There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Pressed berries are not that bad. Pressed fruits are no go.
But they both would say, dont press anything. You will be better off with the hole food.
Dr Ekberg says all non fat or reduced fat products are worse. Cause they reduce the fat and replace it with sugar and chemicals. To make it tasty again.
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Yo Charg...think im dying of AIDS or cancer, ey?
Then how come im stil more buff than u ever were, even without pump, home, flat and in my 4th month without training or serious eating?...painkillers and alcohol
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-16-2021 at 04:39 AM.
AIDS? Oh shit, I mean some of the outfits you post are a little confusing, but damn Sil; you’re playing for the other team? Meds are incredible these days for that. Best of luck, and hey, I ain’t judging you.
BTW, just f’n around with ya. You look great - workouts, gear or none of those. And the amount of hair that you have on your head really pisses me off. Glad things are still working out with this new gf!
I was only joking, man. Hehe...but it has been a though year. Cops, jail, divorce,layers,job,economi, covid,girls...basicltly all important aspects in my life was/is on the line.
But, im kind of a hardhead. Whats coming is coming etc.
But maybe my CNS disagree. And it has been too much.
But...i stil think its long covid.
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I know you were joking, I just wanted to say hello in my typical dumb-ass way.
I’ve been reading your thread through the months & you’ve definitely had a tough year. You are very right about all of the stress possibly catching up with you and shutting you down. Hang in there & heal up Viking!
Work and homegym. But 3 sets are all i can do. Litterary. And ligth.
20 mg dbol gave me a tiny pump, but i miss my old body below.
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Date to nigth. The 29 year old is coming. But nothing much left. Half my size now. So better start impressing her with my border high IQ
For..take away my borngift Vshape, guys would say...does this dude lift?
But...say it to my face summer of 22.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-19-2021 at 03:36 PM.
I for one am not doubting Viking’s IQ and I mean that seriously. That said, Sil do you have to pull your jeans into your ass-crack?
Wango- Sil is just too mellow lately. I need to get him riled up!! [emoji23]
Maybe he is love.
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Godamn dont look at it, moran. Focus on my back.
In mid norway, this is the latest fashion actually. Some crap about hen, there are no sexies, boys and girls. Just hens. So we should all dress the same, flashing the asschicks.
Seriously, Google it, homie, mid norway, fashion, hen (hen is from " han and hun," han=he, hun=she)...weird shit, but u gotta go with the flow.
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Ouch ,u really dont have it, Charger. That point is too cheap man. If u brougth that one up in my hood when the boys were hanging out, they would all see u as a looser trying to be cool.
Sorry dude, but its the fact. Stay at lifting weigths, bro. Saying funny things, are not your cup of tea.
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Yes hen. Among certain people in Norway, its oldschool and antifeministic to use he (han) and she (hun) when refering to a boy or girl. Therefore they invented the neutral "hen".
I guess its just a matter of time before mainstream media follows
I dont buy the rest of your defense. I think you are gay or bisexual atleast. Then ur not welcome in the Castle. No crossfitters, leftys, green new dealers, natties, democrats or crossdressers are alloved. Didnt Obs tell u that at the gate.??Hm...need to have a word with him. Cant trust anybody these days. I guess i have to put Obs back in the Tower again, with the elderly and rare disease dying people:/
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Yo Obs, we stil dont have any toiletfacilities in the tower. U really wanna go back there?...with your slow shitting habbits and applesized hemoroids??
No?...then do your freakin job and follow the Castle Codex. A shitpusher is in my hall goddamit
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-22-2021 at 12:20 AM.
Its ok guys. Im just a keybord warrior. In real life im a shy little wannabe.
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Yo Viking, I know I ain’t invited, but just in case, you know, in the future when I no longer am a homo or bi. Do you at have a refrigerator and a microwave in the castle? Can you at least get DoorDash or food delivery? How about cell phone service? Is parking safe? Crapping and pissing into a bucket ain’t a big deal, but dammit I need decent food, the internet & don’t want my car f’d with. The views look kind of cool, what do they look out to?
No. We live off the nature. Raw hole food. Grasfed beef only. Wild salmon. Eggs from healthy birds.
We have WiFi and powersupply, but its a privilege, not a rigth. To earn it, u need to pass the judgement test. Meaning, u have to spot Obs when he does one of his one hour heavy squat sessions, after his beans and onions meals.
If u can do this, u have earned the networks password and u are welcome to surf as much as u want.
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But, the last rookie who tried the test, needed medical assistance from the nearest hospital.
Obs shit fire to his underwear and the rookies hoodie started to burn.
Good luck.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-22-2021 at 04:54 PM.
As I said before, I seriously don’t doubt your IQ Viking, that was funny. Really tragic about that last spotter. I’ve had my underwear break into flames with nasty farts, but no collateral damage to anyone else fortunately.
I like your choice of food. We rely on the farmers market, door-dash or delivery is for cheat nights. Duck eggs kick ass.
Feeling better. Just put in chest and back in the homegym. Around 8 sets today. Some not superligth.
Motivated to start eating again. Especially if i dont experience any fallbacks.
And dont give me any crap about the flag. It was an EOD years ago. I respect your flag. Thats why its there.
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Feeling better??? Are you just a wimp? If you want gainzzz you need to pay the price, not complain about how bad you feel. I went to the gym today and did not want to workout. I asked myself, “do you want to complain like Sil, or just suck it up and go for it”.
I decided to go for it and had a great workout thinking win or wimp.
My Christmas present. I’ll bet that things liven up with this. [emoji23]
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Hahaha. I rarely laugh of this shit. Obs made me laugh a couple of times back in the days. Now it happenede again. "Complain like Sil", thats a good one. And i hope u got a good workout from it.
But pay the prize???...what?...i got long covid, mf. I get windy when i stroke my cock for 10 secunds goddamit.
Been like this for 4months.
But finally i see some changes.
And im motivated like a crazy man. Whatever it takes. Bigger by the day.
2022 will be the year of ARs King Silabolin.
As for u Charger.. hm...well...since ur the only visittor left. I dont count this new wangoguy. Yet. I guess i will not cancel your 2022 Castle membership. That MY christmas present to u. I will not kick u out. Terrific present, if u look at it.
So...ah..gotta a go, the horsegirl sent me a snap. Gotta check.
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On my way..
Upped the dianabol to 40 mg.
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20 sets today. Rows, bis, tris, traps, thighs. Damned...if this works, i know tomorrow, i see the end of my long covid.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-24-2021 at 03:05 AM.
Lucky u. You re only issu is age. About the only factor we dont discriminate in here. You see, Charger is 72 and even his not among those with highest standing, he is stil a brother. A sister at least. One of the family.
Obs is 53.
AG ...69?? perhaps.
Im in my late 30s, so we are grown ups. Vets.
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I'm sorry to tell you this, but change your flag, put a Norwegian flag there!
Where is your patriotism? Do you need to wear another nation's flag?
Seriously. You are an real american. You think i should take down the flag or atleast dont use it in pictures?
I wouldnt give a rats ass if an englishman had a norwegian flag in his homegym, but i guess you guys are more close to your flag?
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