Lol! Wouldn't it have been great if Pudzianowski came running in, "Shuddup Beeches!" and just cleared the whole room....?
This is why its illeagal...damned i hate those jokes who cant controll their anger in public when they juice.
If you`r not a man to keep it down, just go and get some milkshakes instead.
There's 2 ways of looking at it..seemed like Rich called him out and if someone calls me out Iam blasting them before they are ready, why not this isn't the civil war and Iam no gentleman I fight to win I don't stand on a line and say "let's go"..if someone is threatening me with bodily harm Iam gonna try to neutralize the situation before it becomes harmful to me and mine..although , I don't think Rich was serious I think he was just talking and didn't expect to get blasted..but that's not this Mac trucks guys problem.
One of the best things my old man ever told me was that if someone asks you to take things outside then punch them in the face right then and there.
If you follow someone outside you have no idea what kind of situation you're going to walk into.
My daddy always told me, if someone is looking for a fight, running mouth, stay silent. If they come in arms reach, strike and do not stop.
There is no honor in street fights, no refs to enforce rules.
Ill stick thumbs in eyes, bite chunks off of cheeks, bite off ear lobes. Go for nuts, etc.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
Ive always been "small" and a few of my best friends, we punched first asked questions later.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
I dont swing. If I decide its time I am gonna take someone to the ground and I will take a hit or two gladly to be sure I'm the one on top in that situation. From there hell will come down. This comes from streetfighting and my brother. All real street fights end up on the ground with both parties. I do agree with couch though. "Hey, Rich... lookout I am gonna swing at you". Lol
Your father wasnt that smart. In my country that would give you a criminal record forcing u to say goodbuy to a lot of cool jobs, a two grands fine. And that is if ur lucky and the other guy didnt get hurt. If he smashed his backhead and ended up in a weelchair for the rest of his life, your life would be a burning hell.
I have learned to be constantly aware of what is around and who is around. There is a lot of places to beat the shit out of someone and haul ass out and never be caught. NEVER GIVE A STATEMENT TO THE POLICE WITHOUT AN ATTOURNEY. My other rule is park your car a mile away from the shit that is about to go down. You can beat someones ass and if they dont know what you drive or know you personally you are scott free. You must be decisive and move fast. I know a man with 25+ street KO's and he has no assault charges. More than once the thing that got him off was who he had surrounded himself with. The people around you will tell the cops what happened. Knocking someone out without prosecution is a respectable art form. i guess u understand why i dont have offline friends...
dont want them either btw...two holes or piss off
There's many different ways you could look at it but I think there's one most of us can agree on and that it was mildly entertaining.
Also, as a side note to all men, if you talk shit about fighting and get beat up and lose, you are a piece of shit little girl if you seek prosecution. I mean that. I dont care what the situation was if you cried to the cops you are a complete and utter disgrace and not a man. It goes against all bro/man code. Talk shit and lose you best take your lumps and move on.
Fuck you lol! You would be my friend over here, we could go out honky tonking and bar fight with all the mouths. We park out back.... You send the girls outside in advance.... then you jack the shit outta that smart eyeing prick that thinks he is billy bad ass! Good times silabolin. Girls already got the car running out back. Autobots roll the fuck out! Now its time for beer pong at Brittanys.
Agreed 100%. There was baseball game last season where one player "posed" being tough by pushing someone away, then got crushed with a shot to the face that he totally did not expect.
Kong, can I ask you a question? In jail, was there a way to avoid fighting or was it just something you absolutely had to deal with? Apologies for getting too personal - thank you.
Last edited by Proximal; 01-08-2017 at 01:34 PM.
Not personal at all brother.prison is all about respect and getting it and maintaining it..once you have it you can coast on your rep and you don't have to get violent unless have to fight if provoked,have too,have too and even if you lose if you gave it your all and showed you have heart people will respect you..the truth is the majority of people don't wanna fight someone who might be a challenge or could beat if people know your ready to roll anytime your provoked, you won't get messed with..the real issues generally come with debts over gambling or drugs ..
Great post. Now how is it a man can let an atgument escallate to the point of fighting, talk crap and lose, and then have his opponent prosecuted? I assure anyone a scrap is not worth destroying your enemies life via chickenshit methods like prosecution. Someone punching you in the face does not warrant years in prison. I dont care how pretty the man is. Once you have stared down the barrel of a felony charge it changes your view on punishment a lot.
It used to be when to men fought they got a fine. With todays feminization of society, you can recieve many years in prison because someone talked shit, threatened, and got their ass beat. It is sickening and violates everything I was taught about honor. There is literally more honor amoung prison inmates than in society.
I agree I have a friend we'll call him swim who gets provoked into fights all the provoked I mean threatened with violence or attacked..he was provoked in this manner while awaiting federal sentencing and when he caused nerve damage in the provokers face he was jailed,charged and sued so bad that he can never legitimately own property prison you snitch you get put in the SHU which is basically the hole ...if you stay on the yard, ppl will deal with you in there own ways..
Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-08-2017 at 02:53 PM.
A street fight is life or death. I will walk away from a fight if possible. If that is not possible, I am a practicioner of Philipino Kali. I carry two blades and have my conceal carry permit which I carry a G19 everyday. I will not go down without a fight.
Thank you for your post Kong. Back in my late 30's took a knife defense class and they brought in an ex-inmate so we could cover defense against shanking. The guy hardly said a word, but when he spoke was soft spoken. Sizable build but not imposing, but his eyes were dead & he radiated something bad. To this day he was the most frightening individual I've ever been close to. I can't imagine what you might have experienced.
yeah that was Jose Batista from Toronto. He is a punk bitch and the type everyone wants to punch.
Although I have never been in jail, this is similar to school yard respect. I grew up a skinny, poor, smelly kid from the country. I was about the only white kid in school for awhile. So I was the target of retribution for my apparently white privileged that I somehow apparently enjoyed. Often times I knew I was going to get my ass whooped because it was always 3 or 4 against me. So my though was if I am going to get beat up and bloodied anyway. I might as well give a little back. Funny thing, after fighting a few times and being begged by the other 3-4 to "chill out," they were just playing. I suddenly was their friends. To this day I still thank them for toughening me up and my broke right hand.
I agree, way to many people run their mouths now. I have always been alert of the guy in the group that is being quite,he is the one that is going to bust everyone's head.
I've only came across two people that frightened me to death, one was my Dad, although he is a great guy. And a friend of mine, I seen him lose his shit and beat everyone in the room. Including his friends when his switch was flipped.
My Dad told me something similar, when it goes outside that is where you get killed. He told me to fight like hell to stay inside if a fight can't be avoided.
My go to was a headbutt to the nose, the persons eyes water instantly and gives you enough time to get another shot in and
I made that mistake once to take a guy to the ground first in college. There were about 5 of his friends that started kicking the shit out of me once I hit the ground.
Very few men left these days. It's part of a broader plan to afeminize society. You go to Western Europe. Most of the men's wrist are limper than a dead fish and their pants tighter than Syran Wrap.
If someone is being an asshole and starts a fight with me, yes i will press chargers. But if he is being an asshole and I have no choice but to defend myself or family and then he presses charges, that is fucked up.
You run your mouth, you never know who you can run into. Everyone carries guns now, legally or illegally. With the benefit of a little bit of age and some scary experiences. I keep my mouth shut, my eyes open, and my options many.
Musclescience, I appreciate you. You are honorable. I could always tell that. You are a smart move to boot.
Move was supposed to mean mofo.
I am the kind of man you can leave alone with your wife. I am no thug. The thing that makes a man great is having great power but restraint. I choose my battles. I am no "gangsta". I would save a man from a world of hurt, he does not deserve, enemy or not. My honor is on check. My brother would have killed me by now if it wasn't.
This street fighting talk is interesting to me so I'll give you my perspective.
As we moved from Upstate NY to India you get to learn what it means living in almost anarchy. While I do not always agree with the laws we have and the way they are interpreted back home I will do my best to follow them. If we do not do that we will have complete disarray. Even if we do not like it, it is what we have and you can 1. Try to change the laws or 2. Move to a place where the laws are different.
Here in India, if you want to know what street fights are like, come visit. On a weekly basis, I will be witness to some, what would be considered huge brawls home, fights where someone hit another with their car. Just 1 month ago, my wife and daughter took an Uber. As they were crossing a railroad crossing the guy behind them bump into their car. The Uber driver slammed the breaks, jumped out of the car, ran up to the other guy, pulled him out of the car and insanity ensued. Easily 30 people got involved, in the middle of a railroad crossing with Police, simply being bystanders.
I carry two tasers at all times in case something goes down. Getting a gun permit here is completely out of the question.
My point is, we have laws and they should be followed to the best of our ability otherwise you'll have anarchy and we will be no different from any other lawless country.
Double post
Last edited by Obs; 01-09-2017 at 11:11 AM.
Dpuble post
Last edited by Obs; 01-09-2017 at 11:19 AM.
Double post
Last edited by Obs; 01-09-2017 at 11:20 AM.
Last edited by Obs; 01-09-2017 at 10:54 AM.
I wasn't about to separate this whole quote and comment on each one you left lol.Originally Posted by MuscleScience
Overall I agree with everything you said.
I was a skinny kid growing up. Tall and lanky - not very intimidating. I never fought that much but have been in a few. I'm very quiet and laid back in person. I handle emergency situations well and can think while most panic. I guess that's why I'm in the line of work that I am now. I will try to avoid a fight if possible. If self defense is necessary I will do what I have to in order to walk away.
Sil's boyfriend got smacked
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