Extratime well spent[emoji48]
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Fuck her. She just want to have sex. And want me to pay for everything.
She says im too old for romance lol.
Her bad...i go back to Ragnhild
At least she dont mind my age at all.
But..problem. Smal town, somehow she knows abort my nigth and day with this one.
She is pissed.
So...i guess old Sil will have to spend christmas with his mother and father this year
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-01-2021 at 04:14 PM.
Could help. My 19nor dick didnt work at all. Had to use my mouth and toungue. She liked but i guess a hard 10 inch would better my odds.
But hey, if no 19nor, no girl at all.
And i came up with a nice excuse. Nigth was too cold and she wanted it outside and i said i was afraid someone could see us. My town u know. She s from up north and she dont mind.
If she bougth, i dunno. Young girls are stupid, but there is a limmit :/
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Anyway forget this shit. Stupid "fun"
Very interested in the wo coming up. I have cut 80% of the carbs and im downsizing. But last wo i looked real good. Rigth before and during wo i use 150 gs of superfast carbs and lots of water and the pwo to get the pump in.
Idea is that the tren will make sure the muscles stil are there, even if i look smaler outside the gym wearing baggy clothes.
And redusing weigth is a healthy thing.
And in august when i fade into trt, size will go down anyway.
As long as i look serious good when flashing the tank in the gym, im happy. Dont need to look jacked in the everyday life.
Last. Ofcourse u wanna look good in the city, but last time me and Ragnhild spent time there, we saw so many guys in their best age. 25 to 30. All looked like shit. Belly and no muscles.
If u have a nice midsection, shoulders and some beef, i would sa u look better than 99%
Thats the fact anno 2021. Many have expensive clothes, but there is all there is to it.
So no need for me to be shaped in the 260s.
Ripped in the 220s would cut it.
And i got the tatoos. And more to come next week.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-01-2021 at 05:49 PM.
Kind of rude i think. Here she is, lying with the Big Alfa in town, yet she is more interested in her cellphone.
Nevertheless. I fucked things up at the beach yesterday. I act so stupid with new ladies. Guess the separation after 18 years with Monica has blown my James Bond behavior away.
Maybe i should go for a boy next time.
Yo Charger...ur singel??
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Flat, no pump or carbs and after a day at the beach with no meals, this isnt to bad.
Using 250 g test only.
400 tren e last week. Bumped up to 5 thos week.
No pain in the knees or hips yet, so maybe i may increase the thighs beef also.
Calves are ok.
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She’s fxcking topless! WTF?? And you are complaining about her on her cell phone???? Take the phone from her and show her some love!
I guarantee you have been with more females than me, but show her attention.
You really need some cialis.
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She dont want love and attention. She just want me as a slave. Not sugardaddy, but just a slave to do kinky stuff with.
On tren, that plot cuts it for me too....but...maybe i want another level also.
Well...i dont think she want that now and too much beach stuff is no good.
The nigth was superb. She was drunk and we did kink stuff all over.
I should never invited her to the beach the next day.
The blond was totally opposite. She wanted only beachstuff.
Iguess i have to look for something in beetween. Specially when coming off lol
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That toiletpic turned out matcho.
Maybe i should send it to her.
Or maybe not..
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Changing plans. Im upping the carbs again. I go for size, strength and bodyweigth.
Fuck it.
But it will be healthy carbs.
Why...well...wanna look jjacket in clothes and the trainings are so much more fun.
Tomorrow tatoo ang got my hair fixed for it. .
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-05-2021 at 07:25 AM.
7 hours left. Then he will put the vampire version of the blonds face there.
The whitebread take gives me a thigth midsec. And dropping fiber, protein, fat and complex carbs cuts me up.
But i feel a weakness. I feel week. Could not see loss of size, but def..feel weaker.
Anyway....thinkinh outside the box i smart. Trying new stuff.
And how much damage can be done in 30 hpurs.
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First one down
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And Ragnhild ...this will be great. Asked for nipples and they are coming
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Damned the tatoosession made me cut.![]()
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-06-2021 at 09:43 AM.
I told u guys. My inked front dobble bis will make some severe damage.
How u ever gonna catch up on me now???
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Lol my biceps look like Pianas (rip)
And its stil growing by the hour.
Drop synthol before shows guys, just go get ya some ink lol
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At the gym
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And Maria and Ragnhild are there.
Actually i had another date with Maria tonigth. Nothing happened though.
She promised next time.
Btw..she was drunk as a mf at that pic. Almost afraid she would slip into the Athlantic Ocean and go with the Atlantic currence to Florida where Obs spent his summer holiday. And the bastard nailed the chance and gave her a mouth to mouth rescue. Rambo is not "your worst nigthmare", THAT scenario is.
Hell of a nigth it was though.. Gooood memories.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-12-2021 at 12:36 AM.
Do really not regret the ladies.
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Sun is shining again. Good freaking news, guys. The blond misses me and wants to join workouts again.
Must admit, even if Maria has a body to die for and is even more kinky than me and Obs together, Ragnhild is the one i feel most comfor with.
She even beats my separeted wife in some areas.
Fuck i have to play my cards right if she gives me one more chance.
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Been on for...almost 4 months now...no stagnation yet
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I have trouble with just one female: I couldn’t imagine dealing with multiple females. LOL
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And the fact that Monica, Ragnhild and Maria are inked on my arms dont make it easier, i assure u.
But again, i have lost them all. Wife, Ragnhild and Maria, i guess, for relationship, BUT...Maria stil wanna hook up and fuck my brains out.
So all is not lost.....yet.
And som picant details. Maria is the only girl i have met who never ever smells a thing, from pussy, ass, pee or mouth.
Even her morningbreath is totally nonsensable.
Weird. I confronted her with the problem. Sorry she said lol
Lol...damned...wish she calls tonigth. And put her cellphone away!
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-14-2021 at 06:56 AM.
Yo yo yo
..now there s another one. 29 years, horsegirl, pink long hair, piercing in mouth nose. Adhd. U know the type. Cute. Does not lift.
So for a girl like that, i go casual.
Its 0200 pm and she soon arrives at my house.
But we just planned Netflix. Just second date.
She is not into anything, but she fougth her horse for 2 hours yesterday because she couldnt get him on the wagon so she missed her show.
That kind of turned me on. Foresure im not into mistreatment of animals, but how bad can it be? Pinkhaired 29 year old girl with a little whip on a 800 kg musclemonster. I take Eddis place any day[emoji16][emoji16][emoji16][emoji4][emoji16][emoji48]
Yeah i have slimed down a bit. Kind of bored with this summercycle. Its been too long. Receptors are burned and no more happens.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-18-2021 at 06:16 AM.
Todays training was ok.
But my mind doesnt take 500 tren. Nigthmares and crazy forced thougths in loops.
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Most painfull yet..
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-21-2021 at 09:28 PM.
Very off with eating and training these days. Im done. Last tatoo demands a week off, then there will be two new ones with the same problem. In addition i have met a new girl and last day we just sat in the sofa talking for 10 hours wo and protein and carbs whatsoever.
My plan is to stil run the tren until im done with the tatoos and bye my self some EAA capsules, so i dont scare her away going to the kitchen every second hour. Well, she would be cool about it, i just dont want to eat like a BB in this phase. Capsules have to cut it.
She is on medicins, so she doesnt eat at all.
She is not a gymbeib or not into any aspects of the fitness lifestyle and its so refreshing.
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There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Easy homegym workout while tatoo heals. Stil good pump.
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I was going to say something, but I knew AG would come along, LOL
Sil- watch out for AG- he is trying to steal all your females.
Love ya AG!
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