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Thread: Extreme Lifestyle with Bio

  1. #1041
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    Nov 2015
    I see many of you here eating carbs for your first meal in the morning. I used to do that all the time as well. I was told to try avoiding carbs for my first meal after waking up as it creates an insulin spike. Instead what I do first thing is make a protein shake (chocolate/PB Whey + coffee instead of water + 1tbsp coconut oil + ice - all in the blender). Tastes like a freakin frappechino. I consume this with my morning vitamins and HGH shot and then hit the gym. Post workout, I do protein and high glycemic carbs.

    I got really good results while doing this and was able to shed significant fat. Can't say for sure this contributed to it as I was eating very clean and training hard.

    I'm curious what the experts on this thread think about this.

  2. #1042
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    Way too long bro I hope everything checks out and they're able to get it down.
    sinus infection we are going to get her antibiotics now!

  3. #1043
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit
    I see many of you here eating carbs for your first meal in the morning. I used to do that all the time as well. I was told to try avoiding carbs for my first meal after waking up as it creates an insulin spike. Instead what I do first thing is make a protein shake (chocolate/PB Whey + coffee instead of water + 1tbsp coconut oil + ice - all in the blender). Tastes like a freakin frappechino. I consume this with my morning vitamins and HGH shot and then hit the gym. Post workout, I do protein and high glycemic carbs. I got really good results while doing this and was able to shed significant fat. Can't say for sure this contributed to it as I was eating very clean and training hard. I'm curious what the experts on this thread think about this.
    I think it depends on your goals and were your at. I have no problem with carbs in the am because I stay in a fairly lean state year round about 10% but when I start to diet down then I certainly manipulate them. It really depends on your schedule and training schedule as well. I usually work out in the am after meal one so carbs with those first two meals are very important. Each person has a different carb tolerance as well. I know done guys that only gave carbs pre and post training. Oh man I would be starving and never grow if I did that. Thanks for jumping in here and stick around

  4. #1044
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    sinus infection we are going to get her antibiotics now!
    That's good bio hope she's better asap.

  5. #1045
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.
    That's good bio hope she's better asap.
    thanks a lot brother. Hopefully these antibiotics kick quick and she is feeling better Monday!!

  6. #1046
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I think it depends on your goals and were your at. I have no problem with carbs in the am because I stay in a fairly lean state year round about 10% but when I start to diet down then I certainly manipulate them. It really depends on your schedule and training schedule as well. I usually work out in the am after meal one so carbs with those first two meals are very important. Each person has a different carb tolerance as well. I know done guys that only gave carbs pre and post training. Oh man I would be starving and never grow if I did that. Thanks for jumping in here and stick around
    I train in the morning after that first no-carb meal and I have plenty of energy - the MCT fats give it to me. I also saw a big jump in strength and pump (even w/o gear) when I started taking SizeOn from Gaspari Nutrition. I consume it Intra-workout staring about 20 min into my workout. It's an amino acid creatine formula. I swear by it - it's done wonders for my training. Bad news is it has 40g of carbs so when cutting, you might have to cut serving in half or you'll be hungry later.

  7. #1047
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit View Post
    I train in the morning after that first no-carb meal and I have plenty of energy - the MCT fats give it to me. I also saw a big jump in strength and pump (even w/o gear) when I started taking SizeOn from Gaspari Nutrition. I consume it Intra-workout staring about 20 min into my workout. It's an amino acid creatine formula. I swear by it - it's done wonders for my training. Bad news is it has 40g of carbs so when cutting, you might have to cut serving in half or you'll be hungry later.
    What are you trying to accomplish? Like i said i am not cutting yet and that is when the carb and food timing matters more

  8. #1048
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    thanks a lot brother. Hopefully these antibiotics kick quick and she is feeling better Monday!!
    They work pretty fast usually so she should be back up and feeling like herself in no time. Good to hear.

