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Thread: Dieforce

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    In gears defense, I made some really fucked up decisions without it. Just sayin'...
    So you are saying Juice or not u made some pretty fvcked up decisions? . All of us did me

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Just my 2 cents she is going to destroy you? And you are going to let her? From your post looks like that you are doing pretty good job of it. Please don't I have seen lot of good folks went down the drain because of women. I m sorry if it came across harsh and I cross the line but trust me I have seen this story too many times and it's not worth it.
    Point taken.
    I won't stoop to her level which would be to rat her out to L.E or something,
    (She's not so sparkling clean in all her dealings either)
    But, I did tape a phone call I had with her where she says directly that if I don't do what she says, takes the phone when she rings, get her bottles of X'ess when she want, she's gonna find some new way to threat me and carry that out. So yeah, I am preparing for war.

    She's called one of my doctors to tell I sell my meds I got prescribed, and seems to try to call my dealer friends and divide them from me. This has resulted in some just shunning her, as they don't dare to deal with a psychotic rat, or the very least that they take my side.
    I've given them all go ahead to deal with her if they want,
    (We're mostly talking just weed here)
    but for most people it becomes evident quite fast who's the crazy one here.

    A damn shame it is, cause I hoped we could be friends.

    I did see her after she done all this and saw she was really broken down,
    and it was a sad sight. Out of sympathy (and a little bit of manipulation at this point) I had sex with her and made her promise to call and take back all charges she's made against me, like talking to my new doc.
    She's done some of it, and if she wants my help with the same issues she threatened me to do, then she has to fix things as well as she can,
    Cause even if she does take back what she said, some damage is allready done.

    But yeah, I have been letting this get to me more than it should, it is after all not just an enemy trying to destroy me, but someone I loved and still do in a way.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Gotcha buddy. I wasnt judging you at all, I dont even know very much about you. I just know for myself and many other BB'rs I know now look back and realized it was the gear that was giving them the train of thought they weren't happy and the relationship was not good. I had the same exact thoughts, I told my wife 100 times that I was 100% sure we werent meant to be together. I dropped down to trt levels, we talked and worked things out. Marriage has never been better. BB'ing and gear use made me very selfish and prideful. Come to find out those are the two of the biggest downfalls of man. Good luck brother, theres only good to come.
    Sorry if my reply seemed pissy BG, I didn't take it as an insult in any way.
    But if it were just the AAS talking, why would I find calm and joy with other women, one in particular where it's not just a sexual thing anymore. (Though she does seem to have about as high sex list as me, the kind of woman who likes being waked up 4 at night by being fucked, and does the opposite as well)
    So no, I don't think it's the AAS. They might complicate complicated things, but they're not the cause IMO.

  4. #44
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Point taken.
    I won't stoop to her level which would be to rat her out to L.E or something,
    (She's not so sparkling clean in all her dealings either)
    But, I did tape a phone call I had with her where she says directly that if I don't do what she says, takes the phone when she rings, get her bottles of X'ess when she want, she's gonna find some new way to threat me and carry that out. So yeah, I am preparing for war.

    She's called one of my doctors to tell I sell my meds I got prescribed, and seems to try to call my dealer friends and divide them from me. This has resulted in some just shunning her, as they don't dare to deal with a psychotic rat, or the very least that they take my side.
    I've given them all go ahead to deal with her if they want,
    (We're mostly talking just weed here)
    but for most people it becomes evident quite fast who's the crazy one here.

    A damn shame it is, cause I hoped we could be friends.

    I did see her after she done all this and saw she was really broken down,
    and it was a sad sight. Out of sympathy (and a little bit of manipulation at this point) I had sex with her and made her promise to call and take back all charges she's made against me, like talking to my new doc.
    She's done some of it, and if she wants my help with the same issues she threatened me to do, then she has to fix things as well as she can,
    Cause even if she does take back what she said, some damage is allready done.

