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Thread: Arnold's blueprint training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Arnold's blueprint training

    Has any of you watched Arnold's blueprint training video on YouTube. I feel like this guy is such a snake in the grass even though I'm a Big fan I feel like he totally turned his back on bodybuilding. I feel like he played a part in the band of certain supplements back in 04 or 05 on top of him having them take his images down at golds gym. Now that he's not a politician anymore he's ready to come back and sell us his brand of protein. I was watching his video on YouTube today, the Arnold mass blueprint and it's totally to sell his product, but at least he didn't come right out and pitch the product in the video. He just says a person can't get enough nutrients from eating real food, that you have to use supplements like protein powder! He goes on to tell stories about how he used to use protein powders back in the day, I was waiting on him to say oh yeah I sell protein powder now. I have the Arnold Bible at home I'm in a look at it tonight and see if it actually talks about him using protein powders in the past or saying that real food isn't enough I may be wrong here but I feel like he is such a snake

  2. #2
    Dudes just trying to make cash any way he can. Can't really condemn that but it is a little sad to see the personal change he has made from back in the day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    I agree and I don't have a problem with him falling back on this sport with his movie career and political career being over I guess but why miss lead pple by saying you have to use a protein supplement because real food isn't enough.

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