  9. #1049
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    They work pretty fast usually so she should be back up and feeling like herself in no time. Good to hear.
    Thanks man she is my world and it tears me up seeing her like this... I want her healthy again!!

  10. #1050
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Thanks man she is my world and it tears me up seeing her like this... I want her healthy again!!
    Bio i know exactly how you feel i have two wee girls of my own.

  11. #1051
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    Standing Above Weakness
    X2 man.. Def know where you're coming from

  12. #1052
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-3489600732.jpg 
Views:	105 
Size:	570.6 KB 
ID:	162510

    My pre duck game Nachos

  13. #1053
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    <img src=""/> My pre duck game Nachos
    Oh hell yeah!

    Did you use a broiler? Looks like your chips are extra crispy!

    I picked the Ducks to win in my bracket

  14. #1054
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun
    Oh hell yeah! Did you use a broiler? Looks like your chips are extra crispy! I picked the Ducks to win in my bracket
    yeah I broiled everything after I Cooked the steak.. Go Ducks!

  15. #1055
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    yeah I broiled everything after I Cooked the steak.. Go Ducks!

    Hooo-lyy NACHOS! That's what I'm taking about bio. Nice job with those, they look incredible.

  16. #1056
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    Hooo-lyy NACHOS! That's what I'm taking about bio. Nice job with those, they look incredible.
    I do them right and ate it all brother. Thats what I call a cheat meal for the week

  17. #1057
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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    What are you trying to accomplish? Like i said i am not cutting yet and that is when the carb and food timing matters more
    Trying to add some LBM but still want to shed some fat. Not looking to get huge... Just about 10 lbs of LBM. Sitting at 215 at about 8-10% is my guess right now. Got as low as 6% at the end of my last cut cycle.

  18. #1058
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit
    Trying to add some LBM but still want to shed some fat. Not looking to get huge... Just about 10 lbs of LBM. Sitting at 215 at about 8-10% is my guess right now. Got as low as 6% at the end of my last cut cycle.
    it's going to be really hard to cut fat and put on muscle at the same time. It can be done but your nutrition is going to need to be spot on? Are you on cycle?

  19. #1059
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    I do them right and ate it all brother. Thats what I call a cheat meal for the week
    Proud of you man! Haha

  20. #1060
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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    it's going to be really hard to cut fat and put on muscle at the same time. It can be done but your nutrition is going to need to be spot on? Are you on cycle?
    I will be in about 2 weeks. Here is my proposed cycle. I would love any guidance on what you think my macros should be and what you think of my cycle. My maintenance is about 3100-3300 calories and I have been currently eating at 300C/250P/80F. When I was cutting last cycle, I was at 250C/225P/70F and I got shredded.

    1-10 Tren a 115mg EOD 400mg/week (40CC) need 2 more bottles
    3-12 Mast p 171mg EOD 600mg/week (52.5CC) need 4 more bottles
    1-12 Test Sust250 125mg EOD 438mg/week
    7-12 Winny 50mg ED 350mg/week (42 tabs)
    1-14 ai 1/2 EOD
    1-14 HGH 5iu ED
    1-14 HCG 250iu 3x week
    1-10 Caber 1mg per week

  21. #1061
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    well we're at the office now waiting on the dr so I'm keeping my fingers crossed
    Hope all goes well Bio... I'll be sending positive & vibes and prayers your way

  22. #1062
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit
    I will be in about 2 weeks. Here is my proposed cycle. I would love any guidance on what you think my macros should be and what you think of my cycle. My maintenance is about 3100-3300 calories and I have been currently eating at 300C/250P/80F. When I was cutting last cycle, I was at 250C/225P/70F and I got shredded. 1-10 Tren a 115mg EOD 400mg/week (40CC) need 2 more bottles 3-12 Mast p 171mg EOD 600mg/week (52.5CC) need 4 more bottles 1-12 Test Sust250 125mg EOD 438mg/week 7-12 Winny 50mg ED 350mg/week (42 tabs) 1-14 ai 1/2 EOD 1-14 HGH 5iu ED 1-14 HCG 250iu 3x week 1-10 Caber 1mg per week
    I really like that cycle. I'm starting test tren mast here real soon too

