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Thread: Extreme Lifestyle with Bio

  1. #1
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    Extreme Lifestyle with Bio

    This thread is for those of you that are interested in taking your Bodybuilding to the EXTREME. For those of you that are motivated and want to take yourself to the edge jump in here and post anything from training, Nutrition and just about anything else that comes with the lifestyle. Ill start with my current nutrition

    Meal 1 40 grams protein 40 carbs 80 grams carbs from fruit 1 hr before training

    Meal 2 3 hours from meal 1 40 grams protein 40 complex carbs

    Meal 3 Same as #2 but added greens

    Meal 4 Same as #2 but added greens to this meal No carbs

    Meal 5 40 grams protein greens and 2 servings of fats

    Meal 6 same as meal 5

    This will be for my spring summer cut so i am going to be hungry ugh....All meals are spaced 3 hours apart and training is timed between meals so no shakes.
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 06-12-2017 at 06:25 AM.

  2. #2
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    Baking chicken
    As stated above guys and gals, if your looking to take your mind, body, health, fitness lifestyle to the EXTREME... Get your butt(s) in here!

    Im a firm believer in learning from everyone... Bio and I(him moreso lol) are advanced in nutrition as well all things this lifestyle provides! I wish to up my level as high as possible and with this thread we can all help each other and get on with bettering our lifestyles! There is always room for improvement(myself included) - I wish to get my nutrition timed and more balanced to further increase my gains and share what has worked for me thus far and what other things I(we) can do to better each and every one of us in here!

    Im on bulk atm so im eating every 1.5-2hrs atm w/added shks at this time... If and when I cut I will do it via carb cycling - badically starting w/half of the carbs I would normally take in - for 3 days(low) then a high day(refeed day) 15-20% higher than normal C intake... This is newer to me so you'll see me asking Bio Some questions as well!

    Im in no way am expert(yet) but I sure plan to help Bio, Myself, and anyone who wants help just start posting questions and meals(clean)... And let's get this thread going!!!

    Last edited by NACH3; 02-21-2016 at 02:04 PM.

  3. #3
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    Great to see this is up guys. Subbed!!

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  4. #4
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    Baking chicken
    PWO - 50g P/ 60g C(AAB revovery drink) -- if I wasn't bulking id only have maybe one shk a day but im using 2-3 daily on top of my food/meals

    Post w/o meal

    12.65oz tilapia, sweet potato(245g), asparagus

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    As stated above guys and gals, if your looking to take your mind, body, health, fitness lifestyle to the next level... Get your butt(s) in here!

    Im a firm believer in learning from everyone... Bio and I are advanced in nutrition as well all things this lifestyle provides! I wish to up my level as high as possible and with this thread we can all help each other and get on with bettering our lifestyles! There is always room for improvement(myself included) - I wish to get my nutrition timed and more balanced to further increase my gains and share what has worked for me thus far and what other things I(we) can do to better each and every one of us in here!

    Im on bulk atm so im eating every 1.5-2hrs atm w/added shks at this time... If and when I cut I will do it via carb cycling - badically starting w/half of the carbs I would normally take in - for 3 days(low) then a high day(refeed day) 15-20% higher than normal C intake... This is newer to me so you'll see me asking Bio Some questions as well!

    Im in no way am expert(yet) but I sure plan to help Bio, Myself, and anyone who wants help just start posting questions and meals(clean)... And let's get this thread going!!!

    None of us including myself claim to be experts... I think we are all very humble and open to learn new things. I am known to be stubborn though because i have been doing this for a while and i know what works for me. I am excited to get this thread going

  6. #6
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    Juice, more juice and then some some more - over long periods of time + shit tons of clean calories & protein - and consistency

    Meds on hand for any situation that may arise - and they will

  7. #7
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    [B]None of us including myself claim to be experts... I think we are all very humble and open to learn new things. I am known to be stubborn though because i have been doing this for a while and i know what works for me. I am excited to get this thread going
    Couldn't agree more... Lets get this going and help as many members as possible and make this a reality!!

    Welcome and don't be shy... lets get rolling
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-21-2016 at 02:14 PM.

