavy with the small canisters so will probably go to it for $99.00 full stove and canister at REI and I can return it while on the trail if I don't like it ! Cheaper on eBay but no return !

    Oh about health ! You need to look at my profile pics I was on my death bed 4 years ago and I decided I was going to get healthy or die trying and against all the Dr's demands I started to the gym and have a DA GP Dr that started me on TRT and that made a huge difference ; I had to self medicate with his script @ 200mg EOW I & no Ai I had to really learn a lot and info from this very forum and after 3 years I can feel when my E-2 is off and when I need to give blood which I try to do as often as possible ; I am still lacking in info but know enough to be dangerous , lol . I have really been a PITA to people on this forum but because I ask a lot of questions and many younger men do not realize I was juicing to extremes in the early 80's and the theory then was excess is best ! I have has both of my mammary glands removed due to abuse of gear and I was ran over by a truck in 02 1 + I am a cranking old fart that feel kids 18 to 24 are still kids and when they jump in my face on the open forum I let'um have it ! Like that DA that posted in this thread 21 years old and I have boots older than he is ! Talking all kinds of stupid crap ! That just bugs me and arrogant on top of that ! Sooooo IMO age is of no concern all that matter is you mind set and always remember the Dr is not responsible for your health you are ! PEAcE

    Again too funny I was already way ahead of you on the poncho liner and all I am going to carry as a sleep system is the black MSS mummy bag and not heavy good size and rated at 15* I would have to spend between $245.00 and $300.00 to save a 1 lb and just not worth the money for the weight saving ! So I am GTG there !

    I also made a decisions on a sleep compartment ! A little different but a The North Face Storm Break 2 ! It is a 2 person tent that weighs in at just less than 5 lb but I have seen and heard to many horror stories of being stuck in a tent for a whole day due to rain , ] if I am I want some room and besides it is in the smokies , kind of funny how people talk about them I live at the base of the beginning and hike them all the time and they are a cake walk . . . . lol . Oh and I have been whoring pretty bad for the past 4 years and found a best friend for a GF and she is for a man my age double tuff ! She is 49 and eats like me every 3 hrs and we workout together she is amazed by weight lifting she is a BS Cross Trainer convert and now she pokes fun at cross training like most lifter , that see a change in as quick a 45 days if training hard and she works her ass off , not really she has a killer ass with a crease at the bottom and she looks 35 so since she is a Physics engineer and I am a semi retired Jar head I think I will hook up with her she has a house on the Chattahoochee River ! Those are $400.00 for a dump ! Any way my ADD kicked in there , lol ! The 2 man tent from North face gives me plenty of room and super fast set up + room for her on short trip and she is all in and can go 4 day with no bath and still laughing and having fun and she carries her weight packing and setting up camp and building a fire ! Really she is to good to be true ! She already wants me to move in and I want to but may wait another mth and be sure ! She was also in the Army for 4 yrs in the Ground Calvary ( TANKS ) but she is not a weirdo like most military females she is all woman when she is at work or on the town and put on a pair of BDU's and boots and hits the trail right beside me laughing and we have a great time ! Even about 1 time a mth we will get stupid together and have Tequila Body shot night out in public and we get shitty and call a friend or a cab !

    So I got my outer sleep system
    Got my sleeping bag settled on
    Pretty close on a cook system , White gas probably
    Absolutely love my backpack that the snobs at REI turned their noses up at and tried to sell me their POS 2 person half dome for $300.00 and it was a POS for sure !
    ( Look thise up on eBay and they will amaze you if quality light weight cook ware matters to you ? Oh and the cook ware I an getting Snow Peak Trek 1400ml Titanium pot and fry pan that my wind screen fits in, a TOAKS Titanium 750ml Pot with Bail Handle, a TOAKS Titanium 450ml Cup, and my emergency perfect Beer can alcohol burner fits in and got enough alcohol in 1st aid kit to use it , a TOAKS Titanium Long Handle Spoon , titanium spoork also it all this fits into a Condor MA40-002 BLACK H2O Pouch MOLLE Padded Water Bottle Carrier Zip Pocket , a bandanna lighter scrub pad camp soap and all fits in the Condor pouch for a total pouch and all less than 3 lbs Oh only cost $145.00 ONLY , lol but I feel that is money well spent and I will use most of it until I die and I am doing 2100 miles 2017 or 2018 ? May go further this time in 2016 ! ? I do what ever the hell I want to ! Because the worst thing that can happen is I will die happy ) My attitude really acquires a lot of haters but IDGAF
    Use A&D ointment for everything and even assist on cotton balls to start fires and rash . . . lol
    Had my soles interior completely smoothed and re inner soled and an arch and heel pad installed of Bates 8 or 10 in barrel boots tan rough outer and drain holes. I wear them every chance I get and try to find an issue and they are perfect and weigh less than many hiking boot ! Going to carry my shoes tied onto the back of my pack since the terrain changes so fast and can;t really ship boots home and just wear shoes . I picked this shoe except the $10.00 less expensive and the one I picked breath ! Salomon Mens Speedcross 3 Shoes . Got my 5 finger Treks for around camp !

    Went to Goodwill not expecting to find anything and found a $150.00 light weight foam type jacket that with a Merino Short sleeve T-Shirt will hold down to 30* while hiking and great for around the camp oh it was $6.50 A Columbia Trail SS shirt with vented back and no show pocket that REI had on display for $145.00 scrapped up $5.50 for it , a dri fit under Armour t-shirt for $3.50 , and the deal of the day were a pair of Padigonia zip off cargoes for $5.00 Oh already got synthetic under wear pants and getting all Merino long and short sleeve inner and outer shirts and sexy yoga style long johns . . . lol !

    All I am really seeking now is that new super tarp and may skip it ? + either a Big Angus sleep pad or a thermarest Oh and the biggest rip of are sea to Summit water proof stuff sacks and a couple of compression sacks ! Of course 6 days of food and a med and Hygiene kit + camp towel & more camp suds ! I think I am GTG Oh of course I have 2 Sawyer minis !

    Now time to start stocking my bounce boxes with the items I know I will need like food and in town Merino shirts ! This is like night and day from a 4 night hike and bush craft combo ! I got all the tomahawks , e-tools Becker BK 9 ,2 13,14,15, and a Gerber LMK II , A Silky saw that is almost as fast as a chain saw ! Probably 1000 ft of paracord & 75 ft of repelling rope , Atlas Straps and a Ticket to the Moon Hammock that is better than an ENO IMO But not better that a $500.00 Oh Damn I knew the name 5 minutes ago and can't remember but you know the one with the integrated bug net sown in ?????? All of this is really great for that weekend run with the guys or to go to the Natalahalia and camp 6 ft from the river ! Going to sell my pristine Mountain Hardwear Sprit I one person tent ! I know why some people like 1 person tent they are so warm !

    If you have any input please offer up and what do you think about the white gas system ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-07-2015 at 05:51 PM.

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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Hey 22-250 where did you go please read my post and share more of your experience !

    Oh I found a great way to up caloric intake ! The Survival meal tabs Astronauts eat them and all you need are 7 a day for all thew calories you need and when exerting energy Sooooo those along with regularly planned food should keep me up there in calories at least ! But only 4 grams of protein per tab and I am researching what it does to you system when you eat more than recommended ?

    Look up survival food on eBay and you will find them I already have some and they taste great ( I have the malt flavor and actually like eating a candy almost very tasty ) !

    Still seeking protein beyond nuts and peanut butter !

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-09-2015 at 05:37 PM.

  40. #40
    Survival tabs have 20 Cals a piece you freaking dumbass

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