Lol i be like Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs. I want something back. I answer all your qs on sarms, tren, mk, training. Just let me see your gf and what skincream brand she is using![]()
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Lol i be like Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs. I want something back. I answer all your qs on sarms, tren, mk, training. Just let me see your gf and what skincream brand she is using![]()
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-26-2020 at 12:35 AM.
Getting colder out here at the skijump, guys.
And the mk677 makes me so hungry. Just wanna go home and EAT.
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Hit me, baby
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Hey Sil,
Are you running your MK, 7 days a week or 5 on and 2 off?!
Good q. But now im running 25 mg 7 days a week, evenings.
Dave Palumbo said mornings are best, but i cant stand the hunger atracks.
Seen theori reccomend days off beetween. Guess its for not halten your own produktion.
But i never saw this theori for HGH use and it should be the same thing.
But stomachfeel says 2 days off in weekends wont degrade the effect. But i dont really know for sure.
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A noink is a wikidescription for Charger.
Its a guy who dont need extra skinpattern/pics to get young pussy.
Its simple.
I had to rely on my wife and maybe one extra lover for years to get some.
But then i run away from the noink concept.
Today i can choose among mayby 10 ish [emoji48]
Yeah i know im a mf, but not litterary at least.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-27-2020 at 07:57 PM.
200 mg test, 25 mg mk677. Thats it.
And...glad to see my tris finally are returning after the fatal tear 2 years ago.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-28-2020 at 10:36 AM.
As much as I am not a tattoo person, you selected yours perfect to add to your size and shape. It is like adding a 4th dimension.
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I think i will milk this offseason bathroom session a bit more. I had a real good wo. Actually i looked just as good as i did this summer blasting tren and test in the gym mirrors and i really dont know why. Maybe its the cruise. Always faded fast into trt before. That and a real slow cycle tappering.
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10 years younger to the left.
Wonder how ill look when im 60[emoji48]
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Got the Christmas juice.
Seems like it going to be a4.
12 weeks 500 mg test e and 500 deca.
And 30 mg tbol the first month.
Probable i up the test to 750 at week 6.
Mk677 25 mg.
I wanna cut, but i also wanna have the full feeling in the gym.
But im pretty big already, due to the cruise, so maybe i will look jacked wo so much carbs.
Cons, just 10 week since i halted the summerblast.
But tbol is mild, 500 test migth be taken all your life and 500 deca, well.... Just what i need for my joints.
The 2020 Christmas precycle pic.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-01-2020 at 10:07 PM.
Yo yo yo. Mistress Cat has gone north for holiday, so i want u to say hey to Mistress M meanwhile[emoji48][emoji48][emoji48]
Younger and def more mean.!
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Hope you checked her ID![]()
26. Way too old, i know, but, just in week one of my Christmas cutting cycle. Ill do better.
Wife went inzane again. Wonder why lol. Ye Ye Ye, im an stupid asshole. She managed to see the wounds under my... What u call it, the loose hanging cloth you often put on after a shower. Thougth it covered it, but i guess the shit shrinked during last wash.
I tried.. Come on, this is not sex, just play, we always had an open relationship with these things and bla bla bla...
Oyeah... Then what about the other Mistress, she answered. U are pushing it.
I ran out of argues. So i have a job to do. Make it up to her. Anyway, im driving her to the station this morning. Autumn holiday in Norway and she is going north for a week to see her mother.
Easy guys. I been deepshit before. I always find a way. Lol
Ok, im not feelling superproud. But cant stop it, its in my family motherside :/
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I’m not one to point fingers brother, I have my own demons that I deal with in that department. Half the reason I go to the gym is for the attention of the ladies. Never really been on drugs, but pretty woman are like crack to me. Hard to pass when they give you the attention.
By the way that loose cloth is called a “towel” and your big ass needs what we here call a “beach towel”, they’re bigger.
Hang tough bud
I go to the gym to train. I do look, especially at the new gym I’ve been going to. There is very little left to the imagination.
I just do not have time...... plus my little Mexican princess would cut off body parts. You would think she was raised by the cartel. she is a feisty one. LOL
The other day she said she didn’t have time ( you know) and I was going to be a smart, but thought better.
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Sounds like a henpecked husband to me.
I could never live like that.
I go to the gym to train and sidelook the girls. Without that metoo shit. That i hate. Showing sexual interest when the girl dont give u the sign first. Thats disgusting i think.
When there are no girls around, its rare im able to love the training.
Funny thing is, this sensation is becoming more intense over the years.
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No girls today
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There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Ah.. AG... Ever tried tbol?.. I started friday 30 mg and holechrist. Superpump and effect rigth away. Actually i felt it when training friday also, just 1 hour after i dropped 20mg.
And No dbol bloat.
Todays wo was super super. Think i found myself a new favourite.
Baseline 250 test e.
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Yes sir, the first time I tried it, I got it as raw powder and capped it @ 20mg doses. For some crazy reason, it caused me to bruise much easier if I bumped into stuff when working. I think it was "dirty" T'bol.
The second time I used it, I got it from a reliable source and ran it @ 30mg. Loved it. Minimal fluid retention, but great as a PWO.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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So you're running your TRT Nebido, 250mg of test enanthate/week, and T'bol?
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Yes. Shouldnt be unhealthy at all. They say u can run 600 test for life. 500 deca never killed nobody. Tbol 4 weeks only. Add cardio and healthy diett.
I think i will not shorten life compared to No drugs/unhealthy diett.
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Tbol got my upper body going just from calves warmup!![]()
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-05-2020 at 09:22 AM.
See???.. Im a goodguy. I also fancy women in their early 40s. Im No agefacist. Fuck that man!
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More tits please. Thank you.
Dorian who?
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