  8. #8
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Want to cut 10 lbs and was contemplating a food journal to keep it real. Soooo. I'm in.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Want to cut 10 lbs and was contemplating a food journal to keep it real. Soooo. I'm in.
    Thank you for joining.... How is your back? Have you looked at some of my lifts?

  10. #10
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    Thank you for joining.... How is your back? Have you looked at some of my lifts?
    Well back is rested....but was in ER earlier this week for blocked intestine. I have a lot of digestive issues but this was a surprise! still uncomfortable to the touch but I am back in the gym tomorrow!!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    Well back is rested....but was in ER earlier this week for blocked intestine. I have a lot of digestive issues but this was a surprise! still uncomfortable to the touch but I am back in the gym tomorrow!!!
    just try to make sure you don't load your spine. Plenty of lifts you can do and avoid loading your spine. I will be interested to hear how it goes tomorrow? Good luck

  12. #12
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    Food prep.... We talk about this all the time. This is were the work comes in to keep us on track. Nutrition is such a big part of this game. I'm ready to go for the work week. Everything is weighed out and ready to go

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Well back is rested....but was in ER earlier this week for blocked intestine. I have a lot of digestive issues but this was a surprise! still uncomfortable to the touch but I am back in the gym tomorrow!!!
    Girly, do you take probiotics? And since I've started supplementing mag chelated it has really helped my digestive system... I have gastrointestinal problems from all my surgeries... But these are staples for me now and it's really helped -

    How's your diet been? Is your body ready for you to start tomorrow? Just don't want you pushing to hard too fast(as we all tend to do)

    And Thx for stopping in -
    Krugger and Samson as well!

  14. #14
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    <img src=""/> Food prep.... We talk about this all the time. This is were the work comes in to keep us on track. Nutrition is such a big part of this game. I'm ready to go for the work week. Everything is weighed out and ready to go
    Working on mine now. Never underestimate it's importance.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
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    Food prep.... We talk about this all the time. This is were the work comes in to keep us on track. Nutrition is such a big part of this game. I'm ready to go for the work week. Everything is weighed out and ready to go
    Doing mine today also!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Doing mine today also!
    let's see it

  17. #17
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    let's see it
    I'll post it - I am just getting out my chicken to bake - 6pcks/12 8oz breasts

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I'll post it - I am just getting out my chicken to bake - 6pcks/12 8oz breasts

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    Nice do you season it before baking it?

  19. #19
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    Oct 2010
    Just finished PCT after being shut down for almost 20 weeks (really hoping I can recover, my testosterone was low going into this so we'll see) Anyways my actual cycle was 12 weeks and I gain about 30lbs. After going on vacation for a week (first week of PCT) I dropped 15lbs. I went from 235lbs to 220lbs in one week and thats where I have settled in. I am training 5 days a week and eating 4400 cals a day. Im basically just trying to maintain what ive gained and possibly slowly get myself leaner before my next cycle, which could be a year or two away. Anyways this is what im eating on a daily basis:

    Meal 1:

    2 cups of oats
    1 cup of egg whites
    1 scoop of whey

    Meal 2:

    9oz of chicken breast (weighed cooked)
    2 cups of rice

    Meal 3:

    8 whole eggs with 3/4 cup 2% cheddar cheese.
    2 cups of rice

    Meal 4:

    2 1/2 cups oats
    1 cup egg whites
    1 scoop whey
    1/2 cup natty peanut butter
    about 2tbsp of lite chocolate syrup

    I am taking in at least a gallon of water a day, and if I need something with flavor ill have diet soda or diet tea. I really cant believe how many calories im eating just to maintain my current weight.

  20. #20
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Its monday morning im At 14-15% bf at the current present time. Bloated and feeling like a fat cvnt!!!!!!!

