There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Let's not forget DELUSIONAL either! Biggest upper lmfao... no proportion nor symmetry...
Now OBS - You need to STOP disrespecting staff at once or they're will be problems! Plus I get more head than your neck lol -
How can you be civil one one minute then off the fuckin chain the next?! I'd say personality disorder low self esteem(b/c everyone else sees what we see but you) and it's eating you up!
Last edited by NACH3; 02-19-2017 at 08:35 AM.
Everyone including staff will banter
Never said he couldn't lol - its obvious he can / the thing is we fuvk around more than your off the wall psychotic posts! There's no in between with you man / one min your cool next your saying shit only one with mental disorders do(nothing bad about disabled people at all) I am(physically) but it doesn't give you the right to talk down - fuckin around is cool but no one knows when you are or aren't! Fact!
Last edited by NACH3; 02-19-2017 at 09:33 AM.
I am king fucking kong to you marcus, no offense to KINKONG I like him. He isn't a pussy brit. I overlook your little gems you leave behind for me sometimes marcus.
By the way, that ab tear I got was from you...
I got all pumped and pissed from your banter and hit the ephedrine, just before I trained my abs for the first time in a decade.
Just thought you might like to know how much you motivate me with your pussy lips flapping at me. Thank you marcus, I like my damn disorder so suck it.
Most people I ignore but for some unknown reason I like you. I cant bear to leave your bullshit unresponded to.
Quit changing your avatar so often that I overlook your smartass comments!
I bet he has a crooked Shepards cane shaped dick also
Double Post.
I'm sure most are aware that 30 min of posing is harder than 60 min of training. This is what brings your detail out. Just because I haven't lifted in 3 days doesn't mean I'm not training.
Never. Never. Underestimate me.
Napoleon, do you see the writing on the wall? This is the worst I'm going to be 4 weeks out.
Last edited by Capebuffalo; 02-19-2017 at 02:53 PM.
How old are you Napoleon?
Attachment 167797 just shy of 3000 calories in one meal, speaking of a fat guy on a couch. Dont know why but I metabolize the hell out of wendy's. Only fast food I can eat and still crap a brick.
I know. I cheated. I literally ate like this every day for years. I had to do a cheat meal for the memories. You are prob right on the blood pressure. My old boss and I would go get miserable at lunch every day. His bp was 2something over something lol. He made a lifestyle change.
I mean honestly you guys can't blame hime..sure he's firing back at everyone's becuase they are talking shit to him non stop. I mean seriously where's the logic. There isn't no right way to respond so he's being a pretty good sport about it actually ..not taking it to heart and taking it with a grain of salt and responding with the same shit talk he's receiving. Not sure how it all started. But either way. If it's was his fault. Ok lesson learned becuase nothing good comes from being a shit talker and apparently you all said fuck it and turned it around on him lol. I think he understands this now.
Either way that's what i think
Its good motivation for us all. I think the shit talking motivates to a point. When I was coming into this tren for the first few weeks I wasnt much of a sport. I like it now. This will be the last time I do tren. It has increased my strength but its killing my motivation. I feel like I could walk through a brick wall but there is no way I am gonna walk all the way over to that wall lol!
Test and deca are my compounds. I wish I had never built this cycle I should have taken the deca and test amounts up and left it at that.
Tren is not for everyone and its not for me.
Attachment 167802 growing boy...
Attachment 167803 Heres one for my buddy euroholic, I put the hat on for you amigo![]()
Attachment 167804
It is time to get some fat off! No offense to bodybuilders anywhere but I like looking like this. I get so many eyes looking like this...
Once again thank you cape for starting this competition. I have felt pretty blah lately, every time I dont want to work my ass off though I remember you guys and shove on harder.
Last edited by Obs; 02-19-2017 at 11:19 PM.
Lol,fuck that ..Tren sounds like the perfect bodybuilding compound. I heard this body builder dude at my gym (dude was stacked) he said "only cardio you will catch him doing is running back in line for the buffet". Wtf does it do. Why does it's make you have no energy? I would hate that shit then
The things you hear about tren are true. If you react well to it you will love it more than anything. I didnt react well though. Deca is my 19 nor, tren makes this guy too darn much for himself.
On deca and test I am a king. There is no recreational drug that could make me feel that good. I have quit smoking on tren which didnt help and I have been on for way way too long with less than a month break only between cycles. This didnt help. I have acne so bad I am scared to get naked in front of my girlfriend because it will be an all out pop fest and that shit hurts.
I am on two 19 nors which may be fucking with me too. I never got roid rage but this shit makes being mad feel like an orgasm. I always keep myself in check constantly on cycle but.... this crap makes me moody.
I think the bottom line is tren or any aas will get different reactions with different people. I know I built a shit cycle but I just know its the tren because I never had issue at all before. I do like how strong it makes me though.
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