  23. #1063
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    I've had
    2 spinach wraps/steak & rice greens

    Salmon spinach wrap

    Fruit PWO

    Pre-exhausted legs

    Legs today(quad work) & deads
    Stretching RC ex's rolling static & dynamic stretching

    Leg ext's
    Warm ups
    4 x 20 reps holding peak contraction for 2sec - then forced reps into negs

    deads on a plate - standardfvk this killed me
    Warm ups 225/20 x 2
    4x 315 15 or failure
    4x 225 20 or failure

    Hack squatsjust fell out the machine each set
    - 2 plates + a quater 8 dropping quaters/8 dropping a wheel/20 reps x 2
    - 3 plates 8/drop plate 8/ drop plate 20
    - same as first 2 sets just x 1

    Leg ext's
    5x 20 at 200+

    Absolutely fried - puked and rallied about 47min super high intensity
    The concrete has surely set in

  24. #1064
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    I've had 2 spinach wraps/steak & rice greens Salmon spinach wrap Fruit PWO Pre-exhausted legs Legs today(quad work) & deads Stretching RC ex's rolling static & dynamic stretching Leg ext's Warm ups 4 x 20 reps holding peak contraction for 2sec - then forced reps into negs deads on a plate - standardfvk this killed me Warm ups 225/20 x 2 4x 315 15 or failure 4x 225 20 or failure Hack squatsjust fell out the machine each set - 2 plates + a quater 8 dropping quaters/8 dropping a wheel/20 reps x 2 - 3 plates 8/drop plate 8/ drop plate 20 - same as first 2 sets just x 1 Leg ext's 5x 20 at 200+ Absolutely fried - puked and rallied about 47min super high intensity The concrete has surely set in
    if your puking then your doing it right. Killer workout friend

  25. #1065
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    if your puking then your doing it right. Killer workout friend
    Yessir! Thx my friend!

  26. #1066
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I really like that cycle. I'm starting test tren mast here real soon too
    I'm excited about it. Can't wait to see your progress on it. When are you starting?

    Trying to figure out what my nutrition should look like. What do you think? Assuming my maintenance is 3100 calories.

  27. #1067
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit View Post
    I'm excited about it. Can't wait to see your progress on it. When are you starting?

    Trying to figure out what my nutrition should look like. What do you think? Assuming my maintenance is 3100 calories.
    I'm starting in 2 weeks. I would drop calories by no more then 500 if your trying to cut up. Have you ever carb cycled? Those 3 compounds for a cut are my absolute favorite

  28. #1068
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I'm starting in 2 weeks. I would drop calories by no more then 500 if your trying to cut up. Have you ever carb cycled? Those 3 compounds for a cut are my absolute favorite
    I have never carb cycled. Was waiting to plateau to try it. You think I should do that during this cut? Any good thread or sticky you could recommend?

  29. #1069
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit
    I have never carb cycled. Was waiting to plateau to try it. You think I should do that during this cut? Any good thread or sticky you could recommend?
    I think once you hit a stuck point then a carb cycle would be good. It's much easier then most people think. Here is how I do it. Pick 4 days for your high carb days. Those four days will be your maintenance carbs whatever that is. On the three low days just cut your carbs in half for those days

  30. #1070
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    Mar 2008
    Quest bar bummer about the ducks but it was a great season. Nothing wrong with making it to the elite eight. My dad went to Syracuse so we will be pulling for them tomorrow night

  31. #1071
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I think once you hit a stuck point then a carb cycle would be good. It's much easier then most people think. Here is how I do it. Pick 4 days for your high carb days. Those four days will be your maintenance carbs whatever that is. On the three low days just cut your carbs in half for those days
    So it's 4 high and 3 low? Are the low days 3 in a row and high days 4 in a row? I've seen some plans where they do 3 high and 1 low and repeat.

