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Thread: Extreme Lifestyle with Bio

  1. #2081
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 3/4 cup jasmin rice

  2. #2082
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens

  3. #2083
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Rtd choc muscle milk

  4. #2084
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quest bar

  5. #2085
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    why are you fasting? Once you get your body to a lean state your going to need the constant food. 3 hours after each meal I'm so hungry it puts me in a bad mood till I eat again
    The initial start of the every 3hr eating leaves me bloated as fvck. Then after a week it's easier. By week 3 I'm hungry before each meal

  6. #2086
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
    Im cutting all the fat that I can off of me, before I go on TRT (in 2 weeks), to keep my BF% as low as possible prior that so I can go more steady and prevent E2 spikes. I have stubborn fat in common areas which is really sitting on my nerves and goes nowhere while the rest of the body measures ~7-8% bf or less, these stubborn areas are somewhat ~18% BF but arent widespread, around bellybutton, chest skin, lower back, stubborn as an old mule. Im gonna do 5 day fast&cleanse from 1st June, not only this will take my body trough extreme fat burning trip, will also rid off toxins and flush my guts out from all and any alien bodies so when I start eating again while pinning I want to be the most ready for the optimal nutrients absorption and digestion... if what im trying to do makes sense to you? Ah yea I used to get hungry and mood would be of an uncontrollable bastard of an animal in the cage, but since I started keto/intermittent fasting I have learned its the carbs at fault, now I can manage my hunger separately from my emotions
    We are all different..... If it works for you then great. What led you to do this? Any research? Just something you thought of and want to try? Have you done it before?

    Typically when you fast you are slowing your metabolism down. Ideally you'd want to speed it up. If it slows down and you burn the fat then when you resume eating weight gain seems to hit faster. This has been my experience.....

  7. #2087
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens

  8. #2088
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    We are all different..... If it works for you then great. What led you to do this? Any research? Just something you thought of and want to try? Have you done it before? Typically when you fast you are slowing your metabolism down. Ideally you'd want to speed it up. If it slows down and you burn the fat then when you resume eating weight gain seems to hit faster. This has been my experience.....
    I like the lean gains IF

    Fast for 16, eat for 8

    Like you said earlier, if I go back to eating every 3 hours then it leaves me feeling bloated but evens out in a week or two. Same thing with being fasted, takes the body a week or two to get use to it.

    Have to find what works for you as you mentioned.

  9. #2089
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    In a gym!
    [QUOTE="InsaneMuscle"Im gonna do 5 day fast&cleanse from 1st June[/QUOTE]

    Do u use something for cleanse?

  10. #2090
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    After my 2 breakfast meals

    Lots of fruit melon(honey dew/cantaloupe/watermelon) pre/& post w/o - more oats in between as snacks
    pan fried chicken x 3 w/rice
    Homemade steak fajitas w/rice and some beans <--- that's right beans lol

    Chest is absolutely crushed!
    And I did the good mornings into squats w/an Oly bar for the first time in over 15yrs - hurt like hell tho lol

    Low back/glutes/hammies

    Good mornings into the hole(3sec hold) & expliding up
    2-3 warm ups
    Pyramided up 135(1)/185(2)/225(2)/185(2) - I tried 275 but form broke on good mornings

    Deficit deads w/an 8sec eccentric decend hammered my quads but it held up good
    5x 225 10reps had to rest pause 2-3 sets to finish

    Stiff legged deficit deads w/a pause at bottom of each rep
    5x 225 at 10-12 reps fvkin RPd every set(even L hip popped - felt just like a shoulder ewww)

    T-bar rows
    4x 8-12 RP 2 sets I was strong here

    Core work
    Decline weighted abs

    Pic above was b4 training...
    Last edited by NACH3; 05-30-2016 at 09:25 AM.

  11. #2091
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj

  12. #2092
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Mixed fruit
    6HB eggs oats

  13. #2093
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Looking great Nach

    Pre workout shatter

    Wide grip lat pulls

    Seated rows

    Bent over rows

    Lower back extensions

    40 minutes low intensity cardio and done
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-25-2016 at 05:31 AM.

