8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 234 grams sweet potato
Had to train real fast today cause i am on the road for my daughters sports. Got this done in 40 minutes
Wide grip hammer strength press
Decline Hammer press
Hoist flies
No cardio today
Rest day today.
4 eggs
39g whey
45g steel cut
140g blueberries
45g peanut butter
it was only took 45 seconds to one minute max between sets. Not bad for a quick intense training session. I got to the gym early. Opens at six so I wanted to make sure I didn't waste any time. When I walked in the guy at the desk says hey man. Next time your here knock on the door I would have let you in at 530 if I knew it was you! I was like really darn I could have started early!!! Oh well next timeOriginally Posted by NACH3
Chest is already getting sore
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast on Ezekiel bread
6 oz. Chicken
160g Jasmine Rice
Another chicken breast on Ezekiel bread
Today's session
ts and turn it into motivation!!
Incline flys S/S'd w/incline stabilization bar presses(the pegs are way lower than where you press with it?)
4 x 20/15 respectively - failing on at least 2 sets of each - 3-1-3 tempo
DBs(bringing them in - fists facing and exploding up bells always touching)S/S'd with flys for(90sec)
4 x 20/90sec both failing and partials were in order
Tension band flys(90sec) S/S'd with lying wide DB floor presses(elbows wide and touching floor from dead stop then pressing/& DB behind head press
4x 90sec/30 or failure then finish w/forced into negs/25 or failure - tri set
Lit my chest up... Weights done in 45min then we took all his equipment(which was all the other gym had lol) and packed up shop best move I made for myself and with my trainer! Very happy with this set up going on!
Have a kicka$$ evening all
Already sore as sh!tgood stuff Bio! That's the perks of being a regular lol
pwo whey shk and shatter
PWO shk
Ground turkey and rice...
Had a few chicken tacos wrapped in corn tortillas
Now more ground beef and rice
Cooking off greens as I need more in me!
5.75 oz grilled sirloin and greens
[QUOTE=Bio-Active;7167454]no Alfredo sauce
Just a lil butter
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj
Going to be a busy day today. HVAC exam tonight. I'll be one step closer to being legal when I work on them lol! Chest tonight after class.
BB Decline
DB Flat
Incline Flys
Cable Flys to exhaust
This A.M
39g whey
40g peanut butter
45g steel cut
140g blueberries
4 whole eggs
Had to work early today hoping to get off early and get some training done early afternoon
Protein bomb earlier(egg whites banana 2scoops ONGS 1c oats
8oz ground beef & 2c jasmine rice
4oz egg whites,2 eggs, 3 mini pancakes with peanut butter and lite surup.
Bicycle 4/30 reverse crunches 4/20 (superset)
Planks 3/30 sec crunches 3/20 (superset)
Whey shake
I been having trouble balancing all my priorities lately. With a wife and 4yr old daughter, full time job, gym, diet, and hunting dogs sometimes it's hard to balance it all. My biggest thing is trying to get good workouts with focus,and still spend quality time with my daughter.
I'm going g to try and start working out in the mornings. Iv done it before and I actually liked it I think I saw better results with a.m workouts. I'll be waking up at 430am, but I will be able to dedicate my evenings to family. I work from 730 am to 4pm so I don't have a lot of time in the evening to try and squeeze gym and family in. I don't think this will affect my meal schedule to much.
Last edited by thall1; 04-04-2016 at 09:19 AM.
Chicken breast on Ezekiel bread
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and 250 grams sweet potato
Had a great arm blast today!!
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens
5.61 oz rotisserie chicken breast and greens
Quest bar
Rest day for me! Had a busy day at the gym tho! Good stuff!
- Banana/blueberry whole grain muffin w/a ice coffee
- 6 HB eggs, ff Greek yogurt, oats
- snack quest bar
- 2HB eggs w/an avocado
- more oats w/whey this time(2scoops)
- 3x ground beef & rice(ate 3c uncooked jasmine rice today -- switching back to sweet potatoes for a while or mixing the two
Pasta w/ground turkey now
Carving up for legs tomorrow![]()
Long night last night. Had a great chest session last night. Decline felt really nice and the cable Flys were crucial. Hard to drive the truck home.
4 eggs this a.m with my whey shake
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj
Oats w/whey & 5HB eggs
Mixed fruit and a bagel
8 whites 2 yolk 2.5 slices Ezekiel bread and sugar free syrup
6 oz. Chicken
160g Jasmine
Down 3 lbs. since last week. Pretty stoked about that. I've got arms tonight. I like this new workout routine I'm on. Working one body part each day off weekends. It's giving me a lot more time to really focus on that muscle. I'm noticing I get a better workout in like that. Going to continue this routine for a few months and see how it all pans out. Have a great day yall
Ground turkey(8+oz) 2c jasmine rice
nice work brother... I work one muscle Ed with the big groups. With arms I like to hit the whole arm.Originally Posted by CharlesThe4th
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 250 grams sweet potato
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