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Thread: Switching to M-Drol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Switching to M-Drol

    Im not satisfied with H-Stane. I have a party coming up saturday and i have added prohormones to my sarmcourse to nail this one. But, after 8 days with H-Stane i couldnt feel the difference so i switched to M-Drol this week. The sarms took me from 114 kg to 117-118 kg and a bit leaner and i was hoping for a good 119 kg for the party, but...not there yet. Though i looked like Paul Dillett at the gym today but something completyely different is what you look when you have been sitting 10 hous in a sofa drinking with no pump whatsoever.

    My problem is stil the lack of testo. My source failed this time and maybe thats why H-Stane did not burn. Decreasing testlevel is hard to beat.
    So i also did 100 mg masteron wednesday and i will copy that today.

    Of course i will be the badest mother****er at the party with my black tank in a black suit styled with some heavy goldchains, rings and watches. But, just beeing big doesnt cut it. Im putting so much shit in this that if i not make they eyes fall out, its a fail.

    F... that sourceguy. I could really use some 2000 ng/dl if i run into a 3way but now i guess i dont even dare to remove my trousers. It doesnt work. F..that man. Well, it works, but the desire for some wet stinky ***** is not there>:-(
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-30-2015 at 06:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    If I did not know better Silabolin ​I would have thought a cartoon posted this, lol...

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