Bullies Beat Up Girl - Video | eBaum's World
I am speechless.
Bullies Beat Up Girl - Video | eBaum's World
I am speechless.
I don't understand y everyone always just sits there. I mean hello! Someone's is getting there a** kicked. Maybe um help or do something.
The people on the train were all smiling and laughing. Our society is totally ****ed.
Sick. Female savages. Terrible.
I would like to think that they were identified and locked up.
But that's just not the case these days.
We as a society are in rapid decline.
I can't believe no one did any thing.
Sickining - and for no one to step in was pure cowardly imho...
Why is it always the ones who are loud that people are most afraid of(it's the quite ones in the corner you should be worrying about... In my experience they're usually the biggest talkers with no walk once someone steps up or says something ....
This just shows how well they're being raised... Some parenting that is... Pfffft! Simply disgusting!!
I've never hit a woman before, but it would be hard for me to not knock both of them out if I saw this first-hand.
And let's be honest, when you gang up on a girl 2 on 1 and start beating the s**t out of her, you've forfeited your 'woman' card.
Fvcking gross display of what we as humans are capable of, there is no way I'm on that subway and not help the girl out. I mean she isn't even fvcking defending herself. It's hard to call those two female.
Jesus Christ what is going on like. As my good friend says we need a good plague to get rid of the stupid people out there
I was reflecting on what I would do if caught on the subway in this situation. Do u think it victim was better off to not defend herself?Originally Posted by bigdil511
How could this have ended if the victim had a concealed carry (although I have a feeling more then one person had a legal or illegal handgun)
If the victim had a concealed carry permit this shit wouldn't have happened..... PERIOD. Once she pulls the gun - the other two walk away.Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
The only other outcome would be the other person illegally carrying and then pulling the gun. Problem is..... People with ccw's have to be extremely careful on when to pull and use their weapons. One **** up and the permit goes and you could wind up in jail.
Yes. I understand.Originally Posted by Hazard
Let's take a gun out of play. Was the victim better off not defending herself? What would you advise your wife to do?
Mine would have squared up and beat both to a pulp. Her brothers told me about her 2 on 1 girl fight outcome lol.Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
This girl was probably better off not defending herself. Most of the time if you don't entertain it you'll catch a few shots and then they leave. Hitting back can make it worse. In this case I think she was fvcked either way.
By the looks of the girls with their backpacks, I'm assuming they are still in high school. Very soon after they drop out and commit their first felony (as an adult). Both of them will be in prison. For how long depends on the severity of the felony. Probably for life, because they will most likely kill someone, while robbing them.
They are product of their raising. Unfortunately, I see these scenes play out far too often.
So sad and disturbing.
You always defend yourself, I have three daughters and tell them that. I teach them for drastic situations mind you if they can walk away and there's an opportunity to walk away I tell them to walk away but if you're stuck in a situation like this where two people are just beating you you do whatever you can to defend yourself always.Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
Agreed. When out-numbered (and sometimes even when you're not), try your best to walk away if possible. My rule of thumb is to never fight unless I have to defend myself. And screw that 'honor fighting' bs...that's for teenagers that feel the need to have a d**k swinging contest. When attacked, do whatever necessary to neutralize the threat. And that means use whatever weapon you have at your disposal in order to win. When people realize there's a possibility of being stabbed in the throat with a screwdriver, they may not be so keen to go and start fights with innocent people in the future (if they survive).Originally Posted by bigdil511
I would tell my wife or daughter to defend the selfs they are trained to do so.
But practical application goes out the window especially when you add additional attackers
Turning away from a non armed attacker is a large no no.
It boldness them do to the lack off defense the deep down lizard portion of the brain says I am alpha. Add in a crowd that seems in your favor (mob mentality)
And it just gets worse
Turn face the attacker state loud and clear to back off.
Then attack hard and fast strikes to the nose. Not the teeth!
Then step back and re access the situation. Still a threat attack again raise your dominate leg and stomp the attackers knee hard and away.
A gun that's a sticky one to say.
If you pull a weapon it's to be used.
If it's taken away from you then what your screwd
Think escalation of force
If I'm punched I can hit back . I can't pull a gun and shot some one. That's most likely murder. Your life was not in danger. Add multiple attackers and again. Situation changes.
Who am I to say when some one else fears for their own life ?
Also the owner of a weapon is the owner of the bullet no matter why it's fired. Shoot through your attacker and kill a child on the other side and life's are altered forever.
No one should ever have to endure this type of bull.
It's down right criminal.
Ladies if you ever need to defend against a man
Or a larger person in general do what ever it takes to get away. Finger strikes to the eyes to distract from a knee to the groin. Throw pocket change or a lit cigarette into the face stomp the knee and then run.
Don't go sketchy or new and unknown place alone tell some one where your going.
My biggest fear in life is that someday I won't be there when my family needs me.
And spiders
Thanks fellas. I am not certain how I would responded. I would likely have defended myself but question if that is best strategy since clearly outnumber.
Martial arts. Wish I was trained. Very viable option in this scenario.
Chris Rock:
"I'd never hit a woman, but I'll shake the shit out of one"
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