    But yeah, I have been letting this get to me more than it should, it is after all not just an enemy trying to destroy me, but someone I loved and still do in a way.
    If she was worth a damn she will quit trying to cut you down. If not she wasnt worth having even as a friend. It's thanksgiving in the states hope some of the cheer makes it back to the motherland to you. Have a good day everyone.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shit.... Welcome to the last 4 months of my life. 3 yrs marriage

    Ignored all the red flags, rushed into marriage in the first place. Previous step kids, Took a bit to get used to not being a father anymore. Ultimately its best im not in the kids lives anymore.

    Cliff notes version.... She was hiding a mental health issue from me. Took an insane amount of self reflection into my entire life and the help of a therapist to point out shit that I had seen but never focused on.

    best life lesson learned..... DONT IGNORE RED FLAGS!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I'm debating divorce right now. The past 2 years our relationship has been pretty shitty. We haven't gone out on a date in over 2 years now and our sex life has hit a major decline. This summer she was diagnosed with Lyme Disease so it totally sucks. She's pretty much given up on everything and it's been really difficult. Hoping that when she recovers things will improve but I don't know if things will ever be good again.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    I'm debating divorce right now. The past 2 years our relationship has been pretty shitty. We haven't gone out on a date in over 2 years now and our sex life has hit a major decline. This summer she was diagnosed with Lyme Disease so it totally sucks. She's pretty much given up on everything and it's been really difficult. Hoping that when she recovers things will improve but I don't know if things will ever be good again.
    I don't know the circumstances but I do know Lyme disease can take a huge toll and take a long long time to recover. I truly believe in, "in sickness and in health". I hope things improve for you. Hope you think it over long and hard especially if you have kids.

  8. #48
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    Maybe its just because my test is low at the moment but I have more fucking skeletons haunting me lately than in years. Insomnia induced by old memories and bad thoughts about my past and ex and kids. Life really sucks sometimes. I am happy with the girl I am with and I love her. I have never had anyone treat me so good. It still doesn't stop haunting memories. I love my kids and I'm glad I have them but I should have ended my marriage long ago. I gurantee I wouldnt be sitting here sleepless feeling like a bag of shit. Fuck I was dumb all through my twenties. I have been a fucking moron unable to see what my actions caused. It will be a year feb 7th since she left. Cannot believe its been that long.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    We haven't gone out on a date in over 2 years now and our sex life has hit a major decline.
    So take her out on a date!

  10. #50
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    Apr 2007
    Court has been a bitch but I moped up the other day.
    The dumb bitch faced me in court on a re-up without a lawyer. My lawyer made her look like the lying, angry, bitch she is with zero control. I completely destroyed her. She came in like a arrogant lioness and left bawling.

    Any objections she had were overruled any objection my lawyer had was sustained. Judge called her down four or five times. The entire time I kept my composure and got to spill it all. By the time it was done you could see the judges disgust for her. I badly wanted to say, "Fuck, you should try being with her for damn near ten years!" But I played it great.

    Business has taught me how to speak fluently under duress, but my responses were so fucking perfect I shocked myself. It was literally like she was asking me question after question to prove what a piece of shit she is.

    To anyone in similar circumstances, just hang in there. If a lying cheating controlling person completely fucks you over, you will have your day where you get to turn it all around on them.

    I fought some terrible battles over this but I absolutely got to show who was what. Never give up and never back down when you know you are right.

    Steroids were brought up by her multiple times during this. She demanded testing, my lawyer objected immediately because there was no grounds for the accusation. Judge immediately sustained the objection every time.

    ^^^ think about that before you talk about AAS to anyone you know. Things you say can bite you in the ass even years later.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Glad to hear things are looking up for you. I have a friend that is ATF, he said most of the bust they make, outside of crime, is because people run there mouth. I have nothing to worry bout as far as locals. I'm friends with the da, sheriff, most the judges and most the deputies
    Last edited by guitarzan; 12-07-2017 at 09:43 PM.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    Well done obs.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Glad to hear things are looking up for you. I have a friend that is ATF, he said most of the bust they make, outside of crime, is because people run there mouth. I have nothing to worry bout as far as locals. I'm friends with the da, sheriff, most the judges and most the deputies
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Well done obs.
    Thanks guys. Judge will rule in the next couple weeks. Hopefully I have my kids for Christmas.

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