  32. #1072
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit
    So it's 4 high and 3 low? Are the low days 3 in a row and high days 4 in a row? I've seen some plans where they do 3 high and 1 low and repeat.
    no I wouldn't do that I would make like min wed fri low days or something like that. No two low days in a row

  33. #1073
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    no I wouldn't do that I would make like min wed fri low days or something like that. No two low days in a row
    Am I thinking about a pre-cycle prime with 3low 1 high then slowly up your low days depending on tweaks and ones body - sliwly depleting your glycogen stores(but never going past 6 days depending on your body)? Correct

  34. #1074
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Am I thinking about a pre-cycle prime with 3low 1 high then slowly up your low days depending on tweaks and ones body - sliwly depleting your glycogen stores(but never going past 6 days depending on your body)? Correct
    yes you could do that... I just don't like putting that much work into it. I find what I consider my base line or maintenance and then just take mon we'd fri and make those low days with half my maintenance carbs. On the low days what I do is replace the carbs I cut with additional greens

  35. #1075
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Am I thinking about a pre-cycle prime with 3low 1 high then slowly up your low days depending on tweaks and ones body - sliwly depleting your glycogen stores(but never going past 6 days depending on your body)? Correct
    6 low days? That's gonna be tough buddy. Energy levels might be low. It's basically a low carb diet with a cheat day per week.

  36. #1076
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit
    6 low days? That's gonna be tough buddy. Energy levels might be low. It's basically a low carb diet with a cheat day per week.
    yeah I would never make it on that though I have done low days like that with contest prep. It's miserable and is not worth it to me anymore

  37. #1077
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit View Post
    6 low days? That's gonna be tough buddy. Energy levels might be low. It's basically a low carb diet with a cheat day per week.
    It all depends on ones body and how well they know it... I would never suggest anyone start with 6low days... It's also a 'pre-cycle prime' depleting glycogen stores over a long period of time(like 6-8wks) but you must know your body in and out so you don't lose mucsle tissue(or least as possible)... Or even like prep(you could do it slower over 12-16wks)... I love carbs so I would adjust to mayne 4low 1high but time it b4 leg day and back day!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-26-2016 at 07:55 PM.

  38. #1078
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I really like that cycle. I'm starting test tren mast here real soon too
    Bio - a question on Caber. I hear lot of people say always take with tren and then I see others say "have it on hand" in case you need it. Everything I have read indicates Caber is pretty harsh with sides (nausea, vomiting, insomnia). I would prefer to not take it and just "have it on hand". What are your thoughts? Aside from BW (which I'll draw mid-cycle), how would you know you need to start taking it? Also I have seem 1mg per week and 1/2mg per week as recommended dosage - what do you take?

  39. #1079
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit
    Bio - a question on Caber. I hear lot of people say always take with tren and then I see others say "have it on hand" in case you need it. Everything I have read indicates Caber is pretty harsh with sides (nausea, vomiting, insomnia). I would prefer to not take it and just "have it on hand". What are your thoughts? Aside from BW (which I'll draw mid-cycle), how would you know you need to start taking it? Also I have seem 1mg per week and 1/2mg per week as recommended dosage - what do you take?
    ok here us the deal. You always want to have a DA on hand. Prami or caber and yes if needed I would dose the caber at .5 mg 2 x ew. However if you manage your estrogen with an AI you probably will not need the DA

  40. #1080
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    ok here us the deal. You always want to have a DA on hand. Prami or caber and yes if needed I would dose the caber at .5 mg 2 x ew. However if you manage your estrogen with an AI you probably will not need the DA
    I will be taking Arimidex so that's good to hear. Now the magic question is how do I know if I do need it? Since I'll probably won't draw blood until week 5-6, are there any early symptoms to indicate I need it? Or do I need to wait for milk to gush out of my titties? Lol

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