You fucking guys are still at the shit talking..I'm not sure if you are still ..I'm only on page 29 of it happened to the competition...all the garbage shit talk is pretty deturing
Attachment 167591Attachment 167592Attachment 167593 just got out of shower in fatbelly shot Attachment 167594Attachment 167595Attachment 167596
0bs stop being a complete fucking prick with all this dungeon shit, your sounded really fucking foolish. The pictures will be seen by everyone there are no sides , no thread gangsters its all one big forum so I don't know what wood chopping world your in but fuck me obs stop making yourself look like a cunt and do your best, there's enough judges to see there is no conspiracy. Ive told you over 10 fucking times you have the best chance of the most improved, stop making excuses and get on with it.
Attachment 167600do chest buffalo and admire my pimples
Nice house by the way cape
And avitar
Just saw this. Marcus look at the last 25 pages and tell me how many people have stood beside me? No, there are very few that want me to win. I do not mind, it is just that many more that will be disappointed. Dont start taking shit personally again marcus...
That last post had a Mr Rogers voice over as I read it...
Are you really that thick. Its irrelevant how many people you think don't want you to win. You will win if you make the most improved how many times does someone have to tell you before it sinks into your tree trunk head? you make the most improved you win and come on we know there are judge but this is on the open forum and everybody will be judging and giving their opinion so stop moaning and do what you can and forget about anyone else. The competition is between yourself no one else. Everyone is having a laugh at your expense because your an easy target your thick that's why I have to try and explain things 10 fucking time before it sinks in but it never does.
Think about it and be the most improved and you will win, end of story
Nacho and Cape you better watchout beacuse if Ob starts training and adds some Dbol instead of taking pics of himself and talking sh1t yall in trouble.
There is a difference between thick and stubborn. Not whining I know I will win. Look at these pussies lmao! And... look at these badass robots we made for the school!Attachment 167602Attachment 167603 Take that shit! Fuck I am an American badass!
There are no politics in this comp, not with me or Kel ( cant speak about Sil he's a fucking prick) but there is nothing going on, who ever is the most improved wins and lets be honest here we don't just have 3 judges we have a whole fucking forum who are going to sound their opinion on the results.
Cape is making ridicules changes and he is a veteran at this kind of comp, remember last time, the guy knows what he is doing and play serious mind games with every single person and fair play to him.
Nach is a freak of nature, every time I see him he grows and looks different,
Obs - forget about being played, concentrate on what it will take to change and be the most improved in 6 weeks, there is no winner yet, there is no mind games being played by any judge or what ever camp you think is against you, its free game its against yourself and sooner you realize this the better chance you got, fuck me no wonder you cut lawns for a living
I know you judges will be unbiased, ya dick!
Damn I say thirty times I know the judging will be fair but you have to keep explaining it. Who is thick?
You because you keep coming up with excuses and complaining your the under dog you thick arsed twat. Your not the under dog you tree stump, your in the best position for fucks sake. I am sure a fucking tree fell on your cabbage head fuk me its like pulling fucking teeth you thick fuk
Well Im gonna go beat my wife and NOT mow fucking yards.
Good potential I think thoug. Lean and good chest and shoulders especially back. Though small dick. Small arms small legs...jk. But yeh def room for potential. I honestly can't notice any difference in muscle mass beyond pumps for anyone ..then gain I have no idea what's capable when on cycle of actualy mass increase etc..
I should just start mine already but I'm playing around with this keto idea and seeing what I can make happen with optimal diet..I always knew about it. Just never knew that's wht keto diet was I.e the definition etc.. I just don't know if I can gain any mass while on a mainly fat and protein diet and carbs later in the afternoon and or pre and post workout..or will I just gain strength and lose fat...because I know some days I only may be eating around 2500-3300 calories..the calculator says I need 3800 to gain mass according to my stats. But I am for sure eating the right things at the right times to get max benifets
Last edited by Marsoc; 02-12-2017 at 09:05 PM.
Dude I make do with what I have but not going to lie...your plastic weights filled with sand SUcK lmao..seriously. If you got an actual gym pass dude you'd make some leaps in gains. You're limited at. Home regardless unless your earth gym trained .. I broke my cable station at the gym the other day lol..I loaded a plate on the full stack and did tricep press downs ..SNAP!
Last edited by Marsoc; 02-12-2017 at 09:06 PM.
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