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Thread: Bizarre incident..

  1. #1
    Splifton's Avatar
    Splifton is offline Associate Member
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    Bizarre incident..

    So I'm someone who grinds their teeth and clenches their jaw on a mere 24/7 basis without being actively aware and I guess push came to shove....

    One of my molars on the top (maxillary I think?) just had the back portion snap off to a large enough degree that I'm bleeding... well how a molar would bleed if it just gave in. Doesn't hurt.. though it is annoying that I got straight teeth and evaded braces yet it seems like someone punches me in the teeth or I somehow chip them on inanimate objects.

    I'm just putting some salt and whatever appropriate gauss-like material I have around to see if I can coagulate the cut/puncture or whatever it is.... Would I look like a dumbass if I go to the hospital for a dental injury?

  2. #2
    bartman314's Avatar
    bartman314 is offline Productive Member
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    bleeding is probably from gums. no you wouldn't look like a dumbass. i've been known to do some pretty dumbass things and yours is mild. good luck with it.

    btw, i'm a grinder as well. you may want to try a mouthguard at night.

  3. #3
    Splifton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartman314 View Post
    bleeding is probably from gums. no you wouldn't look like a dumbass. i've been known to do some pretty dumbass things and yours is mild. good luck with it.

    btw, i'm a grinder as well. you may want to try a mouthguard at night.
    Thanks for the feedback. I'm still in dismay at what just happened. Do you use a mouth guard as well and don't have any issues excluding the customary acclimation period at the start when yeah have to get used to it?

    The bleeding stopped and from what I can feel and my room mate trying to McGuiver a mirror into my mouth it seems as though the filling came out and took the latter portion of the back of the tooth. Yet I can feel just barely some residual structures that I would assume to be the root/base of a tooth. Dentistry is wizardry to me.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Buy a cheap otc mouth guard for night. No reason to spend $$$

    To stop during the day either chew gum or keep reminding yourself not too. I use to going and pressure but found just being aware of it I was able to stop.

    I did the same thing with my jaw when I got braces. Ortho said the only way to get my jaw forward more was to break it and extend. I asked about re training since I think it was due to being a thumb suckered, as a toddler. He said it's not possible. I love a challenge.

    6 months later he was saying he had never seen anyone do that. The teeth were all aligning up with my jaw being more forward. I hear that a lot. I've never seen anyone able to do that. LoL

    Give it a try, being aware and stopping the grinding. Probably habit.

  5. #5
    Splifton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Buy a cheap otc mouth guard for night. No reason to spend $$$

    To stop during the day either chew gum or keep reminding yourself not too. I use to going and pressure but found just being aware of it I was able to stop.

    I did the same thing with my jaw when I got braces. Ortho said the only way to get my jaw forward more was to break it and extend. I asked about re training since I think it was due to being a thumb suckered, as a toddler. He said it's not possible. I love a challenge.

    6 months later he was saying he had never seen anyone do that. The teeth were all aligning up with my jaw being more forward. I hear that a lot. I've never seen anyone able to do that. LoL

    Give it a try, being aware and stopping the grinding. Probably habit.
    Spoken like a true gentleman. Thanks for the tips. It's rather strange to constantly practice situational awareness with something like jaw movement. I guess I'm just going to be the person that has his mouth halfway open at all times.

    I very rarely wake up with a sore jaw unless I've just adapted to isometric contractions 8 hours everyday. I rinsed with hydrogen peroxide not too long ago, but I'll take your word and just keep it simple until I can get into a dentist. I thankfully have health insurance.
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  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    lol, you dont need to actually have your mouth open, just remember to/remind yourself to un clench. It sounds like it might be stress related, do you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Splifton View Post
    Spoken like a true gentleman. Thanks for the tips. It's rather strange to constantly practice situational awareness with something like jaw movement. I guess I'm just going to be the person that has his mouth halfway open at all times.

    I very rarely wake up with a sore jaw unless I've just adapted to isometric contractions 8 hours everyday. I rinsed with hydrogen peroxide not too long ago, but I'll take your word and just keep it simple until I can get into a dentist. I thankfully have health insurance.

  7. #7
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    I do too at times from random stress. Chew gum helps.

  8. #8
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    It could be TMJ related or just a reaction to stress. A lot of things cause teeth grinding. Usually doctors do prescribe a custom fit mouth guard like these people have suggested. I don't see a need to go through a doc to get an overpriced mouthpiece although a custom fit will make it more comfortable.

    Another treatment measure is to prescribe something long-term for stress. If you're breaking teeth I would say mitigating your stress should probably be a priority regardless of whether you want to do it with or without medication.

  9. #9
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    I would say the most obvious culprit is schooling in combination with my OCD for perfection. I'll lose sleep for days after getting back my grades on a exam and I figured out I missed 1-2 answers. I know it's completely trivial to be this hard on myself, but I drive myself nuts with almost everything in my daily activities. I'm also the kind of guy that goes soccer hooligan style when I lose at video games! Maybe I need to take a chill pill, but I can't get realistic pharmaceuticals from my family M.D because I'm classified as an addict.

    A friend recommended a vapor pen, but without any micronized/atomized nicotine and instead just have the flavored water vapor. I could see it being beneficial as it would be a handicap almost to keep my mouth fixated on something that's an alternative to my usual lockjaw antics resembling your friendly everyday crackhead.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Splifton; 12-03-2015 at 12:51 AM.

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