  14. #2094
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Looking great Nach

    Pre workout shatter

    Wide grip lat pulls

    Seated rows

    Bent over rows

    Lower back extensions

    40 minutes low intensity cardio and done
    Thx Bio I've been able to keep my waistline somewhat looking ok - and it all started when you said you don't do abs anymore you just engage your core on all your lifts(I know that's the ticket) I just didn't believe it would work lol(for me)

    Nice Back Session! How's the cut coming along?!

  15. #2095
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3

    Thx Bio I've been able to keep my waistline somewhat looking ok - and it all started when you said you don't do abs anymore you just engage your core on all your lifts(I know that's the ticket) I just didn't believe it would work lol(for me)

    Nice Back Session! How's the cut coming along?!
    I'm starting a little later than originally planned but I will say this I'm hungry

  16. #2096
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I'm starting a little later than originally planned but I will say this I'm hungry
    That's the worst man - I know it goes away but it's the worst part lol

    2 Whole wheat waffles plain
    Couple more eggs

  17. #2097
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    8 whites 2 yolk 2.5 slices Ezekiel bread and sugar free syrup

  18. #2098
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Looking thick Nach!

  19. #2099
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    Looking thick Nach!
    Thx my deep down south Brotha!

    Here's a back pic - showing some thickness since deading and heavy shrugs added in... Pretty happy with these results thus far

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpeg 
Views:	170 
Size:	688.2 KB 
ID:	163611

  20. #2100
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 3/4 cup jasmin rice

  21. #2101
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens

  22. #2102
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    We are all different..... If it works for you then great. What led you to do this? Any research? Just something you thought of and want to try? Have you done it before?

    Typically when you fast you are slowing your metabolism down. Ideally you'd want to speed it up. If it slows down and you burn the fat then when you resume eating weight gain seems to hit faster. This has been my experience.....
    We are all different, indeed. I believe it works for me, I feel better and fat is melting just not where I would ideally want it to, but its happening surely and slowly I guess... what led me to do this ? - Since Im planing on self TRT and I want to trim off as much excess body fat as possible and continue strict diet of one form or another to do lean bulk, I want to rid or as much fat as possible, not only to avoid E2 sides while on TRT, but just the main progress should be more motivating and I should feel my diet better being in single digit BF%. Research? Nothing scientific since science aint friend of mine most of the time, I had to cherry pick what worked for me and what hasnt been tested yet and just going trough it. Ive been doing IF before with great results, this time around Im doing it on keto with few e3d carbUP, and I think it worked even better, I could see and feel fat burn off so fast so hard, I get painful feet and heels, palms would have veins exposed and my face would look like I havent seen food for months, like skull and veins popping out you wouldn't believe, these areas melt fat quickest I found, and then the rest follows in time.

    I can feel my metabolism slow down if I didn't follow IF regularly, I get cold feet and hands, and in general get weak and sleepy feeling and bp drops, and when start easting right after I feel warm again and alert, but if meal is out of my set diet range I crash hard, etc when carbingUP, I just wanna go to bed, no matter how big or small meal I take. But if I follow IF regularly and about 5-7days down the line I no longer feel metabolism slowdown. Weight gain usually follows if diet gets out of hand that I found regardless if I did IF WD or any other diet.... just my experience, I still havent tried everything under the sun and dont know all that I should, live and learn.

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    I like the lean gains IF

    Fast for 16, eat for 8

    Like you said earlier, if I go back to eating every 3 hours then it leaves me feeling bloated but evens out in a week or two. Same thing with being fasted, takes the body a week or two to get use to it.

    Have to find what works for you as you mentioned.
    Exactly. I have been trying between two IF and WD (so called warrior diet) 20-22h fast window, 2-4h food window. I liked both very much. If one can get used to IF , WD is easier, I dont like eating, the process itself takes too much time, preparing chewing, swallowing, digesting and wasting lots energy on that process is a big downer for me...then I have to go shit it all out ... I try to optimize everything that I do and IF or WD is something I really LOVE... things may change in the future as I start TRT, I have nothing written in stone... not yet

    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Do u use something for cleanse?
    Yes, I have ordered these:

    1pack x Nature's Secret, 5-Day Fast & Cleanse, 5-Part, 5-Day Program

    3bottles x Now Foods, Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2 fl oz (60 ml)

    I have been told by colleague of mine long time ago about these but I was keep forgetting, and just lately was surfing net "ADD/ADHD style" and came across an article on roidmeup website, and it reminded me *something* I heard before but was procrastinating or even making any effort in thinking about it, so I said f*ck it and ordered everything right away DHL express, got it, need to get it done, its been 30years, I got to have some aliens in me stealing my food, immune system and my life, f*ckin freeloaders

    Will be runing the 5day F&C pack then will introduce food again and will begin using wormwood complex on a daily basis until I run out on it.

