Girlfriend dumped me and now she wants me back.
Quick background. Girlfriend of 2 years. Always said she loves me, wants to be my wife. Never this type of thing ever happened.
I wake up, my girlfriend is by me asking me questions about our future, she was mentioning her friend that I knew she was talking with on just friend basis. While we were talking I grew a suspicion that something shady is going on and I asked to see the conversation she had with her friend. (I m not a snooper but the occasion called for it). She refused and I said "then it s over and there s no going back" and she said "ok that s fine" I proceeded to go and take a shower, she came by apologizing that it had to be like this but she likes this guy and blah blah blah. Then few minutes later she comes back asking me to take her back, that she made a mistake and that she only loves me and she wants to be my wife blah blah blah (she erased all the messages so idk the exact convo but definitely it was not friend based)
I love her but this thought of her doing this is on my mind and I just don t trust her anymore. Since this has happened, she has been super nice to me, trying to prove how much she loves me, giving me blow jobs all the time even if I give her a cold shoulder.
So would you guys give her chance and build trust with her or would you end it.