I hate to be the guy who posts things in the wrong forum, but it looks like the last post in the supplement forum was over a week ago, so I figured I would get more suggestions in the lounge (if mods don't agree, feel free to move it).
We all know that GNC is ridiculously over-priced. I just dropped over $100 for 2 small pre-workout containers and 2 creatine tubs (this, with a buy one, get one at 50% deal, using my GNC card). I'm looking for a cheaper place to purchase these 2 items. I get my whey protein from americanpurewhey.com. If you guys haven't checked them out, I strongly recommend; the price is the best I've found anywhere, and taste and consistency is great. They also sell creatine at a good price, but the consistency sucks, so I stopped buying from there (very difficult to mix in water so it ends up clumpy).
Does anyone have any recommendations for pre-workout and creatine? Price is the biggest issue. I am currently using 1M.R. Vortex for pre-workout, but I would be open to other suggestions. I am using creatine monohydrate for my creatine, and I would like to stay with it.