  21. #21
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Nice do you season it before baking it?
    Sure do... I use either FF/or lite Italian dressing for marinade or Asian seasoning w/some Italian seasoning not too bad! or sometimes a Cajun seasoning

    Im also cooking at least 3c Jasmine rice/& brown rice/sweet potatoes(6-7 265g sweet potatoes, and green beans

    My rice cooker/& steamer is awesome

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Just finished PCT after being shut down for almost 20 weeks (really hoping I can recover, my testosterone was low going into this so we'll see) Anyways my actual cycle was 12 weeks and I gain about 30lbs. After going on vacation for a week (first week of PCT) I dropped 15lbs. I went from 235lbs to 220lbs in one week and thats where I have settled in. I am training 5 days a week and eating 4400 cals a day. Im basically just trying to maintain what ive gained and possibly slowly get myself leaner before my next cycle, which could be a year or two away. Anyways this is what im eating on a daily basis:

    Meal 1:

    2 cups of oats
    1 cup of egg whites
    1 scoop of whey

    Meal 2:

    9oz of chicken breast (weighed cooked)
    2 cups of rice

    Meal 3:

    8 whole eggs with 3/4 cup 2% cheddar cheese.
    2 cups of rice

    Meal 4:

    2 1/2 cups oats
    1 cup egg whites
    1 scoop whey
    1/2 cup natty peanut butter
    about 2tbsp of lite chocolate syrup

    I am taking in at least a gallon of water a day, and if I need something with flavor ill have diet soda or diet tea. I really cant believe how many calories im eating just to maintain my current weight.
    Can you list the macros? That doesn't look like 4400 cals? What is your current goal? Did you run HCG on cycle and what was your pct?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Sure do... I use either FF/or lite Italian dressing for marinade or Asian seasoning w/some Italian seasoning not too bad! or sometimes a Cajun seasoning

    Im also cooking at least 3c Jasmine rice/& brown rice/sweet potatoes(6-7 265g sweet potatoes, and green beans

    My rice cooker/& steamer is awesome
    Yum that sounds good. I have always used the BBQ for my chicken but Baking would be a lot less hassle!

  24. #24
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Yum that sounds good. I have always used the BBQ for my chicken but Baking would be a lot less hassle!
    That's really why I bake - it's good if one knows how to cook and not over cook it - ugh lol

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    That's really why I bake - it's good if one knows how to cook and not over cook it - ugh lol
    Chicken is tricky but once you get it down its not scary. Once the chicken is firm and the liquid is clear its done

  26. #26
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Chicken is tricky but once you get it down its not scary. Once the chicken is firm and the liquid is clear its done
    Exactly! I learned the hard way in the beginning lol

  27. #27
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    Meal 4

  28. #28
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    UK (Nr London)
    Chicken is easy. I bake my as it is. Oven on 180*C, chicken straight into the oven for 30 mins. I don't preheat.

    Once cooled I shred it with my fingers and is so juicy still. Once separated into lunch boxes, I sprinkle seasonings on.

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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Chicken is easy. I bake my as it is. Oven on 180*C, chicken straight into the oven for 30 mins. I don't preheat.

    Once cooled I shred it with my fingers and is so juicy still. Once separated into lunch boxes, I sprinkle seasonings on.

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    Shredded chicken yum... What do you put on it?

  30. #30
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Chicken is easy. I bake my as it is. Oven on 180*C, chicken straight into the oven for 30 mins. I don't preheat.

    Once cooled I shred it with my fingers and is so juicy still. Once separated into lunch boxes, I sprinkle seasonings on.

    Sent from my iPhone using App
    I shred mine too - just not in the beginning - may try it this time... I agree unless grilled it's much better shredded

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    Shredded chicken yum... What do you put on it?
    I have been using "season all" but in a bid to reduce my sodium intake I've just switched it this weekend.
    Garlic powder, chilli powder and Paprika. Dies the trick perfectly. Vigorously shake the lunch box to ensure total coverage.

    I could eat this everyday forever!

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  32. #32
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    I calculated the macros for everything the other day and I couldnt believe it was that high either...

