8 Whites 2 Yolk 1 Ezekiel Muffin Oj and Pre Workout Shatter Black Onyx
8 Whites 2 Yolk 1 Ezekiel Muffin Oj and Pre Workout Shatter Black Onyx
Rtd choc muscle milk... hit legs today but m tired!!
5.5 oz rotisserie chicken breast and greens
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
5.64 oz grilled sirloin and greens..... Ugh its time to get ready for summer.
8 Whites 2 Yolk 1 Cup Oatmeal Oj and Redline
Rtd choc muscle milk
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
Quest bar
Chicken and greens
3 sets leg press super set w/ leg extensions to failure
3 sets front squats
3 sets hack squats
5 sets standing calf raises to failure (performed between quad sets)
POW shake
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Quest bar
8 Whites 2 Yolk 1 Ezekiel Muffin Oj and Redline. Hitting Arms this morning
Standing dB curls
Overhead tri extensions cables
Seated hammer strength preacher curls
Used the hammer strength press machine to do standing single arm tri extensions
Seated incline iso hammer strength incline curls
Seated tri extensions lateral
Standing dB curls
Used the free motion lat pull down machine to do standing tri extension push downs
40 minutes cardio and done
8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
6 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
6 oz grilled sirloin and greens
3 sets incline db press
3 sets decline bb press
3 sets flat db press
3 sets hammer strength incline press
3 sets smyth machine incline press
Last two exercise movements were super set. Strength was really good today. I’m very excited about the direction my w/o’s seem to be going. Thinking about dialing back in preparation for an upcoming blast.
8 Whites 2 Yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin OJ and Pre Workout Shatter Black Onyx
Just finished training back and shoulders 40 minutes cardio and done
Having a bowl of homemade veggie/beef soup for breakfast.
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
6 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
Quest bar
Grilled chicken breast and greens
8 Whites 2 Yolk 1 Ezekiel Muffin and Oj
8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup oatmeal
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
6. Oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup oatmeal oj and preworkout shatter
Trained chest today
Warmed up with cable presses incline be and decline be
Hammer strength press
Peck deck
Incline flies
Decline flies
Incline pec deck
Db pullovers
Standing pullovers
45 minutes cardio low intensity and done.
Rtd choc protein shake post training. Meal prepping now
Meal prep for next week done. Time to move in to my daughters track meet
6 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
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