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Thread: Which dog to get??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Which dog to get??

    I am going to be getting a new pup soon and I have come down to the breeds of a Bullmastiff and the Mastiff or even a DougeDeBordeux

    what do you guys or gals suggest?, have any of you had these breeds?

    Here is a clip of the male Bullmastiff I would be getting a litter from.
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    Last edited by abstrack; 06-30-2003 at 10:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I love Mastiffs. They are so sweet, big , and drooly. My dad just got 2 South African Boerboel, a type of bull mastiff. Both are females and awesome! They are 6 months old right now and weigh 70 lbs. allready. They will get to about 120 ( dang, they will weigh more than me!). They are very laid back and very good dogs, but they will scare the crud out of anyone if you want them to! Here is a link to a breeder's page. Oh, and if you live in a hot climate, these are the kind of mastiffs to get because they withstand heat very well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Where did your dad purchase his from?? I have been searching the net for breeders in AZ but I hav only found a few Mastiff and bullmastiff breeders.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Abs- My pops got them from a breeder in San Antonio, Texas. They are a kind of rare breed , so going to another state to find the dog you want might be a good option. They can fly the dog to you if you want. I have done this more than once, you do what you must to get a quality, healthy dog.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Bull MAstiff brother! I want one so bad, but have to wait until one of the dogs we have crokes or something.

  6. #6
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ichiban
    Abs- My pops got them from a breeder in San Antonio, Texas. They are a kind of rare breed , so going to another state to find the dog you want might be a good option. They can fly the dog to you if you want. I have done this more than once, you do what you must to get a quality, healthy dog.

    what was the cost of the dog if you dont mind me asking???

    I am driving to AZ so a quick stop in Texas might not be a problem but if they can ship the puppy also, that might be a idea also.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    here is the homepage of the bullmastiff breeder

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing

    Check this site out bro. Has every dog and what they are all about. From where they're from, temperment, health problems etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno

    Check this site out bro. Has every dog and what they are all about. From where they're from, temperment, health problems etc.
    hey playa so u know a bull mastiff ,mastiff and dog de bordeux ,are all de bordeux is simply a french mastiff , u laos have neopolitan mastiff,cane corso 9italin mastiff) etc ,there all large animals so im assuming u have researched this a bit and found that u will have room and time for such a huge dog.they make great man stoppers by teh way .they use the size to their advantage .id geta cane corso .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I checked out the cane corso and i like them to. The Neopolitian mastiff I am not to much into. I have been reading some time on them and I will for sure have the time and room to play with the dog. I wouldnt have it any other way with my dog.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    hey playa so u know a bull mastiff ,mastiff and dog de bordeux ,are all de bordeux is simply a french mastiff , u laos have neopolitan mastiff,cane corso 9italin mastiff) etc ,there all large animals so im assuming u have researched this a bit and found that u will have room and time for such a huge dog.they make great man stoppers by teh way .they use the size to their advantage .id geta cane corso .
    i checked out the olde english bulldogge pic and profile and whata poo/sad example tey have there ,its niot even form the levitt line (the originator) its akc mixed with amercin bull dogg trying to pass it as a oeb ,thats the problem these days ,but u can sooo tell.

  12. #12
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    i checked out the olde english bulldogge pic and profile and whata poo/sad example tey have there ,its niot even form the levitt line (the originator) its akc mixed with amercin bull dogg trying to pass it as a oeb ,thats the problem these days ,but u can sooo tell.
    also bro may i suggest lookin the americn bandogge ,fuckin great doggs !!!and the presa canario aswell since ur lookin into big doggs thsoe two are some of ur best bets

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i am pretty torn between the bullmastiff, mastiff and Douge de ?? I am leaning toward the bull but I also like the mastiff. humm?????

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Go for a german shepard trained by the police or something. Awesome awesome dogs if you can find one.

  15. #15
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    May 2003
    abs-- My dad got his dogs "at cost" because the breeder is also a family friend. I will have to ask him the "going rate" and get back to you on that. Cane Corsos are awsome too. There is a breeder here in town with those and I went and checked them out a while back. Very beautiful mastiffs.

    German Shepards area awesome!! I have one and I swear she speaks english!! She is very smart and thinks I am the greatest human that ever lived.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by ichiban
    She is very smart and thinks I am the greatest human that ever lived.
    Wait, you're contradicting yourself. LOL, sorry ichiban I had to!

  17. #17
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  18. #18
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ichiban
    abs-- My dad got his dogs "at cost" because the breeder is also a family friend. I will have to ask him the "going rate" and get back to you on that. Cane Corsos are awsome too. There is a breeder here in town with those and I went and checked them out a while back. Very beautiful mastiffs.

    German Shepards area awesome!! I have one and I swear she speaks english!! She is very smart and thinks I am the greatest human that ever lived.
    That would be great.--thanks!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i'd prolly choose a german shep or a rot over a mastiff, but with those three i'd be goin for the bullmastiff..something about their eyes

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    rots are out of the question, my friend has 3 of them and I like them but I dont want one. I have owned a G. Shephard before and I know the breed pretty good but that is not one of my choices this time.
    I have always wanted a mastiff type of dog breed and now I have the time, money and space to acquire one. Plus my chow chow needs someone to play with and the cat is getting tired of getting its ass kicked by the dog.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    South Jersey and HATING I
    1st off EXCESS -----SHOOTS FROM THE POINT AND SCORES! (that was bad bro! )

    I have Boxers and I love them to death, I don't know if you've thought about them they have the same general look as the Mastiff's and are just unreal! How will a big dog like that hold up in the AZ heat? I'm curious about that part....Hell I had trouble when it was 122 driving through Bull Head City! Ran from car to friends house and that was it man! Hot as hell!


