Quest bar
Quest bar
Just got home from a long ass sh!@ day. Nothing grinds my gears more than having to work for a lazy, underqualified, stupid supervisor. Shoving my exhausted, depressed face with 140g blueberries, 45g steel oats.
what about protein?Originally Posted by CharlesThe4th
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens
Workout routine for critiques please. I'm cutting phase. Hitting each muscle group twice a week except for legs and back. Routine is as follows.
M-Chest, Bis
T-Shoulders, tris
T- Back
F- Upper Body
Not exactly what I want to do at the moment as far as routine goes but my weekends are booked for the next little while.
I would give legs back and chest there own days. Give one day to arms and have a shoulder day. That's 5 workouts and if you hit those muscles hard enough one day each week for each muscle is plentyOriginally Posted by CharlesThe4th
no worries man. Quest barOriginally Posted by CharlesThe4th
Today's food
Ground beef and rice x 2(2lbs beef/4-5c jasmine rice
Spinach wrap w/steak & rice(mixed greens) x2
PWO recovery drink(30P/60C) + 1lb mixed fruit
Whey shk pwo & tonight
Cheat meal burger sweet pot fries milkshake
Today's w/o
Chest -- Pre-Exhaust he's really opening up my chest and R shoulder(bug it was fvkin painful) in a sick and lovely way
Incline cable flys/presses/then back into flys
5x 20/20/10 getting blood in the chest
Free Weight BB incline w/tension bands/ S/S'd w/two plates in hands(flat) elbows out & hands up locking out hard
4x 15/20(or failure then forced reps into negs)
One arm DB Press decsending from 10-1 each arm(1set)
4x ^^ that lol - very damn humbling but it's getting my R arm stronger on the lockout - my tricep(R) was missing the shape from using guided smith machine w/weak R arm/shoulder!
Must finish all reps b4 moving on
DB pullovers - partial reps as my ROM was horrible but it did start to open up with more work
4 x 30
flys w/Tension bands(staggered stance) big stretch into a hard squeeze S/S'd w/decline Push-ups
4x 20/15(of failure which was about 10 on last set lolol)
Just for the newer guys in here - this is not a HIT routine(it's volume work that's shocking the sh!t outta my body) with another purpose in mind for mending my shoulder(which I'm hoping breaks up that damn scar tissue for more ROM)
Still done weights in 48min - extremely intense - just as intense w/the S/S's and high reps(I'm breathing heavy but I'm starting to adapt to the conditioning aspect of things...
Last edited by NACH3; Today at 08:50 PM.
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj.
Nice session Nach
Pre workout shatter
Wide grip hammer strength pull downs
Incline reverse grip pulls
Seated rows
Db bent over rows
Palms facing seated pull downs
Calf raises between sets
35 minutes low intensity cardio and my back is on fire! Happy Wednesday everyone!!!
Good stuff Bio!
Protein bomb - egg whites, oats, ONGS 2svoops, blackberries
Thanks brother I'm feeling back to 100 %. Lets get this Wednesday over and get a day closer to the weekendOriginally Posted by NACH3
8 whites 2 yolk 2.5 slices Ezekiel bread and sugar free syrup
Took the day off work today, stressed out and sick. Woke up with a splitting head ache. Binge watching the walking dead and chillin. 39g protein powder, 45g steel cut oats, 32g peanut butter, 100g blueberries. Hopefully will keep that down. Chest still throbbing from Monday![]()
Big bowl osts, orange juice & mixed fruit
7HB eggs, & bagel coconut water(1liter)
Going to blast hard and possibly doing another show in august. Ready to rock
5.75 oz chicken breast 250 grams sweet potato
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens
6 oz Baked, 120g green beans, 140g rice
Feeling better from this morning so I finished the chicken coop I had been working on. Moved the chickens outside today. 6 Rhode Island red hens. Can't wait to not pay for eggs anymore!
Rtd choc muscle milk
Quest bar
250g sweet potato fries, 120g green beans, 8 oz chicken. How's everyone been today?
great man how about you. Back is sore already from this mornings training!'Originally Posted by CharlesThe4th
Pretty good man, getting my little chickens squared away outside. I'm having a ball with these little things!
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens
I think the tren e is starting to show its ugly sides. Getting bad sweats and very irritable.
good ole tren sides. That means it's working. You have to remind yourself each day that your on tren that it's just that and try not to let it make you irritableOriginally Posted by CharlesThe4th
I'm trying too, but very hard! If it gets much worse I'm going to back it down to 300 mg a week instead of the 400 I'm running now.
are you running ace or enanthate? How long you been on?Originally Posted by CharlesThe4th
Well I screwed up, I wanted to run ace but got a better deal on the enanthate. I took the ace pretty well last time so I figured the enanthate would sit well with me. I'm right under 3 weeks on tren, surprise I'm getting sides already. Hope it's not a sign for worse to come.
the enanthate is going to build in your system as blood levels stable outOriginally Posted by CharlesThe4th
So I should be alright in a couple weeks or so?
if your experiencing sides you can't handle I would lower the dose nowOriginally Posted by CharlesThe4th
I'm good as of now. I'm going to give it another week to see if anything changes. Going to stop if they worsen
how much test are you running?Originally Posted by CharlesThe4th
750 mg of sus, moving to enanthate after sus is gone. Have one bottle of sus. Running 12 weeks of test and 10 of tren 1mg arimidex eod. Clomid nolva pct
Had trouble getting hands on caber
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