Yesterday's arm work short sweet and very intense(30sec Max between sets)
yesterday's arm work
4/16/16 arms
Smith machine close grip press, bar at xyphoid process, bar to 25 to 45 at 20, 20, 15. Warm up over
45 and 25# for three sets of 15
Rope around smith machine for tricep extensions (feet out and far back from bar head goes under bar and then extend tricep to push your body back) start at bar low to ground x 5, raise it x 10, raise it x 10. Do 3 sets. Rest btw sets only
Seated Db Curls and the tricep kick backs (lie flat) at 25#, 20 reps 4 cycles
Preacher curl narrow grip 25# 4 sets x 15, look up not at bar and elbows locked in. Contract at top.
Lie on bench and do cable rows using narrow grip with a small bar and bring the bar to the forehead. 4 sets x 20
Not true HIT on the sense that im not doing 1-2w sets but rather 4-5sets(S/S'd)- although im failing way b4 8-12 reps and RPing everything or forced into negs to recruit past failure muscle fibers(2b w/all forced into negs or RPs))