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Abs, have you thought about a pitbull? If you look online at the American Pitbull Rescue Org. (Something like that) They have hundreds to choose from that have been rescued and rehabiltated for adoption. They make great pets and companions. The breed is very intelligent and not all are aggressive, mine is protective of the familybut other than that she's scared of her own shadow.

  23. #23
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    May 2002
    I like the boxers and pits but my one of my friend has a red bone pit named jade which is a wonderful dog and other friend has a all white boxer which is a great dog also. I like both of those breeds but I am still leaning toward the bigger dog. The mastiffs breeds do well in heat, there really a inside dog but they do need their daily excersise. I have read on them and I think they would be ok in AZ as long as it were kept inside during the summer heat but in the night or early morning they would be ok to roam the yard. Right now I am trying to find a breeder and if I found one on my way to AZ I would be able to pick it up. There is one in Oklahoma but I have yet to hear from them. Also I need to find a breeder with a litter of pups or upcoming litter in the next months. Well I have about 2.5 weeks before I leave MI and hopefully I can find a litter to choose from and be able to pick up my dog on my road trip.

  24. #24
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    When I do get my final choice I will post some pics to the new addition to my family.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    When I do get my final choice I will post some pics to the new addition to my family.
    k abstrack how bout olde english bulldogge ?????look at me avatar,or do searchunder one of my hobbies to see what the real oebs look like.

  26. #26
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    May 2002
    It almost looks like the American Standish Terrier, where is your hobbies listed??? I am sorry bro but I dont see anything in your profile or any hobbies listed.

  27. #27
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    May 2002
    I checked out the Neepolitian Matiff and it is a nice looking dog but I would probably get just the English Mastiff. I am not to sure if i like the muzzle on the Neo's but the size I do like.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Boxer punk
    How's AZ???

  29. #29
    chinups Guest
    AB. American Bulldogs are the best dogs ever. Just my .02..

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    I checked out the Neepolitian Matiff and it is a nice looking dog but I would probably get just the English Mastiff. I am not to sure if i like the muzzle on the Neo's but the size I do like.
    it was a thread i statred in thelounge ,a couple months back thetopic was some of my hobbies ,do a search on that i ahve afew doggs there .

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    it was a thread i statred in thelounge ,a couple months back thetopic was some of my hobbies ,do a search on that i ahve afew doggs there .

    Ahh I see!! I am running sloooooow today:

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Boxer punk
    How's AZ???

    Well lookey here!! Nice to see you join a thread and contribute. What?? Soon as you get your masters, you become to busy. I dont think a boxer is in the picture, I like them but not right now for a companion. I need a big working dog for a growing boy such a s myself:

    - I havent moved yet bro, another 2 weeks and I will be on the road and by the 23rd or 24th I should be in AZ. I cant wait bro!! I have alot of shit to do with school and finding some employment as soon as I get there. But I might just settle in for a month or 2 before work comes into the picture.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Easy, im back
    Been crazy busy lately.... but im back bitch
    let me know what happens on the move..
    get the boxer... they are the best dogs
    mastiffs are too dumb

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Easy, im back
    Been crazy busy lately.... but im back bitch
    let me know what happens on the move..
    get the boxer... they are the best dogs
    mastiffs are too dumb

    You know i am just messing with ya, it is always good to here from you!

    --Naw! I dont think I am going to get a boxer, i like them but I have been wanting for a long time a mastiff type of dog I am just not sure on what to get yet. I still have to find a breeder with a good bloodline. I know I am looking to spend at least $1,400 for the pup.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    My ex and I had A Neopolitan Mastiff awesome dog! Sucker was a beast.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    The Field of Friday Night Lights.
    i want a doberman pinscher that is a bad ass looking dog!
    i had a beagle before and she was real loving. had no energy though bad appetitie to0 ate everything in site one time she ate a full bag of hersheys kisses foil and all. When i took her to south texas i killed a deer and put all the scraps in a bowl i had to take it away from her because she wouldnt stop eating! I cried like a school girl when she died i think everyone cries when their dog dies though.

  37. #37
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    May 2002
    yep!! I shed a few tears over my dogs. Nothing sux worse than loosing your best friend!!

  38. #38
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    May 2003
    Hey abs. sorry it took me so long but, pet boerboels are about 1,000 and show quality are 1,500-2,000 (from a breeder in San Antonio, TX).

    Like I said before, the southafrican b.b. are the best mastiffs for hot climates. I think you would really like them. Let us know what you end up getting!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ichiban
    Hey abs. sorry it took me so long but, pet boerboels are about 1,000 and show quality are 1,500-2,000 (from a breeder in San Antonio, TX).

    Like I said before, the southafrican b.b. are the best mastiffs for hot climates. I think you would really like them. Let us know what you end up getting!
    can you find out the breeder info?? Thanks ichiban!!
    I am talking to 2 different bullmastiff breeders right now but I yet to here back from them both. I will reach them again when I get to AZ

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I own american pits but if you going to go with a mastiff i would definately go with the dogue de bordeux, my friend has a bull mastiff and im not that impressed with it, all of the dogue's ive seen ive very much liked and if i were to ever get a mastiff i would definately get the dogue without a doubt.

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