I've always been intrigued by TNE and have heard mixed reviews on it so I decided to give it a go. My first pin I did in my quad and just did 60mls so nothing crazy. No pip and injection was obviously simple. Waited an hour and then hit the gym. It was my back day which is always my strongest day. I started with pullups and they were super easy. Added 10lbs to my bent over rows and added reps. Every single exercise I was able to add weight, reps, and sets. By the end of my workout my back was completely spent. Not sure if it was a placebo effect or if this stuff is a great pre workout.
I will continue using it on days where my body parts are lacking. Tomorrow is my chest day so I'm going to use it and will bump up to 100mg. I know others love Test Suspension which I've never tried. I decided on the TNE because of all the major PIP issues I've heard regarding Suspension. No PIP as of yet and it's been 4 hours since I injected. Will post back tomorrow to see if anything happens in the PIP department.