    Meal 1: 845cals/ 69P/111C/13F

    Meal 2: 730cals/ 92P/76C/4F

    Meal 3: 1170cals/ 77P/76C/58F

    Meal 4: 1755cals/ 102P/170C/80F

    Totals: 4500cals/ 340P/ 433C/ 155F

    Everything is weighed/measured.. im pretty strict about monitoring what im taking in. I did run HCG for the entire time of shut down and my PCT was clomid 100/100/50/50 and tamox 40/40/20/20/20/20

    My current goal is to just try to preserve the muscle I have gained from the cycle, long term would be to slowly lean out before my next cycle.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Nice thread guys,I'm in,but i have a request! If it is possible to keep this thread a "chit chat" clean,cuz it's difficult to follow it!
    Thanks guys

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker
    Nice thread guys,I'm in,but i have a request! If it is possible to keep this thread a "chit chat" clean,cuz it's difficult to follow it! Thanks guys
    Ahh you mean an online forum thread with no interactions. You should invest in a pen and paper blog

    Know what you mean, some threads get heavily derailed. But a thread on this topic is solely discussion based.

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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr
    Ahh you mean an online forum thread with no interactions. You should invest in a pen and paper blog Know what you mean, some threads get heavily derailed. But a thread on this topic is solely discussion based. Sent from my iPhone using App
    I don't mind a proper discussion inside the threads title,but like: how are you today?nice weather! Did your dog popped today?! And so on lol..
    Anyway,it was just a request,it doesn't have to be like i say!

  36. #36
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    Baking chicken
    Did something different w/my chicken - better believe it's not butter, paprika, Italian seasoning, lil Asian seasoning + rice cooking to the right

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  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I calculated the macros for everything the other day and I couldnt believe it was that high either...

    Meal 1: 845cals/ 69P/111C/13F

    Meal 2: 730cals/ 92P/76C/4F

    Meal 3: 1170cals/ 77P/76C/58F

    Meal 4: 1755cals/ 102P/170C/80F

    Totals: 4500cals/ 340P/ 433C/ 155F

    Everything is weighed/measured.. im pretty strict about monitoring what im taking in. I did run HCG for the entire time of shut down and my PCT was clomid 100/100/50/50 and tamox 40/40/20/20/20/20

    My current goal is to just try to preserve the muscle I have gained from the cycle, long term would be to slowly lean out before my next cycle.
    Looks pretty good now you have to focus on the compound movement and shorten up your training. Now you need extreme rest

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker View Post
    Nice thread guys,I'm in,but i have a request! If it is possible to keep this thread a "chit chat" clean,cuz it's difficult to follow it!
    Thanks guys
    Agreed a little chit chat is fine but it needs to be kept extreme or to the subject

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker View Post
    I don't mind a proper discussion inside the threads title,but like: how are you today?nice weather! Did your dog popped today?! And so on lol..
    Anyway,it was just a request,it doesn't have to be like i say!
    Discusion is good yes and since this is extreme lets all make sure there is no flamimg

    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Did something different w/my chicken - better believe it's not butter, paprika, Italian seasoning, lil Asian seasoning + rice cooking to the right

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    Looks good Nach... Have you tried garlic lovers garlic yet. i put it on my baked potato and it is amazing!

  38. #38
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Girly, do you take probiotics? And since I've started supplementing mag chelated it has really helped my digestive system... I have gastrointestinal problems from all my surgeries... But these are staples for me now and it's really helped - How's your diet been? Is your body ready for you to start tomorrow? Just don't want you pushing to hard too fast(as we all tend to do) And Thx for stopping in - Krugger and Samson as well!
    I haven't been using probiotics regularly. Not drinking enough water or eating enough fiber.

    Have been taking magnesium and Vit d. I take prescription that slows down the digestive process. Plus not working out regularly.

    And no I am not ready to push it hard but i have to get in the gym. I am going to go gentle for a week. lol as much as I want to lift like I was in June.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    I haven't been using probiotics regularly. Not drinking enough water or eating enough fiber. Have been taking magnesium and Vit d. I take prescription that slows down the digestive process. Plus not working out regularly. And no I am not ready to push it hard but i have to get in the gym. I am going to go gentle for a week. lol as much as I want to lift like I was in June.
    just getting in there and burning some calories will help. Mentally it's hard being away from the gym

  40. #40
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    Baking chicken
    I haven't tried that garlic lovers garlic but it seems like it would go well w/anything lol - and garlic is very good for you / domething I've slacked on and need to get that back on track too!

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