As stated above guys and gals, if your looking to take your mind, body, health, fitness lifestyle to the next level... Get your butt(s) in here!
Im a firm believer in learning from everyone... Bio and I are advanced in nutrition as well all things this lifestyle provides! I wish to up my level as high as possible and with this thread we can all help each other and get on with bettering our lifestyles! There is always room for improvement(myself included) - I wish to get my nutrition timed and more balanced to further increase my gains and share what has worked for me thus far and what other things I(we) can do to better each and every one of us in here!
Im on bulk atm so im eating every 1.5-2hrs atm w/added shks at this time... If and when I cut I will do it via carb cycling - badically starting w/half of the carbs I would normally take in - for 3 days(low) then a high day(refeed day) 15-20% higher than normal C intake... This is newer to me so you'll see me asking Bio Some questions as well!
Im in no way am expert(yet) but I sure plan to help Bio, Myself, and anyone who wants help just start posting questions and meals(clean)... And let's get this thread going!!!