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Thread: What Car to Buy

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    I have determined it's the optimal car for BG
    So, BG, stop thinking about it and snap to it!

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Okay, this is helping immensely...i really appreciate it. I'm going to post a quick few pics of the cars i'm thinking of so that people can contribute a bit more.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    The LandRover Freelander: I have to admit, I'm very impressed with the body. When you guys had mentioned it, I think I initially confused it with the Discovery, because I remember thinking of the Jeep Liberty look when you guys mentioned it. This has become a vehicle I'll definitely be looking into a bit more.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	20559  

  4. #44
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    12,000 feet above it all
    And now the Audi TT. This is really the BigGreen not being sensible, but you only live once choice. I'll likely be married or thinking of marriage within the next six years or so i think, so it'll be another twenty years or so before I'm irresponsible enough to go with this type of car. I did test drive one and fit "okay". On top of that, i thought the interior was very nice and the handling wasn't nearly as bad as it was made out to be.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	20560  

  5. #45
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    As far as the Sport Trac is concerned, I've mentioned it's probably the front-runner right now. As you can tell from the pics, if you go all out on the interior (which you can at a very reasonable price), it looks pretty damn good all things considered.
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Name:	SportTrac.jpg 
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ID:	20562  
    Last edited by BigGreen; 07-09-2003 at 11:39 AM.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Here's the "sleeper", so to speak. I hadn't even remotely considered this vehicle, until a few people mentioned it as a really solid car. I'm aware that consumer reports pretty routinely slaps the shit out of lincoln for having some electrical problems, but this seems to be a good value from everything I've heard. The sport package (well within my price range) has a V-8 engine with some kind of increased suspension or something or other. Anyway, here it is:
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ID:	20563  

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    The Audi A6, unlike the Audi TT, is a very sensible choice. The only thing that has me not rushing into this decision now is the fact that I'm still not entirely clear on what I'd be looking at in terms of Audi repair costs should anything happen. I think this is a very sharp looking car, inside and out. The S4 looks essentially the same, though a little more compact, so I won't post those pics.
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ID:	20564  

  8. #48
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    The Xterra has a look that is appealing to me, though I've always maintained that the interior is a bit too "bare-boned". Thanks to strut and ichiban, however, it looks like the freelander may just have the exterior appeal and ruggedness of the Xterra with an interior slightly more appealing. The appeal of this car, however, is that they appear to hold their value very well and, more importantly, my girlfriend's father has done lots of work with nissan dealers around new england and has his own body shop specializing in japanese repairs on this thing would cost me next to nothing provided they didn't need to be done asap and could wait till he had some freee time.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	xterra.jpg 
Views:	79 
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ID:	20565  

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    The TT, for the money, is one of the least powerful, worst handling cars you can buy. If you bought it - and not that there is anything wrong with this - it would be *purely* for looks, and nothing much else. You can get a whole slew of cars that are faster and handle better for much less money.

    The Lincoln is a decent choice, but if you're looking into that you should also be looking into the Cadillac CTS, which has equal "geezer" appeal but looks cooler in my opinion.

    The A6 would have to be very used, I would estimate, for you to be able to afford it. Those things sticker at well over $40K new, if I recall correctly.

    The Xterra seems like another good choice for you, but like you mentioned, the interior leaves a lot to be desired, and I'm not sure it has the 4WD capabilities that the Freelander does.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    just don't get one of those stupid f'n cars like the wrx with a big muffler those people look like idiots.. or a chromed out mazda morons i tell you!!! those mufflers make me want to get out and slap them... anyway in your shoes i would go for the bimmer but at your size and right out of college the Xterra is perfect .... and for those who are going to reply to my comments about the wrx and all those other stupid ass cars: lincoln 02 LS V-8 here

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strut99GT
    The A6 would have to be very used, I would estimate, for you to be able to afford it. Those things sticker at well over $40K new, if I recall correctly.
    From the info I've gathered thus far, to put me in my price range I'd be looking at either a 2000 with relatively low miles for the year (below 50,000) or a 2001 with relatively medium to high miles for that year (45,000+). The TT is fast becoming an unlikely choice, for the very reason you mentioned. What had attracted me to it was its reputation for being a sporty coupe that could handle inclimate conditions better than most in its class. However appealing that may be for the winter, I don't necessarily like the idea of not having the performance to match the looks during the summer.

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooksbrut
    lincoln 02 LS V-8 here
    Would you mind sharing your experiences with this vehicle? It's fast becoming a consideration (marginally, but a consideration nonetheless). It's also the car I know the least about, and would appreciate any personal experiences. My dad had a Mark VIII for a little while, and I loved that car...I wouldn't mind being behind the wheel of a lincoln once again.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by cooksbrut
    just don't get one of those stupid f'n cars like the wrx with a big muffler those people look like idiots.. or a chromed out mazda morons i tell you!!! those mufflers make me want to get out and slap them... anyway in your shoes i would go for the bimmer but at your size and right out of college the Xterra is perfect .... and for those who are going to reply to my comments about the wrx and all those other stupid ass cars: lincoln 02 LS V-8 here
    Well, fairly strong words there. First off, let me make myself clear: I'm all about big-ass engines, and high performance; I have a Corvette Z06. I just hope you realize that the WRXs with the big-ass mufflers can take your Lincoln in just about any race I can think of, be it standstill, roll, track, dragstrip, whatever. I have problems with Civics that have huge mufflers but can't beat an Explorer in a race, but as long as they have the speed to back it up, they can do what they please.

    And BG, just to prove I'm not hijacking this thread, I'm going to return to the topic at hand . You shouldn't get a car with 50K miles on it, especially with the money at your diposal. If you want a used car, get one that is exactly 1 year old with about 10K, because it will be "like new" but will have taken the largest depreciation hit of its remaining life.

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