    I was weighting options in my mind if I should document my *b0mbs* and analyse it all ... to get certain if I just wasted 70eur for placebo pills or am I really gonna eject some nasty snakes out of me.

    My apologies for all this + venting a bit.

  23. #2103
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken

    Steak eggs rice veggies

    Steak & rice some mixed fruit

  24. #2104
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Rtd choc muscle milk

  25. #2105
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quest bar

  26. #2106
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Well fellas... I just may have set myself back a long while!

    My hernia repair(from my car accident) just opened back up... Puss everywhere... Heading to ER soon :/

  27. #2107
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Well fellas... I just may have set myself back a long while! My hernia repair(from my car accident) just opened back up... Puss everywhere... Heading to ER soon :/
    Damn bud!!!

    Heal up man and keep us posted

  28. #2108
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Well fellas... I just may have set myself back a long while!

    My hernia repair(from my car accident) just opened back up... Puss everywhere... Heading to ER soon :/
    dam brotha, hold tough... I guess you can still be be doing some seated tricep/bicep/delt/pec/trap action on them rubber bands for a while as Id imagine anything else would create too much pressure on the torso/core. Get well soon man, you're the boss of your own temple, fix it up, build it up, keep faith.

  29. #2109
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle
    We are all different, indeed. I believe it works for me, I feel better and fat is melting just not where I would ideally want it to, but its happening surely and slowly I guess... what led me to do this ? - Since Im planing on self TRT and I want to trim off as much excess body fat as possible and continue strict diet of one form or another to do lean bulk, I want to rid or as much fat as possible, not only to avoid E2 sides while on TRT, but just the main progress should be more motivating and I should feel my diet better being in single digit BF%. Research? Nothing scientific since science aint friend of mine most of the time, I had to cherry pick what worked for me and what hasnt been tested yet and just going trough it. Ive been doing IF before with great results, this time around Im doing it on keto with few e3d carbUP, and I think it worked even better, I could see and feel fat burn off so fast so hard, I get painful feet and heels, palms would have veins exposed and my face would look like I havent seen food for months, like skull and veins popping out you wouldn't believe, these areas melt fat quickest I found, and then the rest follows in time. I can feel my metabolism slow down if I didn't follow IF regularly, I get cold feet and hands, and in general get weak and sleepy feeling and bp drops, and when start easting right after I feel warm again and alert, but if meal is out of my set diet range I crash hard, etc when carbingUP, I just wanna go to bed, no matter how big or small meal I take. But if I follow IF regularly and about 5-7days down the line I no longer feel metabolism slowdown. Weight gain usually follows if diet gets out of hand that I found regardless if I did IF WD or any other diet.... just my experience, I still havent tried everything under the sun and dont know all that I should, live and learn.
    Cool that's what I thought. I'm big on experimentation and finding out what works for you. You don't know unless you try it!

  30. #2110
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Well fellas... I just may have set myself back a long while!

    My hernia repair(from my car accident) just opened back up... Puss everywhere... Heading to ER soon :/
    Brother i am really sorry to hear I hope you heal up fast!

    5.96 oz grilled chicken breast and greens

  31. #2111
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj

  32. #2112
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Pre workout shatter


    Hack squats

    Leg press

    Leg extensions

    Leg curls

    40 minutes low intensity cardio and done

  33. #2113
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    8 whites 2 yolk 2.5 slices Ezekiel brad and sugar free syrup

  34. #2114
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    Pre workout shatter Squats Hack squats Leg press Leg extensions Leg curls 40 minutes low intensity cardio and done
    Nice work!

  35. #2115
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 3/4 cup jasmine rice

  36. #2116
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens

  37. #2117
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Rtd choc muscle milk

  38. #2118
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quest bar

  39. #2119
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

  40. #2120
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    What's up guys

    Just resting - not much else I can do atm - finding out more just on IV antibiotics now - I did bring some food somHB eggs bagels oatmeal yogurt some steak and chicken

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