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Thread: Who here feels working out is a way of life?!?!?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Who here feels working out is a way of life?!?!?

    Who here can't go without working out?

    So I think I tore a ligament in my lower back and so I can't work out for a few weeks. It wouldn't be that bad but I can't do cardio either. I have been a little down lately just because working out is all the real enjoyment I have. I don't drink or smoke, I don't play computer games, lifting is all I do mostly for recreation.

    I told my dad I was upset because I couldn't workout and he totally blew it off. He told me if it was that big a part of my life, I needed to get a new life. It made me made bacause I don't think people understand how much better you feel, how much more confidence you have, etc. when you are consistantly working out.

    What do you guys do when injured and can't workout? I am reading some books now. It's really hard to stay focused on eating clean because I can't do cardio or anything. I guess I am just feeling shitty, just wanted other's opinions. REDROCK

  2. #2
    I agree that it is a way of life. Many people that I talk to think I am obsessed because I have a strict diet, and scheduled workouts. All I have to do is take one look at the physical condition these people are in before I realize that maybe they should start to live a better lifestyle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Im obsessed with my body, so when i dont workout i feel worthless in a sense. If i had 2 weeks of down time i would probably do some research and really perfect my diet to an extreme point.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Workingout has always been a part of my life ever since I started. I never feel like it's something I have to go do but want to do.

    Since you're hurt you have no choice but to take the time off. I would still eat clean so that when you are ready to come back you're not too out of shape because of the extra weight you might put on eating badly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    I would go nuts if I was not able to workout!! Even when Im so sic of diet and training hard I just need a 2 weeks break and then I cant wait to hit the gym again. Its a obsession that I love!!! I dont feel right without working out, I feel like a loser and a bump and when I look into the mirror I feel smal and phatetic!!!! My self confidence drops.
    Whenever I rest more then one week I start to get realy obsessed with the thought that Im shrinking and getting weaker and it drives me fucking nuts .

    I need my workouts to feel good. My workouts are also one of the few things I have to look forward to, I love the feeling of beeing totaly focused on just one thing. No other shit has a place in my head during workouts, it relaxes me more mentaly then anything else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Yes I think working out is a way of life, however sometimes you must put things in perspective. Training is an important part of most of our lives but if it interferes with your physical well being (ie.. working out when you shouldn't be due to injury or sickness) or family you need to get your priorities straight.

    This maybe something you younger guys may not fully understand yet but, responsibilities may preceed your gym time.

    just my .02


  7. #7
    I agree that you have to set priorities, but I don't view working out in the same light as playing xBox or playing the guitar. Keeping your body looking good is one aspect of working out, but I think there is more to it. I dont' know, i'm just rambling now...REDROCK

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    I agree. When I broke my wrist last March, I ended up missing 4-5 days at the gym. Just enough time for them to throw some pins in my wrist and for the heavy narcotics to wear off

    I had to get real imagitive with my workouts, but I managed. You can do a lot with a cable machine and elbow strap. There's a guy that used to go to my old gym and he had no hands and still managed to work out every day. Hell if he can do it, then I should be able to too.

    I think I'd end up strangling someone or going postal if I didn't have a gym to get my frustrations out. Better than yoga or meditation in my book.

    Sucks that you can't workout right now, but I'm sure you'll heal quick and be back to it in no time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The human body was designed to be worked. Its people that don't work it that get obese and diseased. Being lazy is not what optimizes human performance and overall health. Tell your dad that if not working out was what should make you feel satisfied in life - than you should resemble something close to a snail... some kind of blob.

    I know what you are saying - and as society becomes more and more lazy I wonder how evolution will steer us into the future if humans continue to exist another million years.

    General patterns in society are just rediculous. People standing on escalators (the stairs move to make you move faster - not so you can stand and block the way), riding elevators for 1 or 2 stories, circuling parking lots for hours to get the closest spot to the door... there is a lot of laziness out there... and some lazy ass people justify it by teasing those whose lifestyle includes working their bodies.

    Someone asked me the other day in the gym, the infamous question, "How long have you been working out?" I said, "Since I was 17 - basically nonstop about 8 years now." He said, "Wow - that's a long time". I said, "Shit man - I got another 50 years or so to go!"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Looking at working out as a way of life is really the only way to go if you expect to suceed in the long run. Gee, how much different is that from everything else in life? It's no different at all.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Well, working out is part of my lifestyle but at 42 with kids and a mortgage working out is only a small part of my life.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Working out IS life. I wake up every morning and think about what lifts I'm going to do that day. Plan out my meals and shakes at 2 1/2 hour intervals. I believe every hour in the gym, every set and every rep will be so worth it in 2 months when I go to Southern Illinois University and party it up. I mean, how many college girls DON'T like a muscled up guy?

    Fucking high school was a different story, all the football players (whom I lifted more weight than) were pussies and went out with the hottest girls. I used to get so pissed when I'd see a frickin goddess holding hands with a scrawny piece of shit who only got to go out with her because he's popular. I could break his arms in half. Grrrr.....

    Sorry about the rambling.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Warrior said it perfect...Im fuckin ashamed of americans, the majority of the population is lazy and worthless. I am not racist at all towards minoritys (black, mex, ect...) but I am racist towards lazy fat people. I have no remorse for fat people at all, because it can be changed. I also want to scream at fat people at the supermarket when i see someone thats obese, fat, smelly and gross, and then have a basket full of pizza, beer, ice cream and fatty ass cookies. Then they always have kids right beside them fat as hell too. Sometime i would like to grab one of those kids and give them a quick rundown on nutrition before they grown up to be just as lazy and nasty as thier parents. I know this sounds overboard but it really just bothers the hell out of me.

    And circleing the parking lot to get 2 slots closer, or taking the elevator for 1 floor...HOW LAZY IS THAT!!!

    Im truely ashamed to be in the same social class as some of these "american's".

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    im gunna make this short....i feel like a little bitch if i dont work out so i hit it almost every night at ten.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    when i tell someone i must go to the gym, they look at me like i'm crazy, i guess thats why theyre outta shape!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    If I Dont Work Out I Feel Lazy. Even On My Off Days I Feel Like I Should Be Doin Something. Sorry Bro. Tell Ya What, You Said You Were Reading So Get A Shit Load Of Flex Mag. And Read Through Them 2-3 Times Each. Take Notes On Different Workouts,sets, Exercises, Diets, Etc. Keep Your Mind In It And Ready To Return.remember The Little Things You Can Do. Forearms,calves,etc.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    LOL, That is such a true statement. I see it all the time and it makes me sick.
    What great habits you are teaching your kids.

    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone
    Warrior said it perfect...Im fuckin ashamed of americans, the majority of the population is lazy and worthless. I am not racist at all towards minoritys (black, mex, ect...) but I am racist towards lazy fat people. I have no remorse for fat people at all, because it can be changed. I also want to scream at fat people at the supermarket when i see someone thats obese, fat, smelly and gross, and then have a basket full of pizza, beer, ice cream and fatty ass cookies. Then they always have kids right beside them fat as hell too. Sometime i would like to grab one of those kids and give them a quick rundown on nutrition before they grown up to be just as lazy and nasty as thier parents. I know this sounds overboard but it really just bothers the hell out of me.

    And circleing the parking lot to get 2 slots closer, or taking the elevator for 1 floor...HOW LAZY IS THAT!!!

    Im truely ashamed to be in the same social class as some of these "american's".

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