8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup oatmeal
I ordered some resistance bands yesterday should land today to complete my home gym. It only made sense for now to go that way to replace some of the cable machines I like using at the gym. Will update how it goes tonight
My old man and brother have been training together the last few weeks from the garage. Using bands a lot where they can, and they've said they're actually getting some pretty good workouts in.
They just had to be a bit creative with plaement to replicant the movements they wanted
I have DB’s from 25’s up to 110’s for all my heavy lifts. I just bought the bands to replace the cable lifts I like doing at the gym like tri push downs, lay pulls, seated rows, etc..... they are a great addition to a home gym
Meal 4
6 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
Meal 5
Stir fry 5 oz grilled sirloin with veggies sautéed in olive oil
FYI the gyms are open here and they are not limiting how many can enter. Fir right now though I am just not interested in going back, I am really enjoying training at home. No excuse not to train and no one ever in my way!!
Thats the kicker right there, some things you need a gym for. I pay £40 a month for a BJJ gym which gives me 2 classes a week. I cant do that solo at home.
But a regular gym, £30 at least a month. Over a lifetime you've paid enough to have built your own gym several times over, plus the fuel and travel times accounted for, its a priceless investment.
8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup oatmeal
Meal 2
6 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
Meal 3
6 oz grilled chicken breast 200 grams sweet potato
Meal 4
6 oz grilled sirloin and greens
Meal 5
Grilled sirloin and veggies
Just trained arms
Standing DB curls 5x12
Skull crushers 5x20
Preacher curls 5x12
Standing tri push downs resistance bands 5x15
Hammer curls 5x10
Behind the neck DB press ups 5x12
Happy Friday!!
8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup oatmeal
8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup oatmeal 16 oz glass Oj 1 hour pre workout
Trained chest
Flat heavy DB press 5x12
Flies 5x12
Band presses 5x30
Band flies 5x25
Incline DB press 5x10
DB Pullovers 5x12
Meal 2
6 oz grilled chicken breast 200 grams sweet potato
Meal 3
6 oz rotisserie chicken 1 cup rice with hot sauce
6 oz lean sirloin and air fried potato
8 whites 2 yolk 1 cup oatmeal 1 hour pre workout
Trained shoulders
Seated DB press 5x15
Side lateral raises 5x10
Front lateral raises 5x12
DB shrugs 5x10
Resistance bands superset side lateral raises into shrugs
5x12 raises into 5x20 shrugs
Shoulders on fire
Post workout shake
Meal 2 grilled sirloin 6oz 1 cup rice
6 oz grilled sirloin 200 grams sweet potato
Grilled chicken salad
Protein bar for a night snack
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and 16 oz glass of OJ
Meal 2
Protein bar
Meal 3
6 oz grilled chicken breast 1 cup rice
Meal 4
6 oz grilled sirloin 200 grams sweet
6 oz grilled sirloin 200 grams sweet potato
Trained back
Lat Pull downs 5x15
Close grip rows 5x12
Close grip pull downs 5x12
Bent over rows 5x10
Seated rows 5x10
S’mores protein bar
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin 16 oz glad of Oj.
Happy Tuesday!!
Happy Tuesday Day bud!
Question, what do you think about clomid to help raise free test? My last bloods showed signs of low T, it was 316. Saw an endo and he has prescribed 50mgs of it. Was thinking if I started it, I would try 25mgs first. Thoughts?
Meal 2
Protein bar was in a hurry
Meal 3
Grilled sirloin 1 cup rice
Meal 4
6 oz grilled chicken breast baked red potato
Meal 5
Grilled lean ground beef and greens
Time to train arms
Db curls 5x12
Skull crushers 5x15
Preacher curls 5x12
Tri push downs 5x15
Hammer curls 5x10
Behind the neck tri press ups 5x15
Reverse curls 5x10
Resistance band tri extensions 5x20
Actually he is an endocrinologist and wants to do some bone tests as well. Yes, he prescribed the clomid. Said he wanted to see if it raises my free test without all the estrogen issues. Seems I have might have bad bones as well, maybe some osteo issues going on. Maybe I need to find a better endo
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