Stil sick. Actually somedays a bit worse.
If im not stressing my body at all, i dont need otc painkillers.
But if i move snow, i need them the next 24 hours.
Inzane, good.
And, stil dating
And just as happy now, as before corona, but i miss looking buff in the mirrors in the gym a couple of times a week and the pwo feel. guess slowly homegym activities.
Or maybe i should get more EAAs in.
And considering 25 mg mk677 and LGD.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 01-21-2022 at 05:08 AM.
Hope you feel better Sil & the house/roof is ok. Continued congrats on the new love in your life. That always makes everything better.
House ok. We fix it cheap. Insurance pays standard. Way more that is. How it rolls in Norway.
New girl ok. Stil hot.
Body, not ok. Cant even move snow. But with a high test level and lots of EAAs between meals, my years of mk677 use and training, keeps me way more buff than average gymrat even without training.
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Upping oats. Ordered more EAAs. Considering mk677 and turkesterone.
No training, no drugs before may i guess.
I will do a summercycle, even if i cant hit the weigths more than some 20%.
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Since you won’t go to a Dr….. it’s because your in love.
Sil the lovebird! [emoji23]
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I wont go to docs because im 8 times more knowledgeable than them.
I have the best docs in the world at my fingertips.
Let me fill air in your tires, old man. U know, these days they have something called youtube and google. Maybe u should try it. And stop living in the 80s. Where u and your family visited your family doc once a year and got some blue and red pills with snakeoil.
Just a friendly advice, buddy.
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And...u have a big mouth, Charg. Old man. No respect. Even if i look more buff than u without training and just cruising.
Add tren, mk677 and more test and i nail all your skinny asses WITHOUT stupid lifting.
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You are withering away while I get bigger!
I go and see the Dr.
I will say, you are better than Obs at one thing…: being stubborn!
As a matter of fact, going to go and do a stress test this morning.
If you do not hear from me again, you know I overdid it. [emoji23]
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Stress test?
I suggest liver enzym test instead dude.
Or calsium score test? While ur at it, check your homocystein also. And very small LDL.
Forget the stresstest man. Buy some redwine instead.
Uknow what Dave Palumbo says. If u got chestpain, drink some redwine. Then if it dont go away, see the doc.
Works for me!
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Hit the gym again today.
Used even ligther weigths.
Actually i didnt train. I just moved the bar. I wanted to look at the girls again.
I did pwo and all my old stuff. So i got a pump.
So, goal is not to be sick tomorrow.
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They pissed me off. I’m doing the stress test and smiling and then I see that my heartbeat won’t go above 120. I am telling them to turn it up. I am I tentio ally working harder to get me heartbeat up and I can’t.
Now I am on level 4 and breathing heavy … still 120. I have like 4 Dr’s coming in and saying that my heart beat on the monitor is wrong. I am to the point of I can’t take it anymore. I am upset because it was at 120. They lay me down for the ultrasound and I am laying on my side and I can’t breathe for a couple of seconds and I am struggling for breathe.
I don’t know what the heck happened but they said my heartbeat was up to 165.
I get up and keel over because my calves cramped.
What a gaggle fuck…. But my heart looks good!
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There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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No. Thank God I passed with flying colors.
My BP was actually better after test.
I had a heart monitor for a month and the company said I was in afib 60% of the time. My Dr questioned them because every strip exhibited afib. She said I was in it 100% based on the records.
The company did not know what to say and could not exhibit data that it wasn’t 100%.
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There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Late august 2021. Covid and long covid.
But i took this pic today. Just trt now. And i hit the gym tues, thirs and today. Superligth ofcourse, but all the other stuff, pwo, upping protein and oats.
For the first time, i dont get sick anymore from 60 minutes ligth training.
Conclusion, i will soon kick ass and lick pretty girls pussy again, not fat girl pussy , which i had to stick with last months. They are rigth, more plates more dates...damned they're rigth about that one...
Damned keebord warriors...
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-05-2022 at 04:30 AM.
Stil at it again without discomfort to speak of....this could be it!
Coronahell is about to end!
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Woke up, feeling even better. I think i made it.
And..big news. A woman from the Internet is dropping by my place on her trip going north. We have chatted for 2 years and she is kinky as fuck. So its gonna be...
And even better. She also controls the drug trafic beetween Oslo and Norway west and everything is in her bag going north. Everything for my summercycle is delivered at my doorstep in addition to her dripping pussy and ass.
She had a tough life, both her husbonds killed them selves. The last one, a big bodybuilder, in his cell in prison.
She also has cancer. Docs giving her 1 to 5 years.
Life is rough, but hey. Just the way life is.
I already have 200 10 mg dbol. I ask her for tren e, deca, test e and arimidex.
This can be good. Feeling good in chest and all my receptors are resetted, due to long covid and off training for 5 months.
I have grown natty as fuck just from one week training in the gym. Im already bigger than the other gymrats.
Economi is good.
Now i have better defense against covid, due to unvaccinated delta recovery.
Man im gonna rule hole of north europe this summer.
Ita gonna be ARs King Silabolins summer!!!!!
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The mafia woman is just dropping by with her tren. Ill do her ass for a couple of hours, then she s on her way up north. Maybe ill never see her again.
So dont give me any shit about the poor horsegirl. What she doesnt know, wont kill her.
Common man, give me some slack here. Dont be so american, honor and shit...
We r vikings and have our own way. Your racist, man.
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Speaking of the horsegirl. She is coming tonigth and hope she will notice i have gained 10 pounds last week. Natty.
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Time for the Wango comment of the pants.
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I need to move to Cali this summer. St Monica f.i. I will be too huge for the creatures around here.
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There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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