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Thread: The official Terminator 3 thread!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth

    The official Terminator 3 thread!

    I saw it last night. It was pretty good, actually. I went in with low expectations, because whereas the other movies had a pretty clearly defined and believable purpose, this movie seemed more "pieced together" in terms of plot, at least from the previews. However, the story was fairly plausible, and the movie was good as a whole. I suppose we can talk more in detail about the plot once more of you have seen it, so nothing is spoiled.

    So, on to the REAL plot: Arnold looked f!cking awesome. How old is he? 52 or something outrageous like that? I pray that I can look 3% as good as Arnold when I'm that age. His tan was actually better in this movie than it was in the previous ones, hehe. And the TX (I forgot her name) is SO hot it's ridiculous. I was hoping that we'd get some flagrant full-frontal nudity with her, but no dice. Sorry bros!

    Oh, also, this movie was a lot more amusing than the other ones in terms of Arnold's shanannigans. You'll see what I mean when you see it

  2. #2
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Yeah man, for 55 he is one big mofo. I read he has a huge gym in the back of the truck at the set. He said he pounds the weights to get a pump before each shoot/take.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    That wouldn't surprise me at all, hehe.

    I want a traveling gym.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Actually I think he is 56, not positive. This is a good review at CNN: ( I had heard bad things but now it looks like it will be very entertaining)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Arnold was on the news this morning and they asked him about being in shape for the movie. Well he siad that he's always in good shape, but when doing a movie you become very aware of your body and so he went back on his diet and hit the gym everyday for 2-3 hours to look like he did in the first movie. He laughed about how that was 20 years ago and things happen to your body in 20 years. I wished I looked (at 25) as good as he does at 56. Prett ysad huh?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    Damn I can't wait to go see it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    LOL Big Texan, I hope that *anytime* in my life I look *half* as good as he looks. Arnold has the perfect physique. He really is blessed with "good looking" muscles, because it's not just about being big!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Strut99GT
    LOL Big Texan, I hope that *anytime* in my life I look *half* as good as he looks. Arnold has the perfect physique. He really is blessed with "good looking" muscles, because it's not just about being big!
    I totally agree with you. I still think his physique is far better than any of these overgrown (h growth happy) bb'ers of today. Don't get me wrong these guys look good, but can't compare to Arnold. He has got to have the most symetric and eye pleasing build of all time. No wonder he's pic you see in the encyclopedia under the human body listing (something like that any way). You and I will probably never see another Arnold in our lifetime.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    I totally agree with you. I still think his physique is far better than any of these overgrown (h growth happy) bb'ers of today. Don't get me wrong these guys look good, but can't compare to Arnold. He has got to have the most symetric and eye pleasing build of all time. No wonder he's pic you see in the encyclopedia under the human body listing (something like that any way). You and I will probably never see another Arnold in our lifetime.
    I concur. He is truly one of a kind. Not to mention with the out-of-control drug use rampant in today's BB-ing contests, no one will be able to achieve the "huge, but not outrageous" look that Arnold has.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    New York
    When he first appeared in T3...nude, they did a close up of his chest. I was in awe of how well defined and massive it was, at the age of 55(maybe 56). He is truly an inspiratation on what true dedication can provide.

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